- v. 步行;陪...走;散步;偷走;走过
- n. 步行;散步;人行道
- 散步,慢步走
- 出现,出没
- 挪动
- 轻易取胜
- 走过,走遍
- 【篮球】带球走
- 用常步走
- 踩,踏
- 使行走, 使(马)用常步走
- 走着去
- 带着走,领着走,遛
- 【棒球】因四坏球而自由上垒
- 沿…走
- 陪…走
- 帮助(某人)走
- 推着…走
- 【棒】使(击球员)自由上垒
- 轻易获得
- 【棒】因四坏球而保送一垒
- 【篮】走步
- 陪...走, 陪伴…走,护送…走
- 徒步旅行
- 不翼而飞
- 步行,走 ,行走,徒步
- 散步
- 人行道
- 步行距离
- 步态
- 步法
- 步行场所,散步场
- 徒步旅行
- 走步舞
- 【宇航】环绕天体所作的慢速飞行
- 步程
- 走路时间
- 【运】竞走
- 步道
- vt. & vi. 走,步行,散步 move by putting forward each foot in turn, not having both feet off the ground at once
- [C] 步行,散步 journey on foot
- [S] 行走的路程 distance of this
- [S] 步态 manner or style of walking; gait
- [C] 步行的路径 path or route for walking
the act of traveling by foot;
"walking is a healthy form of exercise"
(baseball) an advance to first base by a batter who receives four balls;
"he worked the pitcher for a base on balls"
manner of walking;
"he had a funny walk"
the act of walking somewhere;
"he took a walk after lunch"
a path set aside for walking;
"after the blizzard he shoveled the front walk"
a slow gait of a horse in which two feet are always on the ground
careers in general;
"it happens in all walks of life"
use one's feet to advance; advance by steps;
"Walk, don't run!"
"We walked instead of driving"
"She walks with a slight limp"
"The patient cannot walk yet"
"Walk over to the cabinet"
accompany or escort;
"I'll walk you to your car"
obtain a base on balls
traverse or cover by walking;
"Walk the tightrope"
"Paul walked the streets of Damascus"
"She walks 3 miles every day"
give a base on balls to
live or behave in a specified manner;
"walk in sadness"
be or act in association with;
"We must walk with our dispossessed brothers and sisters"
"Walk with God"
walk at a pace;
"The horses walked across the meadow"
make walk;
"He walks the horse up the mountain"
"Walk the dog twice a day"
take a walk; go for a walk; walk for pleasure;
"The lovers held hands while walking"
"We like to walk every Sunday"
- I missed the bus and had to walk home.
我没赶上公共汽车,只好走回家。 - The car's kaput we'll have to walk.
汽车坏了--我们只好步行。 - I will walk you home.
我陪你走回家。 - The children walk down the street hand in hand.
孩子们手拉手地在街上散步。 - Somebody has walked off with my pen.
有人把我的钢笔偷走了。 - He just walked the street.
- After running for two miles he got to a walk.
他跑了2公里后开始步行。 - Every morning he will have a walk along this river.
每天早晨,他总会沿着这条河散步。 - The path through the forest is one of my favorite walks.
- walk about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)
在人群中自由走动 walk in the crowd freeIs it safe for the President to walk about without a guard?总统不带卫士在人群中自由走动安全吗?
- walk abroad
到处蔓延 be common and uncontrolledViolence walks abroad in our great cities.在我们的大城市里,暴力行为到处蔓延。
- walk ahead (v.+adv.)
走在前面 walk in front
walk aheadWhen the first trains ran, a man would walk ahead carrying a red flag.
Why do you always walk ahead of me when we walk together?
- walk away (v.+adv.)
走开 leave on foot
walk awayI didn't approve of what she was saying, so I walked away.
The bear thought he was dead and walked away.
Should you meet a jaguar in the jungle, just turn slowly, walk away.But slowly, never look back.
walk sb ⇔ awayHe put his arm round me and walked me away .
- walk away from (v.+adv.+prep.)
安然脱身 survive (an accident) with little or no injury〔说明〕 walk away from通常不用于进行体。
- walk away〔off〕 with (v.+adv.+prep.)
〈非正〉在(演出)中引人注目 take attention from the rest of (a performance)A new actor in a minor role almost walked away with the picture.这部影片中一个演配角的新演员几乎把观众的注意力都吸引过去了。
- walk back (v.+adv.)
