a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality;
"they performed with great polish"
"I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose"
"almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art"
the result of improving something;
"he described a refinement of this technique"
the process of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.)
a subtle difference in meaning or opinion or attitude;
"without understanding the finer nuances you can't enjoy the humor"
"don't argue about shades of meaning"
the quality of excellence in thought and manners and taste;
"a man of intellectual refinement"
"he is remembered for his generosity and civilization"
That grace and refinement, that divine spark of creativity, had gone to oblivion. 那些中国文化中曾有的,拥有无限的创造力的优雅和精致已经消失无踪。
Good manners and correct speech are marks of refinement. 彬彬有礼和谈吐得体是文雅的标志。
Her mother is a woman with great refinement. 她母亲是一个非常文雅的女人。
Nine further Porsche Models will undergo the same, unique refinement process to continue the creative adding value made by VISUALIS. 九种进一步的保时捷款式,将会进行相同、独特的改良程序以延续由VISUALIS做出的创造性附加价值。
It is a refinement of the Nash equilibrium concept. 它是纳什均衡概念的一种精炼。
Gasoline is produced by the refinement of petroleum. 汽油是由石油经过提炼生产出来的。
The whole science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday thinking. 全部科学只不过是对日常思维的提炼。