- v. 拖;接近;画;提取;拉;绘制
- n. 平局;抽签;拉;拽;吸引人的事物
- 领取,提取,获取
- 拉,牵, 曳,拖
- 推断出
- 打成平局,不分胜负
- 草拟,制定
- 开支票
- 引起,招来,吸引
- 划(线),画(图),绘画,绘制;描绘,描写
- 移动,行驶,挨近,靠近,来临
- (烟囱等)通风
- (牙齿等)被拔出,拔枪,拔剑,抽刀,张弓
- 支取存款
- (船)吃(水)
- 拉(小提琴的弓等)
- 汲取,领取,获取
- 从(容器等中)倒出(物品)
- 取出…的内脏
- 抽(签),(抽签)决定
- 抽签
- 精彩节目
- 拉,牵引,拖,吸
- 【体】平局,和局
- 有吸引力的人或物
- 吊桥的开合部分
- <美>抽烟
- 拔出,拔牙,拔刀,拔枪,开弓
- 【医】吸脓
- vt. & vi. 绘画,画 make pictures; design with a pen, chalk
- vt. & vi. 拖,拉 move by pulling after or behind
- vt. & vi. 拔出,取出,抽出 take out by pulling
- vt. 提取,汲取,领取 pull or take sth out of a place
- vt. 引起,吸引 attract; cause to come or be directed towards
- vt. 推断出 know sth from other things
- vi. 移动,来临 come
- vi. 打成平局,不分胜负 end a game or competition with the same marks, etc. for both sides
- [S]抽奖,抽签 act of picking at random tickets in a lottery, matches in a tournament, etc.
- [C]平局,不分胜负 result of a game in which neither player or side wins
- [C]有吸引力的人或事物 person or thing that attracts people
- [C]吸烟 act of drawing at a cigarette, pipe, etc.
a gully that is shallower than a ravine
an entertainer who attracts large audiences;
"he was the biggest drawing card they had"
the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided;
"the game ended in a draw"
"their record was 3 wins, 6 losses and a tie"
anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random;
"the luck of the draw"
"they drew lots for it"
a playing card or cards dealt or taken from the pack;
"he got a pair of kings in the draw"
a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer;
"he took lessons to cure his hooking"
(American football) the quarterback moves back as if to pass and then hands the ball to the fullback who is running toward the line of scrimmage
poker in which a player can discard cards and receive substitutes from the dealer;
"he played only draw and stud"
the act of drawing or hauling something;
"the haul up the hill went very slowly"
cause to move by pulling;
"draw a wagon"
"pull a sled"
get or derive;
"He drew great benefits from his membership in the association"
make a mark or lines on a surface;
"draw a line"
"trace the outline of a figure in the sand"
make, formulate, or derive in the mind;
"I draw a line here"
"draw a conclusion"
"draw parallels"
"make an estimate"
"What do you make of his remarks?"
bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover;
"draw a weapon"
"pull out a gun"
"The mugger pulled a knife on his victim"
represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface;
"She drew an elephant"
"Draw me a horse"
take liquid out of a container or well;
"She drew water from the barrel"
give a description of;
"He drew an elaborate plan of attack"
select or take in from a given group or region;
"The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population"
elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.;
"The President's comments drew sharp criticism from the Republicans"
"The comedian drew a lot of laughter"
suck in or take (air);
"draw a deep breath"
"draw on a cigarette"
move or go steadily or gradually;
"The ship drew near the shore"
remove (a commodity) from (a supply source);
"She drew $2,000 from the account"
"The doctors drew medical supplies from the hospital's emergency bank"
choose at random;
"draw a card"
"cast lots"
earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher;
"He drew a base on balls"
bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition;
"She was drawn to despair"
"The President refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum"
"The session was drawn to a close"
cause to flow;
"The nurse drew blood"
write a legal document or paper;
"The deed was drawn in the lawyer's office"
engage in drawing;
"He spent the day drawing in the garden"
move or pull so as to cover or uncover something;
"draw the shades"
"draw the curtains"
allow a draft;
"This chimney draws very well"
require a specified depth for floating;
"This boat draws 70 inches"
pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him;
"in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes"
cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense;
"A declining dollar pulled down the export figures for the last quarter"
take in, also metaphorically;
"The sponge absorbs water well"
"She drew strength from the minister's words"
direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes;
"Her good looks attract the stares of many men"
"The ad pulled in many potential customers"
"This pianist pulls huge crowds"
"The store owner was happy that the ad drew in many new customers"
thread on or as if on a string;
"string pearls on a string"
"the child drew glass beads on a string"
"thread dried cranberries"
stretch back a bowstring (on an archer's bow);
"The archers were drawing their bows"
pass over, across, or through;
"He ran his eyes over her body"
"She ran her fingers along the carved figurine"
"He drew her hair through his fingers"
finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.;
"The teams drew a tie"
"The material drew after it was washed in hot water"
reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die;
"draw wire"
steep; pass through a strainer;
"draw pulp from the fruit"
remove the entrails of;
"draw a chicken"
flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching;
"draw steel"
cause to localize at one point;
"Draw blood and pus"
- The horses draw the wagon.