送…回家 take sb home on foot
walk backI missed the last bus home, and had to walk back.
walk sb ⇔ backDon't worry about going home in the dark,Jim will walk you back.
- walk in (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉轻易地找到工作(常指在有竞争的情况下) get a job, position, place on a course, etc., very easily〔说明〕 walk in通常不用于进行体。
- walk into (v.+prep.)
〈非正〉痛骂,申斥 scold; attackHe walked into us all when we least expected it.我们一点儿也没想到他竟把我们大家大骂了一顿。
- walk off1 (v.+adv.)
用走路来消除 get rid of by walking
walk offThey walked off at last.
We said good-bye, then he turned and walked off without another word.
walk sth ⇔ offSmall farmers in that country are facing a severe crisis and many are walking off their farms.
walk sb ⇔ offThe policeman walked John off.
walk sth ⇔ offI have to walk off this ache in my knee.
He tried to walk off the effect of the drink.
They started back in a mood of depression, but had walked it off before they got home.
- walk off2 (v.+prep.)
使(某人)走长路而累得精疲力竭 tire sb very much with long walking; be better able to walk for a long time
walk sb off one's feet〔legs〕The young man walked his mother off her feet because he was so eager to show her everything in the city.
My mother, in spite of her age, is so healthy that she can still walk me off my feet.
If you want to leisurely stroll through the museum, don't take that guide, she will walk all of you off your feet.
You've walked me off my legs.
- walk on1 (v.+adv.)
担任小角色,跑龙套 have a small part in a stage play, a television programme or motion pictureI didn't have much to do in the play,I just walked on in the second act.我在剧中的戏不多,仅仅是在第二幕中扮演一个小角色。
- walk on2 (v.+prep.)
飘飘然; 得意洋洋; 欢天喜地 complacent; be immensely proud; be wild with joy〔说明〕 walk on通常用于进行体。
walk on sthI like walking on grass rather than paths, it's so much softer.
walk on sb/sthWhy do you let him walk on you like that all the time?
It's difficult not to walk on her feelings, as her sensitivity is so much finer than other people's.
walk on eggshellsWhy are you walking on eggshells?I'm not sensitive about that matter any more.
She always walks on eggshells around her boss.
walk on airHe was so happy when he heard he had been accepted for the post that he felt he was walking on air.
On hearing the news she was so elated that she felt herself walking on air.
He walked on air for getting a high mark.
- walk out (v.+adv.)
谈恋爱 court; fall in love with
walk outThe man who has just walked out is Tom.
I think I'll walk out for a little while to get a breath of fresh air.
walk outThe workers walked out yesterday when their demands for a rise in their pay were rejected.
Construction workers walked out in protest at the sacking of bricklayers over 50.
walk outThe speaker had an obvious prejudice against women, so all the female participants walked out of the meeting room.
The representatives of the offended country walked out when the opposing speaker took the floor.
walk out to-vRepresentatives of six nations walked out to show their opposition to the vote.6
walk sb ⇔ outShe walked the child out.
walk outDuring the first weeks of basic training recruits are not permitted to walk out.
walk outJohn and Mary are walking out together.
- walk out on (v.+adv.+prep.)
离开以示反对(某人或某事) leave so as to show one's opposition to (sb/sth)Half the committee walked out on the chairman while he was still speaking.当主席仍在讲话时,委员会的半数成员便离席以示抗议。
- walk over1 (v.+adv.)
把…带到另一地方 take sth or lead sb on foot to another place
walk overWalk over and look in the window.
walk overLet's not take the car, we can easily walk over.
He walked over to the window to read the letter more easily.
walk sb/sth ⇔ overI'll walk you over to your place, you shouldn't go alone on such a dark night.
- walk over2 (v.+prep.)
轻而易举地胜过 have an easy victory over in a race, contest, etc.Team B walked over Team A in the basketball match yesterday, the final score being 95∶50.在昨天那场篮球赛中,乙队以九十五比五十的比分轻取甲队。
- walk round (v.+adv.)
把…带〔领〕到 take sth or lead sb on foot to another place
walk roundShall we walk round to your aunt's house, or take the car?
walk sb/sth ⇔ roundWhy don't you walk the dog round for half an hour or so?It'll give you some exercise, and probably calm you.
- walk through (v.+prep.)
敷衍了事地做完 deal with or carry out perfunctorilyTom walked through a test, and went out to play.汤姆草草地做完测验题,就出去玩去了。
- walk together (v.+adv.)
