- 賽跑
- 競賽,比賽
- 人種,種族;民族
- 門第
- 賽馬會,賽馬
- 種,屬,類
- 急流
- 水道
- ...的運行
- 歷程
- 賽艇
- 疾走
- (使)空轉,猛轉
- (使)疾走,(使)全速行進
- 比速度,和…比速度
- (使)參加競賽
- 參加賽馬
- (使)賽跑,和...賽跑
- 競走,競賽疾走
- 以賽馬為業
- 使拚命跑
- 努力想跑過...
- 為賽馬輸光(財產)
- 和...競賽
- 使急走,使全速行進
- 快速轉動,急速跳動,運轉過快
- [U][C]人種,種族 any of the main group into which human beings can be divided according to their physical type
- [C](速度)比賽,賽跑; 競爭 a competition in speed; competition
- vt. & vi. 和…比速度; (使)參加比賽 compete in a race (against); (cause an animal or vehicle to) run a race
- vt. & vi. (使)快速移動 (cause to) move or go very fast; rush
any competition;
"the race for the presidency"
a contest of speed;
"the race is to the swift"
people who are believed to belong to the same genetic stock;
"some biologists doubt that there are important genetic differences between races of human beings"
(biology) a taxonomic group that is a division of a species; usually arises as a consequence of geographical isolation within a species
the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller
a canal for a current of water
move fast;
"He rushed down the hall to receive his guests"
"The cars raced down the street"
compete in a race;
"he is running the Marathon this year"
"let's race and see who gets there first"
to work as fast as possible towards a goal, sometimes in competition with others;
"We are racing to find a cure for AIDS"
cause to move fast or to rush or race;
"The psychologist raced the rats through a long maze"
- Every morning he spent two hours training for the race.
他每天早晨花兩個小時練習賽跑。 - We are all involved in a rat race, whether we want to be or not.
- The Chinese belong to the yellow race.
中國人屬於黃種人。 - He is against race prejudice.
他反對種族歧視。 - He is a man of noble race.
- I'll race you to the bus stop.
我要和你賽一賽,看誰先跑到汽車站。 - Eight horses will race for the cup.
- a race against time
和時間賽跑 desperate effort to do or finish sth before a certain time
- in the race
有希望的 having hope
- out of race
無希望的 hopeless
- race with
同…比賽 competing in speed
- win the race
在賽跑中取勝 win in run
- race against (v.+prep.)
爭搶時間; 不得不迅速地行事 have to do sth quickly; be forced to hurry
race against sb/sthI'll race against you to get home first.
He is a famous runner, and has raced against some of the best people in the world.
The farmers were racing against the rainy season, trying to gather in the summer crops.
race sth against sthHe raced his bicycle against a motorcar.
race against time/the clockI don't like racing against time; I would rather do my work carefully and well.
We are racing against time to build up our country.
Doctors raced against the clock to save his life.
If you got up earlier you wouldn't spend half the morning racing against the clock.
- race through (v.+prep.)
(使)匆忙地閱過 (cause to) hurry to complete sth
race through sthDon't race through the list like that, read each name carefully.
race sth through sthThe government raced the new law through all its stages so as to complete it before the election.
- race to (v.+prep.)
快速地把…送到… deliver sb/sth to sth/sb
race to sthShe raced to the door.
race sb/sth to sthHe raced me to the station in his car.
We raced the sick woman to hospital.
He raced the manuscript to the printers.
- race up (v.+adv.)
迅速上升 rise very quickly; hurry to the top
race upThe cost of living had been racing up in the past year.
We had just settled into autumn when the temperature raced up to summer conditions again.
- race with (v.+prep.)
同…比賽 compete in speed; move at full speed against sb
race with sbHe raced with that runner for a prize.