马拖货车。 - Our car broke down and we had to draw it to a garage.
我们的车坏了, 不得不把它拖到修车厂去。 - The season was drawing to its dusty end.
喧嚣纷扰的社交季节逐渐接近尾声。 - Mary drew a house on the paper.
玛丽在纸上画了一栋房子。 - I'll draw some money from my account.
我要提取一些存款。 - Will you draw the curtain across the window?
把窗帘拉上好吗? - His work is to draw up plans for an extension.
- They had been dueling for hours and finally called a draw.
他们一直决斗了数小时,最后打成平局。 - French official argued with the organizers over the draw.
法国队官员就抽签的事同比赛组织者发生了争执。 - Draw your chair up to the table.
把你的椅子拉到桌子旁边来。 - A live band is always a good draw at a party.
- draw alongside( v.+adv. )
来到(车、船等)旁停下 come to rest next to (sth such as a ship)
draw alongsideA police car drew alongside and signalled to me to stop.
A pilot boat drew alongside.
draw sth alongsideDraw the ship alongside and we will help you aboard.
- draw apart( v.+adv. )
离开,分手; 不和 move, think, or live in separate ways
draw sth ⇔ apartCan you draw the curtains apart?
Draw the curtains apart, and let in the sunlight.
Draw the curtains apart, it is day now.
draw apartAfter twelve years of marriage, they began to draw apart.
They used to be such good friends, but recently they have drawn apart.
The two political parties are drawing apart .
- draw aside( v.+adv. )
把某人叫到一边说悄悄话 take (sb) on one side for private conversation
- draw at( v.+prep. )
吸(烟斗) suck at or draw smoke through (usually a pipe)
draw at sthHe never stopped drawing at his pipe.
Harold drew at his pipe while he considered what decision to make.
- draw away( v.+adv. )
在竞争中领先于他人或物 move ahead of sb/sth, as a competitor
draw awayHe began to draw away.
She drew away from him when he tried to kiss her.
The car drew away as we approached.
The crowd cheered as the ship drew slowly away.
draw sth ⇔ awayShe put her hand on his shoulder and then drew it away.
I quickly drew my hand away from the hot stove.
draw awayThe two were neck and neck up till the 500-metre mark, but after that John began to draw away from Bill.
The best runner was beginning to draw away .
In this match he drew away.
The faster car drew away.
- draw back( v.+adv. )
收回,撤回(诺言等) be unwilling to fulfil (a promise)
draw sth ⇔ backHe drew back the curtain.
Drawing the sheet back, he could see that the man was dead.
draw backAt the sight of the snake, the girl drew back.
The crowd drew back and let the firemen through.
The children drew back from the dog when it barked at them.
The dog didn't draw back at the sight of the strangers.
The crowd drew back in terror as the building crashed to the ground.
The mouse drew back in terror as the cat sprang.
Neither side can draw back from the agreement once the contract is signed.
draw backShe has drawn back from us all and we don't know why.
draw backIt may already be too late to draw back.
The firm drew back from its agreement and wanted to talk about a new contract.
- draw down( v.+adv. )
招来,惹起 attract; invite (sth bad)
- draw for( v.+prep. )
抽签决定谁将得到… decide who gets (sth/sb) by chance, as by choosing a card unseen or pulling pieces of paper out of a box
draw for sb/sthBefore we start the card game, let's draw for partners.
Let's draw for the right to drink first.
Now it's time to draw for the big prize!
Many people came here and drew for the prize.
- draw forth( v.+adv. )
显示出; 引出,博得 cause (sth) to be seen or used
- draw from( v.+prep. )
从…召集或选择 gather or choose (people) from (somewhere or a group)
- draw in( v.+adv. )
在(花钱)上节省,节省开支 be careful about (spending money)
draw sth ⇔ inThe snail drew in its feelers.
Draw in a deep breath and let it out slowly.
draw sb/sth ⇔ inHis lecture yesterday drew in a large crowd.
His play is drawing in large crowds every night.
Her beauty drew in many men.
