
[ræŋk]     [ræŋk]    
  • n. 等级;阶层;排;列
  • v. 排列;分等级;列为;排名,排位
  • adj. 繁茂的;讨厌的
rankly ranker rankest rankness ranked ranked ranking ranks



n. (名词)
  1. 等级,阶层,地位
  2. 行,排,列
  3. 士兵
  4. 横列
  5. 【军】行列,军队,队伍,列兵
  6. 阵线
  7. 身份
  8. 高级,显贵
  9. 次序,顺序
  10. 【统、数】秩,等值
  11. 【语】语结级位
  12. (棋盘上的)横格
  13. 军衔,军阶,官衔,官职
v. (动词)
  1. 排列,位于
  2. 分等级,把...分等级,把...评级
  3. 使成横排,使排成行,把…排成横列,把...排成行
  4. 把...分类,使归类
  5. <美>级别高于…,超过
  6. <俚>揭露,责难
  7. 列队,排队前进,列队行进
  8. 处于最高地位
  9. <俚>抱怨,埋怨
  10. 占,列为,属于某等级
adj. (形容词)
  1. 繁茂的,丛生的,蔓延的
  2. 恶臭的,臭极的,难闻的
  3. 倔强的
  4. 多杂草的,易生杂草的
  5. 过于茂盛的,过于肥沃的,过于多产的
  6. 极端的
  7. 讨厌的
  8. 真正的
  9. 十足的
  10. 很厉害的
  11. 卑鄙的,猥亵的, 下流的
  12. 难制御的


n. (名词)
  1. [C] [U] 军衔,职衔 position in the army, navy, etc.
  2. [S] 等级 degree to which sb/sth is of high quality
  3. [C] 排,行列 row or line of people or things
v. (动词)
  1. vt. 分属某类 put or arrange in a rank or in a class
  2. vt. & vi. 超过; 高于 be more important than; outrank


  1. a row or line of people (especially soldiers or police) standing abreast of one another;

    "the entrance was guarded by ranks of policemen"

  2. relative status;

    "his salary was determined by his rank and seniority"

  3. the ordinary members of an organization (such as the enlisted soldiers of an army);

    "the strike was supported by the union rank and file"
    "he rose from the ranks to become a colonel"

  4. position in a social hierarchy;

    "the British are more aware of social status than Americans are"

  5. the body of members of an organization or group;

    "they polled their membership"
    "they found dissension in their own ranks"
    "he joined the ranks of the unemployed"

  1. very fertile; producing profuse growth;

    "rank earth"

  2. very offensive in smell or taste;

    "a rank cigar"

  3. conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible;

    "a crying shame"
    "an egregious lie"
    "flagrant violation of human rights"
    "a glaring error"
    "gross ineptitude"
    "gross injustice"
    "rank treachery"

  4. complete and without restriction or qualification; sometimes used informally as intensifiers;

    "absolute freedom"
    "an absolute dimwit"
    "a downright lie"
    "out-and-out mayhem"
    "an out-and-out lie"
    "a rank outsider"
    "many right-down vices"
    "got the job through sheer persistence"
    "sheer stupidity"

  5. growing profusely;

    "rank jungle vegetation"

  1. take or have a position relative to others;

    "This painting ranks among the best in the Western World"

  2. assign a rank or rating to;

    "how would you rank these students?"
    "The restaurant is rated highly in the food guide"

  3. take precedence or surpass others in rank



用作名词 (n.)
  1. He is above me in rank.
  2. They are people of all ranks and classes.
  3. Taxis stand in a taxi rank waiting to be hired.
  4. The riot police quickly fell into rank for action.
用作动词 (v.)
  1. Rank the states in the order of size.
  2. A general ranks a captain.
  3. Don't rank me among such people.


用作名词 (n.)
break ranks
    (成员)不支持所属团体或组织 refuse to support the group or the organization of which they are members
close ranks
    (一群人)紧密团结(面对困难) (of a group of people) to join together to (face difficulties)
the rank and file
    普通百姓,(团体等中的)普通成员 ordinary, undistinguished people; members of a group or organizationIt will be the rank and file, not the newspaper editors, who will finally decide who is to be elected. 最终决定谁当选的不是报纸的编辑,而是普通百姓。
rank and filer
    低阶层的一员,士兵 a member of the rank and file
用作动词 (v.)
rank with (v.+prep.)
    列为 put or arrange in a rank or in a class
    rank with sth

    This film ranks with the best.


    Li Zhengdao ranks with the world's eminent scientists.



用作名词 (n.)
动词+~ 形容词+~ 名词+~ ~+(and+)名词 介词+~ ~+介词
用作动词 (v.)
~+名词 ~+副词 ~+介词


  • The taxi-driver..was standing on the rank.

    出自: D. L. Sayers
  • A rank growth of nettles.

    出自: H. Read
  • Dripping greenery that grew high and rank.

    出自: R. Macaulay
  • They all ranked themselves round me.

    出自: Carlyle
  • The prisoners were then drawn up..ranked six deep.

    出自:Harper's Magazine
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