和睦相处; 协调一致 keep pleasant company; be in agreementIt's unusual for people of such different political opinions to be able to walk together.这些持有不同政见的人能够和睦相处是不寻常的。
- walk up (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉请进 please enter
walk upThere's a little train to take you to the top of the hill, but I'd rather walk up.
The old man walked up slowly.
walk sth ⇔ upIf you walk up the street, you'll see many shops.
I was walking up Zhong Shan Road when I suddenly heard someone calling me from behind.
walk upTom shouted:“walk up, ladies and gentlemen, and see our wonderful collection of freaks.”
- walk up to (v.+adv.+prep.)
走近,走向 approach
walk up to sbA stranger walked up to me and asked me the time.
Joan walked up to her husband and sat down.
- walk with (v.+prep.)
与(某人)作伴行走 go on foot in the company of sb
walk with sbI'll walk with you as far as the bus stop.
- at a walk
用常步 using the normal pace
- go (out) for a walk
出去散步 go out for a walk; go out for a stroll
- in a walk
轻而易举地 easy to do
- on a walk
在散步 going out for a stroll
- take a walk
散步 have a walk
- walk of life
行业,…类的人 person's occupation, profession or rank
- walk a boundary 步行划边界
- walk a step 走一步
- walk district 走过这个地区
- walk hospitals 作医生
- walk last city blocks 走过最后几个街区
- walk mark 举止得体
- walk plank 被迫辞职,被迫放弃
- walk sb's dog 遛狗
- walk sb's rounds 巡回
- walk the chalk 举止得体
- walk the floor 走在地板上
- walk the horse 遛马
- walk the streets 在街头行走,做娼妓
- walk this deck 走过甲板
- walk tracks 巡道,查看轨道
- walk village 走过村庄
- walk alone 独自地走
- walk much 走许多路
- walk abstractedly 漫步
- walk aimlessly 无目的地行走
- walk blindly 盲目走动
- walk briskly 轻快地走
- walk calmly 平静地走开
- walk cavalierly 自由自在地散步
- walk characteristically 有一定特点地走路
- walk deliberately 谨慎地行走
- walk erectly 直立行走
- walk gently 轻手轻脚地走
- walk gingerly 小心翼翼地行走
- walk gracefully 步态优美地走
- walk haphazardly 漫步
- walk heavily 脚步沉重地走
- walk honestly 行为正直
- walk jauntily 洋洋得意地走
- walk lazily 慢吞吞地走
- walk meekly 温顺地走开
- walk musingly 沉思地踱步
- walk mutely 不说话地走路
- walk quickly 迅速行走
- walk rapidly 迅速行走
- walk reflectively 沉思踱步
- walk restlessly 得不到休息地步行
- walk sedately 稳步地走
- walk slowly 缓步慢行
- walk softly 轻手轻脚地行走
- walk spirally 螺旋形移动
- walk strenuously 艰苦地行走
- walk tempestuously 剧烈地行走
- walk unsteadily 不稳定地走
- walk untiringly 不厌倦地走
- walk warily 谨慎行事
- walk wearily 疲乏地走
- walk about 漫步,散步
- walk along 一路走
- walk away (使)走开
- walk back 往回走
- walk down 通过散步消除…
- walk far 走得很远
- walk forth 朝前走
- walk in 走入,擅自入内
- walk off 走开,用走路来减轻(疼痛等)
- walk on 再向前走
- walk out 走出去,罢工,退席抗议
- walk over 走到另一地方,轻易取胜
- walk away from 在比赛中轻而易举地获胜
- walk away with 把…偷走,顺手拿走
- walk off with 把…偷走,顺手拿走
- walk out of 从…走出,从…退席
- walk out of a meeting 退出会议
- walk across 步行穿过
- walk across the street 步行横过街道
- walk along 沿着…走
- walk along a river bank 沿着河岸走
- walk along the street 沿着街走
- walk around 绕…走
- walk around a house 绕房子走
- walk by 走过…
- walk down 沿着…向前走
- walk down the street 沿着街向前走
- walk from 从…出发步行
- walk in one's sleep 梦游
- walk in the country 在乡间行走