The beautiful flowers drew in many bees.
draw inAs I reached the ticket barrier, the Beijing train was just drawing in.
draw inThe car drew in when it was broken.
draw sth ⇔ inThe broken bus was drawn in.
draw inHours passed and the day drew in.
draw inThe days begin to draw in after the summer solstice.
In autumn the days begin to draw in.
The days are drawing in now that it is autumn.
draw sth ⇔ inNext year the bank will draw in some of the money it has lent.
draw sth ⇔ inIf prices continue to rise, we shall have to draw in our spending even further.
I have spent all my income for the month and will have to draw in it.
- draw into( v.+prep. )
把…拉进,吸引进 encourage (sb) to join (sth); attract (sb/sth) into (sth)
draw into sthThe train is just drawing into the station; if we hurry we can catch it.
draw sb/sth into sthThey drew me into the activity.
It's your private quarrel, don't try to draw me into it.
He drew her into the discussion.
The funny story drew him into it.
The diaphragm draws air into the lungs.
They were forced to be drawn into the fight.
My brother was drawn into a fight outside the hotel.
The lawyer refused to be drawn into such a shady case.
Almost all the people were drawn into the patriotic health and sanitation campaign.
- draw near( v.+adv. )
即将来临 be about to happen soon
- draw off( v.+adv. )
使转移掉 turn (sth) aside
draw sth ⇔ offHelp me to draw off these muddy boots.
Draw off your gloves!
I want to draw off the clothes.
May I draw off this clothes here?
draw sb/sth ⇔ offQuickly, draw off some hot water before the pipes burst.
He drew off a pint of beer from the barrel.
Doctors were able to draw off the matter which had collected near the wound.
The pressure inside one of the casks was building up and some liquid had to be drawn off.
draw offThe soldiers drew off and waited for the next attack.
The enemy drew off as soon as we made a show of superior strength.
draw sth ⇔ offWe have orders to draw off our forces.
draw sth ⇔ offA sudden shout drew the policeman's attention off, and the prisoner escaped.
- draw on1( v.+adv. )
鼓励,鼓动(某人) encourage (sb), as to talk, move, act, etc.
draw sth ⇔ onHe quickly drew on his football shoes and rushed to the ground.
Help me to draw on these boots, they're very tight.
The man drew on his trousers hurriedly.
draw onIt grew colder as night drew on.
As midnight drew on, the party became more boisterous.
As winter drew on, we felt the lack of an efficient way of heating the house.
draw sb/sth onThe feeling that he was near his destination drew him on.
Her refusal only drew her lover on.
They drew the poor child on with false promises.
Try to draw the animals on so that they fall into the trap.
- draw on2〔upon〕( v.+prep. )
(在赛马中)赶上,接近(其他竞争对手) (especially in horseracing) reach; begin to come level with (another competitor)
draw on〔upon〕 sthYou cannot draw on the wall.
He was drawing on the window of the bus with his finger.
Children like drawing on large sheets of paper.
The little boy is drawing upon the table.
draw sth on〔upon〕 sthAll the pictures were drawn on the blackboard.
The plans were drawn upon the back of an envelope.
draw on〔upon〕 sb/sthI shall have to draw on the money I have saved to pay for the holiday.
We draw on her experience throughout the project.
A writer has to draw upon his imagination and experience.
draw on〔upon〕 sbFeel free to draw on me for anything you need.
Draw upon me if you need.
draw on〔upon〕 sb/sthHe would not draw on his teacher forever.
Black Prince is beginning to draw upon the leading horse.
- draw out( v.+adv. )
从银行提(款) take (money) from a bank account
draw sth ⇔ outHe drew out his notebook and began to take notes.
He put his hand in the drawer, and drew out a gun.
She put her hand in her pocket and drew out her wallet.
I drew out my savings before the summer holidays began.
I shall have to draw out some more money to pay for that new television set.
draw sth ⇔ outThe child drew out the piece of elastic till it measured a yard.
He heated the metal and drew it out into a long wire.
draw sth ⇔ outThe politician drew out his speech to almost two hours.
He drew his speech out until everyone was bored.
She drew the interview out to over an hour.
They didn't want to draw the battle out.
The discussion was long drawn out.
The battle was long drawn out.
The time has been drawn out.
draw outThe days begin to draw out after the winter solstice.
The days are drawing out now that it is spring.
Thank goodness the days are drawing out again,I'm so sick of the winter.
draw out of sthWhen all the passengers were on board, the train drew out of the station.
The train drew out of the station.
The last train was drawing out of the station as I ran into the station.
British forces will be drawn out of the troubled area.
draw outSuddenly the car in front of us drew out and nearly caused an accident.
