- 投,掷,抛,扔
- 发射,喷射,投射
- 把(嗓音)传至,使(嗓音)听起来似来自他处
- 把...对准目标,向...作出,把...加于
- 使突然陷入
- 建造,架设
- 摔倒,摔下
- 匆匆穿上(或脱下)
- 大发(脾气),使发作
- <口>使困惑,难住,使惊讶
- <口>故意输掉
- 抛弃,丢弃
- 蜕皮,脱落
- 使判断错误,欺骗
- 投(票)
- 举行(宴会等)
- 伸(四肢)
- 使猛撞,猛推
- 把...翻译成
- 使滚动
- 掷骰子
- 掷出的点数
- 围巾,肩巾,薄毯,罩单
- <口>冒险
- 甩出钓鱼线
- 投掷,投掷的距离
- 【地】落差,断层引起的移位
- <美口>每一个
- 【体】投球,传球,掷球
- 摔倒,摔倒对手的技巧
- 光束距离
- vt. & vi. 投; 掷; 扔; 抛 cause to fly through the air by a jerk of the arm
- [C]投,掷,抛 acting of throwing
- [C]投掷的距离 distance to which sth is or may be thrown
the act of throwing (propelling something with a rapid movement of the arm and wrist);
"the catcher made a good throw to second base"
a single chance or instance;
"he couldn't afford $50 a throw"
the maximum movement available to a pivoted or reciprocating piece by a cam
bedclothes consisting of a lightweight cloth covering (an afghan or bedspread) that is casually thrown over something
casting an object in order to determine an outcome randomly;
"he risked his fortune on a throw of the dice"
propel through the air;
"throw a frisbee"
move violently, energetically, or carelessly;
"She threw herself forwards"
get rid of;
"he shed his image as a pushy boss"
"shed your clothes"
place or put with great energy;
"She threw the blanket around the child"
"thrust the money in the hands of the beggar"
convey or communicate; of a smile, a look, a physical gesture;
"Throw a glance"
"She gave me a dirty look"
cause to go on or to be engaged or set in operation;
"switch on the light"
"throw the lever"
put or send forth;
"She threw the flashlight beam into the corner"
"The setting sun threw long shadows"
"cast a spell"
"cast a warm light"
to put into a state or activity hastily, suddenly, or carelessly;
"Jane threw dinner together"
"throw the car into reverse"
cause to be confused emotionally
utter with force; utter vehemently;
"hurl insults"
"throw accusations at someone"
organize or be responsible for;
"hold a reception"
"have, throw, or make a party"
"give a course"
make on a potter's wheel;
"she threw a beautiful teapot"
cause to fall off;
"The horse threw its inexperienced rider"
throw (a die) out onto a flat surface;
"Throw a six"
be confusing or perplexing to; cause to be unable to think clearly;
"These questions confuse even the experts"
"This question completely threw me"
"This question befuddled even the teacher"
- Pick out some good apples from the box, and throw away the rest.
把好苹果从盒子里捡出来,剩下的扔了。 - The trees threw long shadows across the lawn.
树在草坪上都投下长长的影子。 - It's your turn to throw the dice.
轮到你掷骰子了。 - He threw the stone in the air.
- My nephew lives only a stone's throw from my house.
我侄子住得离我家很近。 - What are the requirements for the throw itself?
- throw about (v.+adv.)
〈口〉盛气凌人,骄横跋扈 be domineering (using one's authority or power)
throw sth ⇔ aboutDon't throw waste paper about in the park.
throw one's weight aboutI'm tired of him throwing his weight about , who does he think he is anyway?
- throw aside (v.+adv.)
把…扔在一旁 cause to pitch aside
throw sth ⇔ asideThe boy jumped up and threw aside his cap.
He threw aside all good proposals.
- throw at (v.+prep.)
投向,掷向 cast sth at sb/sth
throw oneself/sth at sb/sthHe threw a fierce look at me, so I wondered what I had done wrong.
Make sure that you behave very correctly towards the officer, or he's likely to throw the book at you for disobedience.
No politician will win the votes of serious-minded people if all he does is throwing mud at his opponent.
John is very attractive and I understand why you've fallen in love for him, but there's no need to throw yourself at him.
- throw away (v.+adv.)
浪费; 错过 waste; fail to take advantage of
- throw back (v.+adv.)
迫使某人依靠某事物 force sb to rely on sth
throw sth ⇔ backA spectator threw the ball back to the players.
throw sth ⇔ backThe cold he caught threw back his recovery from rheumatism.
throw sb back on sthThe shortage of gas has thrown us back on the use of bicycles.
