n. (名詞)
- 趨勢,潮流,形勢,傾向
- 潮汐,潮水,浪潮,潮
- 時機,時期,機運,時
- 漲潮時
- 消長,盛衰
- 【礦山】班
- 十二個鐘頭
- <古>(現僅用於複合字)季節
- 像潮水般洶湧(高漲,奔流)
- 順潮行駛,順應潮水航行,(使)隨潮水漂浮(漂行、漂流)
- 克服,渡過,幫助某人渡過(困難時期),協助某人克服(困難)
n. (名詞)
- [C]潮,潮汐 the regular rise and fall of the sea caused by the pull of the moon and sun
- [C]潮水 water moved by this
- [S]潮流,趨勢 a feeling or tendency that moves or changes like the tide
the periodic rise and fall of the sea level under the gravitational pull of the moon
something that may increase or decrease (like the tides of the sea);
"a rising tide of popular interest"
there are usually two high and two low tides each day
rise or move forward;
"surging waves"
cause to float with the tide
be carried with the tide
用作名詞 (n.)
- For a moment the tide almost turned against him.
在短短的時間內,輿論的趨勢幾乎變得對他不利。 - We should be naturalized to the new tide of the world.
我們必須順應新的世界潮流。 - It once again proves that no one can stem the tide of history.
這再一次地證明,歷史的潮流是誰也阻擋不住的。 - The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tide.
月亮對地球的引力引起潮汐。 - The children learn about the relationship between the moon and the tide.
孩子們學習了月球與潮汐的關係。 - As the tide receded we were able to look for shells.
潮水退去,我們就能尋找貝殼了。 - The empty boat was washed away by the tide.
用作動詞 (v.)
- The loan is enough to tide them over the difficulties.
這筆貸款足以使他們渡過難關。 - He will be willing to tide us over.
他願意幫助我們渡過難關。 - These supplies will be enough to tide us over the winter.
用作名詞 (n.)
- go〔swim〕 with〔against〕 the tide
隨〔不隨〕潮流follow〔not follow〕 what everyone else is doing
用作名詞 (n.)
- catch the tide 抓住時機
- turn the tide 扭轉潮流
- against〔with〕 tide 反〔順〕潮流
- at high〔low〕 tide 高〔低〕潮
- the tide of … 的潮流〔趨勢〕
We will see itsjoyful tide! Some day..The mountain will we cross.
出自: Wordsworth -
The feeling..that other people were tiding him the right direction.
出自: R. Hayman
- current 趨勢
- flow 流動
- stream (小)河
- drift 漂流
- surge 洶湧
- wave 波浪
- turn 翻轉
- tide 趨勢
- flood 淹沒
- tidewater 潮水
- wash 洗
- ebb 退潮
- alter 改變
- reverse 逆轉
- flux 流量
- change 變化
- outflow 流出
- inflow 流入
- tendency 趨勢
- aim 目標
- direction 方向
- run 跑
- set 放置
- bent bend的過去式和過去分...
- tenor 大意
- the 那
- help 幫助
- assist 幫助
- last 持續
- rip tide 離岸流
- aid 援助
- neap tide 小潮
- high tide 滿潮
- river 河
- low tide 低潮
- flood tide 漲潮
- endure 容忍
- spring tide 漲潮
- tidal flow 潮流,潮汐流...
- survive 幸免於難
- weather 天氣
- tables 表格
- turn the tide 扭轉局勢
- rip 撕裂
- low 低的
- turn the tables 扭轉形勢
- tide over 使度過(困難時期)...
- neap 小潮的
- spring 春天
- help out 幫助解決難題...
- high 高的
- pull through (使)脫離危險...
- live through 度過
- hold up 舉起
- tidal 潮的
- keep one's head above water 免遭滅頂之災...
- bridge the gap 彌合差別; 消除 隔閡...
- bridge 橋樑
- hold 拿著
- one's 任何人的
- gap 缺口
- above 超過
- through 通過
- live 活著
- up 向上
- one 一
- out 出
- over 在 ... 的上方...
- going 去
- keep 保持
- head 頭部
- pull 拉
- water 水
- ebb 退潮