There are two cars drawing out.
draw sth ⇔ outThe committee drew out a plan for the reorganization, without showing any details.
draw sth ⇔ outPlenty of money often draws out the worst in people.
draw sb ⇔ outMary is very quiet; try to draw her out at the party.
She's very shy but he managed to draw her out.
He had told her funny stories; he had drawn her out, he had made her laugh.
draw sb/sth ⇔ outHe has many interesting stories of his travels if you can draw him out.
I was able to draw his story out of him by patient questioning.
They managed to draw him out from him a full account of his escape from captivity.
draw sth ⇔ outI shall have to draw out some more money to pay all these people.
- draw over( v.+prep. )
把…覆盖在…上 pull (sth) over (sth/sb)
draw sth over sb/sthDraw a sheet over the dead body.
He drew the paper over the money.
She drew a cover over the typewriter.
The trees drew the leaves over the earth.
- draw to1( v.+adv. )
拉上(窗帘) close (curtains)
draw sth toWill you draw the curtains to, the light is hurting my eyes.
Why not draw the curtains to?
Wind blew into the room when he drew the curtains to.
- draw to2( v.+prep. )
把…拉到…旁 pull sth beside sth
- draw together( v.+adv. )
(使)相遇或接近 (cause to) meet or come closer
draw togetherThe two cars drew too near together, and crashed.
The two boys look just like one and they always draw together.
draw sb ⇔ togetherThe man and woman were drawn together by an interest in poetry.
- draw up( v.+adv. )
草拟,拟订(计划、契约等) form; prepare; write (sth)
draw sth ⇔ upDraw up a chair, and join the conversation.
Draw up a table, there are too many things.
The boat was drawn up on the shore.
draw sth ⇔ upShe sat on the floor with her legs drawn up.
It seems that he is drawing up something.
The bridge is drawn up, we cannot cross the river.
draw sb/sth ⇔ upDraw up the lines and welcome the new teacher.
The soldiers were drawn up in battle lines.
The royal carriage was drawn up outside the palace, ready for the Queen's journey.
draw upA police car drew up just as the robbers left the bank.
A taxi drew up and our boss got out.
The car drew up at the door.
We saw a truck drawing up to our building.
The car drew up to me and three men got out.
The car drew up at the traffic lights.
His car drew up before the oil-filling station.
draw sth ⇔ upThe driver drew the horses up only just in time to avoid hitting the child.
She drew up her horse at the top of the hill.
draw (oneself) upHe drew himself up and walked to the platform.
Draw yourself up if you think you are right.
draw sth ⇔ upHas your lawyer drawn up the contract yet?
Draw up a list of the guests for the dinner.
We drew up a list of things we required.
We drew up an outline for the study of this book.
They are drawing up a plan for the building of a big reservoir.
The general has drawn up a plan to defeat the enemy.
A new will has been drawn up.
- be fast〔quick〕 on the draw
拔枪快 quick at pulling out a hand gun
- beat to the draw
抢在…之前 do sth before sb
beat sb to the drawThey beat us to the draw by signing up our potential singing star.
John was going to apply for the job, but Ted beat him to the draw.
We'll have to decide now whether we want this house or someone else will beat us to the draw.
The unexpected sale beat the competition to the draw by two days.
I beat him to the draw and shot him in the leg.