- advocate the race 提倡競爭
- avoid the race 避免競爭
- begin a race 開始競賽
- carry on race 進行競賽
- compete in a race 參加賽跑
- curb the race 抑制競爭
- defy the race 蔑視競爭,向競爭挑戰
- drive a race 推動競賽
- encounter the race 遭遇競爭
- enter a race 參加競賽
- face the race 面臨競爭
- fix up a race 安排比賽
- get into the race with 與…競賽
- go to the race 去看賽跑
- have a race 進行一場比賽
- hold a race 舉行一場比賽
- intensify the race 加強競爭
- lead in the race 跑在前頭,領先
- lose a race 輸掉比賽
- meet the race 迎向競爭
- offer the race 提出競爭
- organize a race 組織比賽
- promote the race 促進競爭
- provide the race 提供競賽
- renew the race 重新比賽
- row a race 參加划船比賽
- run a race 推動比賽
- scratch a race 退出比賽
- sharpen the race 使競爭激化
- stage a race 舉行比賽
- stand in the race with sb 與某人競爭
- stop a race 停止比賽
- survive the race 在競爭中生存
- undercut the race 削價競爭
- undersell the race 削價競爭
- win a race 比賽獲勝
- black race 黑種人
- human race 人類
- master race 優秀民族
- white race 白種人
- yellow race 黃種人
- the Argan race 雅利安人種
- the Caucasian race 高加索人種
- the Hebrew race 希伯來人種
- bitter race 激烈的競爭
- close race 不相上下的比賽
- congressional race 國會競選
- even race 勢均力敵的比賽
- fair race 公平的競爭
- fierce race 激烈的競爭
- formidable race 激烈的競爭
- free race 自由競爭
- friendly race 友誼賽
- great race 大規模的競爭
- healthy race 正當的競爭
- hotly-contested race 競爭激烈的比賽
- international race 國際競爭
- keen race 激烈的競爭
- obstacle race 越障礙物比賽
- open race 公開賽
- political race 政治競爭
- ruinous race 兩敗俱傷的比賽
- severe race 激烈的競爭
- sharp race 激烈的競爭
- spirited race 激烈的競爭
- stiff race 激烈的競爭
- straight race 全力以赴的競賽
- strong race 激烈的競爭
- unfair race 不公正的競爭
- unfettered race 自由競爭
- unscrupulous race 肆無忌憚的競爭
- acceleration race 汽車短程加速賽
- arms race 軍備競賽
- automobile race 汽車賽
- boat race 划船比賽
- car race 汽車賽
- dog race 賽狗
- footrace 賽跑
- horse race 賽馬
- motor race 汽車賽
- motorcycle race 摩托車賽
- rat race 激烈的競爭
- relay race 接力賽
- space race 空間競爭
- governor's race 州長競選
- race horse 賽馬
- train sb for a race 訓練某人賽跑
- race against 和…比賽
- race against time 爭取時間
- race between… 之間的競賽
- race between two schools 校際比賽
- race for president 總統競選
- race of life 人生的歷程
- race on foot 競走比賽
- race car 賽車
- race the engine 快速轉動引擎
- race horse 賽馬
- race pigeons 放鴿競飛
- race time 與時間賽跑
- race awkwardly 笨拙地移動
- race courageously 勇敢地參加比賽
- race feverishly 熱情地參加比賽
- race gloriously 輝煌地參加比賽
- race greedily 渴望參加比賽
- race lawlessly 無法無天地參加比賽
- race spectacularly 壯觀地參加比賽
- race tirelessly 孜孜不倦地參加比賽
- race about 四處走動
- race by 跑過去
- race up 向上跑,急劇上升
- race against time 與時間賽跑
- race along 沿…疾駛而過
- race for 為…參加比賽
- race for a prize 為得獎參加比賽
- race for president 競選總統
- race to 與…比賽,跑步去
- race with 和…賽跑
Eddies and races..can become..violent.
出自:Lifeboat -
The faded race of fallen leaves.
出自: Sir W. Scott -
Writers to the papers are..a race on their own.
出自: Jo Grimond -
Aragorn raced down the..slope.
出自: Tolkien -
The creek raced beside them..towards the..sea.
出自: M. Shadbolt -
An ambulance..turned about..and raced off.
出自: J. M. Coetzee
- nation
- state
- tribe
- chase
- competition
- contention
- contest
- pursuit v.
- compete
- contest
- dart
- dash
- fly
- gallop
- run
- rush
- tear