Her friends had deserted her, and she was thrown back on her own resources.
- throw by (v.+prep.)
把…扔在一旁 cause to pitch aside
throw by sthMaybe she'll be thrown by like a scrap of paper.
Spears are thrown by hand.
- throw down (v.+adv.)
抛弃,拒绝 cast off; reject
- throw dust in sb's eyes
欺骗 deceive
- throw in1 (v.+adv.)
把…插入讨论、计划等bring into a discussion, a plan, etc. as an addition
throw sth ⇔ inIf you buy a television set, the store will throw in a microphone.
If you're set on buying the house, we'll throw in the carpets and curtains at no extra cost.
throw sth ⇔ inThe diplomat threw in a joke, and the tension was instantly relieved.
throw in that-clauseShe threw in that she must resign.
- throw in2 (v.+prep.)
认输 admit defeat or loss
throw sth in sthAt 10 somebody threw a bomb in a street there.
After reading the letter, he threw it in the waste-paper basket.
throw in the towelAfter taking a beating for five rounds, the boxer threw in the towel.
- throw into (v.+prep.)
把…扔进…; 投身于work busily at
throw sb/oneself into sthThe girl threw a stone into the well.
Despite the difficulties he threw himself into the research.
The enemy threw 200,000 men into his Yanan assault.
Far from retreating, he threw all his time and energy into secret revolutionary work.
This threw the reactionary police into utter panic.
The first waterfall they passed threw her into ecstasy.
Anyone who refused to bow before Gessler was thrown into prison.
The meeting was thrown into disorder.
Their regiment was thrown into action at once.
The country was thrown into a state of anarchy.
- throw off (v.+adv.)
摆脱 get rid of; free oneself from
- throw on (v.+prep.)
穿上 put on
throw sth on sthThe trees throw a shadow on the grass.
throw cold water on sb/sthDon't throw cold water on them.
Most people thought little of his suggestion and threw cold water on him.
He wasn't discouraged when they threw cold water on his ideas.
throw doubt on sthIn doing so,he had thrown doubt on some people's religious beliefs.
throw light on sthThis information throws light on the mystery of the President's death.
But there was nothing to throw light on the connection between the two men.
It threw light on the mentality of his former friend.
These findings are very valuable for they throw much light on the history of textile art.
Your investigation has thrown light on this question.
The scientist's experiments have thrown great light on the amazing ways honeybees communicate in their dark hives.
Illustrations throw light on the text.
throw on sthHe threw on his gown.
- throw out (v.+adv.)
提出(暗示、建议等) put forth or offer as a hint or suggestion
- throw over (v.+adv.)
放弃,背弃 abandon; give up
throw sb/sth ⇔ overThey felt inclined to throw the whole thing over.
He thought it wasn't right to throw people over.
- throw to (v.+prep.)
摔倒在地 pitch sb/sth to sth
throw sb/sth to the groundWhy did you throw the boy to the ground?
He seized the man and threw him to the ground.
- throw together (v.+adv.)
仓促地集成; 集拢; 集合 assemble hastily; bring together
throw sb/sth ⇔ togetherThat conference has thrown them together again.
Chance threw us together at a party.
I'm glad you liked the meal—it was just something I threw together at the last minute.
She made supper from leftovers she had thrown together.
That last textbook of his seems to have been thrown together.
They were thrown together by a common interest.
- throw up (v.+adv.)
浪费,荒废 waste; fail to take advantage of
throw sb/sth ⇔ upCome to the bottom of the ladder and throw up the other brush, will you?
The passing car threw up a cloud of white soot.
The machine threw up great heaps of earth.
The baby loved being thrown up into the air and safely caught again.
throw up one's handsHis mother threw up her hands in despair when the boy failed yet another examination.
That's the last time I'm trying; I throw up my hands!
那是我最后一次尝试; 我彻底认输了!
She entered the room, then threw up her hands in horror at the terrible sight that met her eyes.
throw upHe got terribly drunk and was throwing up for most of the night.
throw sth ⇔ upMike got sick and threw up everything he had eaten.
He took the medicine but threw it up almost immediately afterwards.
throw sth ⇔ upJohn threw up his job to go to Africa as a missionary.
She threw up a promising career as a model to get married.
A career such as that is not one that should be thrown up without serious thought.
throw up v-ingRod has decided to throw up playing squash because he's getting too old for it.
throw sth ⇔ upLet's use this wood to throw up a shelter for the night.
