
[bæk]     [bæk]    
  • n. 後面;背脊;靠背;後背;後衛
  • vt. 支持;後退
  • adv. 向後地
  • adj. 向後的;後面的;偏遠的;過時的;積欠的
backless backed backed backing backs



n. (名詞)
  1. 後部,後面
  2. 末尾
  3. 背脊,脊
  4. 靠背
  5. 後衛,後衛球員
  6. 椅背
  7. 反面,裡面
  8. 體力
  9. 【造船】(船的)龍骨
  10. 襯墊
  11. 底座
adv. (副詞)
  1. 向後
  2. 以前,從前
  3. 回原處,在原處
  4. 歸,還
  5. 退,倒,後退地
  6. 追溯,往回
  7. 止住
  8. 延緩
  9. 回,返
  10. 回復原狀
  11. 在後面
  12. 向背面
  13. 回頭
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 偏僻的
  2. 過去的
  3. 到期未付的,拖欠的
  4. 向後的,向後動的
  5. 過期的
  6. 【語】舌根音的
  7. 後部的,背部的,後面的
  8. 邊遠的,邊陲的
  9. 回程的
  10. 逆的
  11. 落後的
v. (動詞)
  1. 後退,倒退,退後
  2. 支持
  3. 打賭,下睹注於
  4. 使倒退,使後退
  5. 援助,贊助,幫助,資助
  6. 裱褙,裱(畫)
  7. 背書
  8. 避免(做討厭的事)
  9. 放棄
  10. 逆行
  11. 反(時針)轉
  12. 來來去去,翻來覆去
  13. 給...裝背襯,給...加襯裡,作…的襯裡
  14. 裝上(椅)背
  15. 作的背景
  16. 給...做後援
  17. 慫恿
  18. 【海】(風)逆時針轉向
  19. 伴奏,伴奏
  20. 在…背後加固
  21. 位於(某物)的後面,站在後面
  22. 襯托
  23. 背朝
  24. 由於對手的差錯而進入(有利地位)


n. (名詞)
  1. [S]後部,反面 part or surface of an object that is furthest from the front; part that is less used, less visible or less important
  2. [C]背,背部 rear part of the human body from the neck to the buttocks
  3. [C]椅背 part of a chair against which a seated person's back rests; part of a garment covering the back
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)後退,(使)倒退 (cause to) go backward
  2. vt. 支持 support
adj. (形容詞)
  1. [A]後邊的 situated behind
  2. [A]過去的,過期的 of or for a past time
  3. [A]遲交的,欠交的 owed for a time in the past; overdue
  4. [A]後母音的 (of a vowel) formed at the back of the mouth
adv. (副詞)
  1. 往後,在後面 towards or at the rear; away from the front or centre
  2. 控制住,忍住 under control
  3. 恢復; 上溯 in an earlier position, condition or stage; into the past
  4. 回報 in return


  1. the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine;

    "his back was nicely tanned"

  2. the side that goes last or is not normally seen;

    "he wrote the date on the back of the photograph"

  3. the part of something that is furthest from the normal viewer;

    "he stood at the back of the stage"
    "it was hidden in the rear of the store"

  4. (football) a person who plays in the backfield

  5. the series of vertebrae forming the axis of the skeleton and protecting the spinal cord;

    "the fall broke his back"

  6. the protective covering on the front, back, and spine of a book;

    "the book had a leather binding"

  7. the part of a garment that covers the back of your body;

    "they pinned a `kick me' sign on his back"

  8. a support that you can lean against while sitting;

    "the back of the dental chair was adjustable"

  9. (American football) the position of a player on a football team who is stationed behind the line of scrimmage

  1. related to or located at the back;

    "the back yard"
    "the back entrance"

  2. located at or near the back of an animal;

    "back (or hind) legs"
    "the hinder part of a carcass"

  3. of an earlier date;

    "back issues of the magazine"

  1. in or to or toward a former location;

    "she went back to her parents' house"

  2. at or to or toward the back or rear;

    "he moved back"
    "tripped when he stepped backward"
    "she looked rearward out the window of the car"

  3. in or to or toward an original condition;

    "he went back to sleep"

  4. in or to or toward a past time;

    "set the clocks back an hour"
    "never look back"
    "lovers of the past looking fondly backward"

  5. in reply;

    "he wrote back three days later"

  6. in repayment or retaliation;

    "we paid back everything we had borrowed"
    "he hit me and I hit him back"
    "I was kept in after school for talking back to the teacher"

  1. be behind; approve of;

    "He plumped for the Labor Party"
    "I backed Kennedy in 1960"

  2. travel backward;

    "back into the driveway"
    "The car backed up and hit the tree"

  3. give support or one's approval to;

    "I'll second that motion"
    "I can't back this plan"
    "endorse a new project"

  4. cause to travel backward;

    "back the car into the parking spot"

  5. support financial backing for;

    "back this enterprise"

  6. be in back of;

    "My garage backs their yard"

  7. place a bet on;

    "Which horse are you backing?"
    "I'm betting on the new horse"

  8. shift to a counterclockwise direction;

    "the wind backed"

  9. establish as valid or genuine;

    "Can you back up your claims?"