- draw a line 画一条线
- draw a pattern 绘制图案
- draw a picture 画一幅画
- draw a weather chart 绘制气象图
- draw circular 画圆形
- draw map 绘制地图
- draw picture 画画
- draw a cart 拉大车
- draw a chair 拉一把椅子
- draw a sail 张帆
- draw boat 拖小船
- draw bow 拉弓
- draw rein 勒马
- draw the blinds 拉百叶窗
- draw the curtain 拉窗帘
- draw the sled 拉雪橇
- draw a card 抽出一张卡片
- draw a chicken 抽出鸡的内脏
- draw blood 抽血
- draw cork 拔出瓶塞
- draw gun 拔出枪
- draw iron 从口袋里掏出枪
- draw knife 拔出刀子
- draw lots 抽签
- draw nail 拔出钉子
- draw seedlings 拔起幼苗
- draw the sword 拔剑
- draw water 抽水
- draw weapon 拔出武器
- draw winner 抽签决定胜者
- draw a salary 领取一份工资
- draw an allowance 领取补助金
- draw check〔cheque〕 开一张支票
- draw energy 提取电能
- draw money 提钱
- draw a blank 失败,无所得
- draw a generalization 作出概括
- draw a particular conclusion 得出结论
- draw attention 吸引注意力
- draw fire 吸引火力,招来批评,引起非议
- draw information 得到情报
- draw lesson 吸取教训
- draw strength 吸取力量
- draw a report 起草报告
- draw a will 草拟遗嘱
- draw programme 拟订大纲
- draw a breath 喘口气
- draw a distinction 进行区别
- draw a full house 客满
- draw a longbow 吹牛,夸口
- draw a term 被判徒刑
- draw audience 吸引观众
- draw comparison 进行对照
- draw first blood 发动初次攻击
- draw parallel 进行比较
- draw tears 催人泪下
- draw dry 抽干
- draw fine 精打细算
- draw level 打成平局
- draw mild 心平气和地说
- draw near 挨近,靠近
- draw strong 小题大做
- draw tight 拉紧
- draw ahead 向前移动,领先
- draw ashore 拉上岸
- draw deep 吃水深
- draw well 叫座
- draw affectionately 充满深情地描绘
- draw apologetically 道歉地写下
- draw badly (烟囱)通风不好
- draw beautifully 画得好
- draw contentedly 心满意足地吸收
- draw easily 容易拔出
- draw exquisitely 技艺精湛地画出
- draw hastily 仓促地定出
- draw haughtily 轻蔑地拔出
- draw inevitably 不可避免地招致
- draw irresistibly 不可抗拒地引诱
- draw passionately 热情地描绘
- draw passively 消极地吸收
- draw reluctantly 勉强地写出
- draw sketchily 粗略地写出
- draw symbolically 象征性地画出
- draw apart 拉开
- draw around 围在四周
- draw aside 拉开
- draw away 迅速离开
- draw back 拉开,招致,惹起,往回走,退却,缩回
- draw down 向下移,扯下
- draw down blinds 拉下百叶窗
- draw forth 招致,博得
- draw in (天)变短,收(网),引诱,紧缩开支,进站
- draw in one's breath 吸一口气
- draw in one's horns 收敛自己的傲气,打退堂鼓
- draw in water-color 用水彩绘
- draw off 排出,脱去,撤退,转移(注意力),(车)向…开过来
- draw off troops 撤退军队
- draw on 利用,穿上,戴上,吸收,引用,动用
- draw on savings 动用积蓄
- draw out 拔出,抽出,劝说,套出,使停下来
- draw out battle 拖延战事
- draw out important information 套出重要的情报
- draw out one's watch 取出挂表
- draw through the water to the shore 从水中拖上岸
- draw to 拉上
- draw together 使靠拢
- draw up 提出,起草,制订,出(题),吸收,使停住,整队
- draw up a plan 草拟计划
- draw up a report 草拟报告
- draw after one's mother 很像母亲
- draw against 从…支取
- draw along the street 沿街拖着走
- draw at doors 在家门口停下来
- draw between 分清…,划清…
- draw between ourselves and the enemy 分清敌我
- draw by a rope 用绳拖
- draw for 征召
- draw for a prize 抽奖
- draw from 从…中抽出〔拔出,取出,吸取〕
- draw from all ranks of society 从社会各阶层吸收
- draw into 把…吸收入,把…抽成(丝)
- draw sb into a quarrel 使某人卷入一场争吵中
- draw over 把…覆盖在…上
- draw towards the town 向那个城镇进发
- draw upon one's experience 根据自己的经验
- draw upon oneself 自取灭亡
- draw with a person 同某人不分胜负
- draw with a team 同某队不分胜负
- big draw 十分招引
- goalless draw 双方都没有破门的平局
- great draw 十分招引
- air draw 用气枕压延
- prize draw 摸彩
- draw bar 拉杆
- draw bench 拉床
- draw bolt 牵引螺栓
- draw bridge 吊桥
- draw gate 运河上的水闸
- draw gear 火车车厢挂钩
- draw hole 拉模孔
- draw knife 刮刀
- draw plate 拉模板
- draw power 抽运功率
- draw vice 拉钳
- on the first draw 在第一次抽签中
- draw for the second round of the European Cup 欧洲杯第二轮比赛的抽签
The first draw of the day was in Flamborough, where a fox was killed.
出自:Abingdon Herald -
He drew a Paper of Verses out of his Pocket.
出自: Addison -
I..drew my hat over my face.
出自: F. Burney -
Josef..drew the string on which the revolver dangled a couple of inches higher.
出自: G. Greene -
He took her wrist and drew her into the street.
出自: I. McEwan -
Wilfrid..drew himself erect.
出自: refl.
- 今日热词
- 深远海浮式风电平台 - deep-sea floating wind power platform
- 京雄高速公路 - Beijing-Xiongan expressway
- 农业及相关产业增加值 - the added value of agriculture and related industries