The builders threw up some temporary huts for the victims of the earthquake.
throw sb/sth ⇔ upThe conference has thrown up a number of interesting problems.
Our country has thrown up a number of great writers.
He threw up several ideas on the construction of the dam.
throw sth ⇔ upYou shouldn't throw up a chance like that!
Don't throw up your education by leaving now.
- throw a bomb 扔一颗炸弹
- throw a bone 扔根骨头
- throw a bridge 架起一座桥
- throw a bullet 发射子弹
- throw a dance 开舞会
- throw a foal 产下一只小马
- throw a furious look 投以愤怒的目光
- throw a good opportunity 失去了一个好机会
- throw a microphone 赠送一只麦克风
- throw a monkey wrench 破坏
- throw a party 开联欢会
- throw a punch 出拳
- throw a vote 投票
- throw cold water 泼冷水
- throw its skin 蜕皮
- throw its slough 蜕皮
- throw one's girlfriend 抛弃了女朋友
- throw some coins 丢去几个硬币
- throw the ball 扔球
- throw the book 扔本书
- throw the boy 把小孩摔倒
- throw the discus 掷铁饼
- throw the grenades 投出手榴弹
- throw the hook 脱钩
- throw the manuscript 扔手稿
- throw the opponent 摔倒对手
- throw the stone 掷石头
- throw the tools 扔工具
- throw waste paper 扔废纸
- throw well 投掷得很好
- throw adroitly 熟练地投掷
- throw angrily 愤怒地投射
- throw ardently 积极地施加
- throw blindly 盲目地狂欢
- throw bravely 勇敢地摆脱
- throw briskly 轻松地投掷
- throw carelessly 粗心地投掷
- throw casually 漫无目的地投掷
- throw completely 彻底地难住
- throw conclusively 最后地投掷
- throw confidentially 秘密地投掷
- throw conscientiously 诚心诚意地投掷
- throw curiously 不寻常地投掷
- throw dangerously 危险地投掷
- throw dejectedly 沮丧地投掷
- throw desperately 不顾一切地投掷
- throw dispassionately 不带偏见地投掷
- throw eagerly 急切地投掷
- throw formidably 望而生畏地投掷
- throw furiously 愤怒地投掷
- throw grotesquely 可笑地投掷
- throw heartily 由衷地投掷
- throw heartlessly 无意地投掷
- throw horizontally 水平地投掷
- throw hurriedly 仓促地投掷
- throw impartially 不偏不倚地投掷
- throw impressively 大胆地投掷
- throw inconceivably 难以置信地投掷
- throw inexhaustibly 大量地投掷
- throw insistently 引人注意地投掷
- throw listlessly 无精打采地投掷
- throw methodically 有条理地投掷
- throw promptly 适当地投掷
- throw purposely 有目的地投掷
- throw quickly 迅速投掷
- throw readily 做好准备投掷
- throw recklessly 轻率地投掷
- throw satisfactorily 满意地投掷
- throw significantly 意味深长地投掷
- throw simultaneously 同一时间投掷
- throw skeptically 心存怀疑地投掷
- throw skillfully 技术高超地投掷
- throw spectacularly 特殊地投掷
- throw spontaneously 自然地投掷
- throw successively 连续投掷
- throw systematically 系统地投掷
- throw unconsciously 不知不觉地投掷
- throw uneasily 不易投掷
- throw unhesitatingly 毫不犹豫地投掷
- throw unkindly 非善意地投掷
- throw violently 强有力地投掷
- throw money about 挥金如土
- throw weight around 滥用权势
- throw aside 把…摔在一边
- throw effort away 努力白费了
- throw invading troops back 打退入侵的军队
- throw clothes off 把衣服脱下
- throw clothes on 把衣服穿上
- throw against the wall 扑在墙上
- throw by a horse 从马上摔下来
- throw sth into the river 把…扔进河里
- throw into water 跳进水里
- throw into work 投入工作
- throw sb off balance 使某人摔倒,使某人心慌
- throw on the enemy 向敌人猛扑
- throw sth over a fence 把…扔过篱笆
- throw to another boy 扔给另一个男孩
- throw to the ground 躺倒在地上
- throw under the car 卧倒在汽车下
Downe himselfe he layd Upon the grassy ground to sleepe a throw.
出自: Spenser -
There they were, a stone's throw away from her.
出自: R. Frame -
The empty boat thrawed i' the wind.
出自: D. G. Rossetti
- 今日热词
- 深远海浮式风电平台 - deep-sea floating wind power platform
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