- walk into 走进,狼吞虎咽地吃,走动时无意中撞上〔碰到〕(某物)
- walk into a glass door 不小心碰到玻璃门上
- walk into a room 走进房间
- walk into an ambush 走进埋伏圈
- walk on 在…上走
- walk on air 高兴
- walk on the sidewalk 在人行道上行走
- walk on the wet floor 在湿地板上走
- walk over 不服从(某人),轻率地对待(某人)
- walk past 走过…
- walk past the library 走过图书馆
- walk round 绕…走
- walk through 步行穿过,帮助…干完
- walk through a puddle 淌过水坑
- walk through the park 步行穿过公园
- walk sb through the procedure 协助某人办完了手续
- walk to 步行至
- walk upon one's hands 倒立着走
- walk with a slight limp 走路有点跛脚
- walk with big strides 大踏步走
- beautify walk 美化人行道
- block walk 封锁步道
- border walk 给人行道划边线
- bound walk 划定步道
- circle walk 圈定步行处
- elevate walk 提升职务
- enclose walk 把散步处圈起来
- enjoy a walk 愿意散步,享受散步之乐
- go a walk 散步
- go for a walk 去散步
- go on a walk 去散步
- have a walk 散步
- intersect walk 与人行道相交
- make a walk 散步
- occupy walk 侵占人行道
- parallel walk 与人行道平行
- pave walk 铺设人行道
- promenade walk 散步
- repair walk 修理步道
- shade walk 绿化人行道
- take a walk 散步
- full day's walk 一整天的步行
- aimless walk 无目标的散步
- awkward walk 笨拙的走路姿势
- beautiful walk 优美的走路姿势
- brisk walk 轻快的步态
- cheerful walk 令人愉快的散步
- constitutional walk 保健散步,增强体质的散步
- contemplative walk 沉思的踱步
- cultured walk 陶冶性情的散步
- dark walk 在黑暗中散步
- dragging walk 拖着脚走路的步态
- easy walk 轻松的散步
- enrapturing walk 令人欣喜若狂的散步
- exhilarating walk 令人高兴的散步
- fatiguing walk 疲倦的散步
- glorious walk 愉快的散步
- graceful walk 优美的步态
- haphazard walk 任意走
- hedge-lined walk 在栅栏圈里散步
- humble walk 低三下四的走路
- imposing walk 堂堂正正的走路
- lazy walk 慢吞吞的散步
- leisurely walk 不慌不忙的步态
- lingering walk 消磨时间的散步
- long walk 长时间散步
- lumbering walk 沉重的步伐
- measured walk 整齐的步伐
- mincing walk 从容不迫的散步
- moderate walk 稳健的步伐
- obscure walk 不引人注目的散步
- outdoor walk 户外散步
- pleasant walk 愉快的散步
- pretty walk 愉快的散步
- public walk 公共道路
- restless walk 无休止的徒步行走
- rhythmic walk 有节奏的步伐
- roaming walk 漫步
- rolling walk 摇晃的步伐
- romantic walk 浪漫的散步
- rough walk 艰难的行走
- royal walk 堂而皇之走路
- sanguine walk 自信的步伐
- sauntering walk 漫步
- shady walk 在阴凉处散步
- sharp walk 敏捷的步子
- short walk 短途步行
- silent walk 静悄悄的走步
- slow walk 慢行
- solar walk 日光下散步
- solitary walk 孤独的散步
- spacious walk 空间行走
- springy walk 轻快步伐
- strenuous walk 艰苦的徒步走
- sunny walk 令人愉快的散步
- tangling walk 紊乱的步伐
- tremendous walk 运动量大的徒步旅行
- umbrageous walk 多荫的人行道
- undulating walk 无节奏的步伐
- ungainly walk 笨拙的走路的样子
- vigorous walk 活泼的步态
- visionary walk 梦游
- weary walk 疲惫的步伐
- willowy walk 柳树下散步
- windywalk 风天里的步行
- side walk 人行道
- ten-minutes' walk 十分钟的路程
- underground walk 地下通道
- at a walk 用普通步子
- by one' s walk 按某人走路的样子
- for a short walk 只是走走
- in a walk 轻而易举地
- drop into a walk 转为步行
- fall into a walk 改成常步行走
- walk around the block 绕着街区的散步
- walk by moonlight 月下散步
- walk from 从…出发的步行
- walk in the park 公园里的散步
- all walks of life 各界,各行各业,三教九流
- every walk of life 各行各业
- walk to 至…的步行
- walk under the shade of trees 树阴下散步
Taking her for long weekend walks in the park.
出自: Sara Maitland -
Would ye rob the man before his body? Nay, he would walk!
出自: R. L. Stevenson
- 今日热词
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