n. (名词)
- 叶,叶子
- 箔,金属薄片
- 一张(两面)
- 页扇
- 页,一页
- 活动面板
- 花瓣
- 活动桌板,折叠桌板
- 茶叶
- 烟叶
- 休假
- 生叶片,长叶
- 翻(书页)
- 翻看,翻阅
- 浏览,尤指快速翻阅或浏览(与through连用)
- 带叶(常与out连用)
n. (名词)
- [C]叶子 one of the parts of a plant, growing from a stem or branch or directly from the root
- [C]页 sheet of paper
- [C]金属薄片,金箔 metal, especially gold or silver, in the form of very thin sheets
- [C]折面或活面 hinged flap or detachable section used to extend a table-top
the main organ of photosynthesis and transpiration in higher plants
a sheet of any written or printed material (especially in a manuscript or book)
hinged or detachable flat section (as of a table or door)
look through a book or other written material;
"He thumbed through the report"
"She leafed through the volume"
turn over pages;
"leaf through a book"
"leaf a manuscript"
produce leaves, of plants
用作名词 (n.)
- I saw him take a leaf out of the book.
我看见他从书上撕下一页。 - The falling leaf spiralled to the ground.
落叶盘旋著飘到了地上。 - Not a leaf nor an insect stirred.
不单是树叶,连个虫子都不动。 - This plant has green leaves throughout the year.
这种植物终年常青。 - There was a layer of silver leaf outside the metal.
用作动词 (v.)
- The trees are just beginning to leaf.
用作名词 (n.)
- come into〔be〕 in leaf
长叶子,生满叶的,绿叶满枝的 grow leaves;being covered with leaves
- take a leaf from〔out of〕 sb's book
以某人为榜样 copy sb;act or behave in a similar way to sb
- turn over a new leaf
掀开新的一页,重新开始,改过自新 begin a new course of improved behaviour, habits, etc.
用作名词 (n.)
- blow off the leaf 把树叶吹落
- burst into leaf 长叶
- come into leaf 吐出新叶
- drop leaf 落叶
- lose leaf 落叶
- pick leaf 摘叶
- sweep up dead leaves 扫掉枯叶
- take a leaf from sb's book 仿效某人
- turn a new leaf 翻开新的一页,揭开新篇章
- turn over a new leaf 洗心革面,重新开始
- brown leaf 褐色的叶子
- dancing leaf 舞动的叶子
- dead leaf 枯死的叶子
- dry leaf 干枯的叶子
- fallen leaf 落叶
- green leaf 绿叶
- red leaf 红叶
- yellow leaf 黄叶
- young leaf 嫩叶
- autumn leaf 秋叶
- cabbage leaves 洋白菜叶
- gold leaf 金箔
- rose leaf 玫瑰叶
- tea leaf 茶叶
- tobacco leaf 烟叶
- in leaf 有叶
- in full leaf 长满叶子
- leaves from trees 树叶
- leaves on trees 树上的叶子
I was shaking like an aspen leaf.
出自: A. A. Milne -
The stacked-up, wet beech leaves slowly turning to compost.
出自: V. S. Naipaul -
One tattered old magazine, the sort of thing you leaf through at the dentist.
出自: D. Lessing
- folio 对开本
- foliage 叶子(总称)
- frond 蕨叶
- page 页
- sheet 被单
- coating 涂层
- foil 钝头剑
- plate 碟
- flap 拍打
- lamina 薄板
- thumb 拇指
- greenery 绿树
- riffle 急流
- sprig 小树枝
- spray 喷雾
- side 边
- film 电影
- insert 插入
- foldout 插页
- projection 投影
- index 指数
- blade 刀刃
- section 部分
- folium 叶形线
- flyleaf 扉页
- errata 正误表
- leaflet 小叶
- bud 芽
- piece 件
- foliate 叶状的
- needle 针
- turn 翻转
- cover 封面
- foliation 生叶
- foliature <罕>=foliage
- scale 刻度
- flora 植物
- frondescence (植物的)发叶状态...
- layer 层
- lamination 制成薄板
- covering 覆盖物
- slice 薄片
- overlay 覆盖
- lamella 薄片
- veneer 薄片镶饰
- flake 薄片
- over 在 ... 的上方...
- turn over 滚动
- flip 掷
- flick 快速的轻打
- leafage 叶子
- riff 即兴重复段