  10. strengthen by providing with a back or backing



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Three people can sit in the back of this car.
  2. It encouraged him to talk because his back had stiffened in the night and it hurt truly now.
  3. You'll make your back ache if you carry those heavy buckets.
  4. John plays back in the team.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. I'll back you up no matter what's happening.
  2. I found no evidence to back your interpretation.
  3. You'll have to back the car up into the garage.
  4. He refused to back away from his position.
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. Slacken your legs and slowly lie back.
    放鬆雙腿, 慢慢向後躺下。
  2. Stand back! You're stepping on my toes.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. The kangaroo uses its back legs to jump.
  2. I bought some back issues of science magazines yesterday.


用作名詞 (n.)
at the back of
    支持 support
at the back of mind
    在內心中 in one's thoughts, but without being of immediate or central concern
back be to the wall
    處於絕境 in difficulties with no retreat
back to back
    背靠背 back against back
back to front
    前後顛倒 with the back placed where the front should be
back to the drawing-board
    一切從頭再來 restarting from the beginning
be on one's back
    取笑〔煩擾〕某人 annoy, hinder or persecute sb
behind one's back
    背著某人 without sb's knowledge or consent
break the back of
    解決了最艱難的部分 finish the more or most difficult part of sth
get on sb's back
    找某人的麻煩 persecute sb
like the back of a bus
    難看的,醜陋的 ugly
like the back of one's hand
    熟悉 intimately
pat on the back
    對…表示讚揚 praise
    pat sb/oneself on the back

    It can be very embarrassing to have to listen to someone patting you on the back in public.


    Her performance wasn't so wonderful—I don't know what cause she has to pat herself on the back.


    The first minutes of his speech consisted mainly of patting himself on the back.


put one's back into
    竭盡全力 make a strenuous effort
stay on sb's back
    糾纏 be in a tangle
turn one's back on
    背棄 abandon; deliberately ignore
you scratch my back and I will scratch yours
    為了與己方便而給某人以方便; 投之以桃,報之以李 you do me a favour and I will do you one in return
用作動詞 (v.)
back away( v.+adv. )
    不願考慮 be unwilling to consider an idea
    back away

    The crowd backed away to let the wounded man pass through.


    back away from sth

    The child backed away from the fierce dog.


    back away from sth

    I could see she was backing away from the idea.


back down ( v. + adv. )
    退讓,退回去,撤銷(要求等) accept defeat in an argument, opinion, or claim; admit that one was wrong
    back down

    I saw that she was right, so I had to back down.


back into( v. + prep. )
    (使)倒進… (cause to) move back into sth
    back into sth

    Be careful when you back into the garage, the doorway is very narrow.


    back sth into sth

    Next you must learn how to back a car into a parking space.


back onto( v. + prep. )
    後面是,背靠著 be near to or have at the back
    back onto sth

    Our house backs onto a piece of woodland.


    We chose this house because the garden backs onto the tennis courts.


back out( v. + adv. )
    不遵守(諾言、合同等),改變主意 fail to fulfil a promise, contract, etc.; change an idea
    back out

    I hope I can depend on you not to back out at the last moment.


    Please don't try to back out now that everything's been arranged.


    You said you would go; you can't back out now.


    back out of sth

    He would like to back out of the contract, but we can't allow it.


back up( v. + adv. )
    複製 make a copy of
    back sb/sth ⇔ up

    The policeman wouldn't have believed me if you hadn't backed me up.


    He backed up his arguments with facts.


    back sth ⇔ up

    The flood water from the storm backed up the pipes.


    back up

    You'll have to back up and turn around.


    back sth ⇔ up

    Make sure you back up the disk before you turn the computer off.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
take a back seat
    居於次要的地位; 知趣靠邊 adopt an inconspicuous position or role
through the back door
    走後門,通過不正當的秘密途徑 in an unofficial way; indirectly
用作副詞 (adv.)
answer back
back and forth
    來回地 from one place to another and back again repeatedly
get one's own back
    報復have one's revenge
go back on one's word
hold back
keep back
pay back
there and back
    往返,來回 to a place and back again


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作形容詞 (adj.)
用作副詞 (adv.)


  • Down his back from his mane to his tail went a line of black.

    出自: O. Henry
  • She stood with her back against the door feeling the brass handle press against a bone in her spine.

    出自: A. Schlee
  • A small flat back claw, or toe.

    出自: J. Ray
  • Coming unexpectedly from a back parlour into the shop.

    出自: L. Sterne
  • A little morocco box, which..contained the Major's back teeth.

    出自: Thackeray
  • The bomber..might have to travel only 50 the back areas of the German Army to bomb dumps.sssss J. le Carr&eacusc;

    出自: E. C. Shepherd
  • They sat over a pot of tea in the back kitchen.

    出自: F. Forsyth
  • The ashler walls were backed..with rubble stone, or with bricks.

    出自: J. Smeaton
  • The angel of the Lord rolled back the stone.

    出自:Bible (AV): Matthew
  • Back, beardless boy! Back, minion!

    出自: Sir W. Scott
  • I sort of brushed my hair back with my hand.

    出自: J. D. Salinger
  • Looking back when at the gate.

    出自: P. Porter





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