- v. 刺;扎;豎起;受責備
- n. 扎;刺;刺痛;<俚>蠢人
v. (動詞)
- 刺,扎,戳
- 刺痛,感到刺痛;扎痛;刺傷;使感到刺痛
- 用刺痕標出,圈選
- 驅使,驅策
- 追蹤
- 聳峙
- <古>用靴刺驅馬,(用刺棒)驅趕
- 馳騁,策馬前進
- 戳穿,扎穿
- 被刺
- 刺激
- 使痛心,使受責備
- 變酸,發酸
- 豎起(耳朵)
- 扎破(皮膚),刺破(皮膚)
- 喚醒良心,受到良心譴責
- 刺,扎,錐
- 刺痛,扎痛;刺傷
- 刺痕,刺孔
- 悔恨
- 刺點
- 尖形器具
- 突出尖形器官,突出的器官
- 【音】符點
- 責備
- 靶心
- 野兔的足跡
- 踢馬刺,刺棍
- 豎起的
- 聽著的
v. (動詞)
- vt. 刺,扎,戳 make a little hole or holes in the skin or surface of sth with a sharp-pointed object
- vt. & vi. 刺傷,刺痛;使劇痛 hurt with a sharp point or points;cause sharp pain to
- vt. & vi. (使)覺得刺痛 (cause to) feel sharp pain (in a part of body)
- [C]刺痛 a small sharp pain
- [C]刺孔,刺痕 a small mark or hole made by pricking
insulting terms of address for people who are stupid or irritating or ridiculous
a depression scratched or carved into a surface
obscene terms for penis
the act of puncturing with a small point;
"he gave the balloon a small prick"
make a small hole into, as with a needle or a thorn;
"The nurse pricked my finger to get a small blood sample"
cause a stinging pain;
"The needle pricked his skin"
"The dog pricked up his ears"
stab or urge on as if with a pointed stick
cause a prickling sensation
to cause a sharp emotional pain;
"The thought of her unhappiness pricked his conscience"
deliver a sting to;
"A bee stung my arm yesterday"
用作動詞 (v.)
- The thorns of roses prick rather badly.
玫瑰刺刺得很痛。 - I am afraid I have to prick your finger and take a drop of blood.
我恐怕不得不刺破你的手指,取一滴血。 - She pricked herself on a needle.
她被針扎了一下。 - The rabbit stopped suddenly, pricking up its ears.
兔子突然停下來,豎起自己的耳朵。 - My conscience pricked me.
用作名詞 (n.)
- The needle left a prick in the tailor's finger.
裁縫的手指上有個針扎的孔。 - I gave my finger a prick with a needle.
我的手指叫針給扎了一下。 - The needle went into my hip with a prick.
針一下刺進了我的臀部。 - You will feel a tiny prick in your arm.
你會覺得胳膊上有一點點刺痛。 - I still feel a slight prick in my arm.
用作動詞 (v.)
- prick up one's tears
側耳傾聽listen carefully;be ready to hear information
- prick up 豎起(耳朵)...
- prick off 標出(移植
- prick on 驅使
- prick punch 衝心鏨,衝心鑿,沖孔...
- prick ear 豎耳
- prick pain 刺痛
- prick punch mark 定中心點
- prick song 用點譜寫的曲子...
- prick up one's ears 豎起耳朵注意聽...
- prick-eared 豎起耳朵的
- prick out 標出(移植
- prick up oneself 打扮自己
- prick a bubble 戳破肥皂泡(揭穿真面...
- prick near 與 ... 不相上...
- the prick s of conscience 內疚
- prick for a soft plank 參照 plank
- prick the bubble 戳破肥皂泡(揭穿真面...
- kick against the pricks 抵制(螳臂擋車)...
Bear the pricks and the poison with..dignity.
出自: M. West -
The elderly maid pricked sausages.
出自: W. Trevor -
The princess pricked her finger on the spindle.
出自: P. Farmer -
That half century pricked..many..pleasant bubbles.
出自: fig.
- puncture 刺穿
- stab 刺
- hole 洞
- perforation 孔
- pinhole 針眼
- pierce 刺穿
- perforate 穿孔於
- cut 切
- jab 刺
- lance 槍矛
- make a hole in 大量花費
- sting 刺痛
- prickle (動物或植物上的)刺...
- hurt 損害
- smart 時髦的
- ache 痛
- pain 痛苦
- tingle 刺痛
- spur 支脈
- rowel 馬刺前端的小齒輪...
- point 觀點
- barb 倒鉤
- barbule 鳥之小羽枝
- prong 叉狀物
- slit 裂縫
- nick 刻痕
- affect 影響
- goad 刺激
- touch 觸摸
- lancinate 刺
- wound 創傷
- gash 深的傷口(裂縫等)...
- move 移動
- riddle 謎
- pink 粉紅色的
- melt 融化
- itch 癢
- impale 刺穿
- afflict 使苦惱
- gore 流出的血
- punch 按(鍵)
- stick 手杖
- knife 刀
- sadden (使)黯淡
- gride 銼切
- dent 凹痕
- a 英語字母表的第一個字母...
- cut up 切碎
- make 做
- incite 煽動
- propel 推進
- whip 鞭子
- urge 驅策
- down 向下
- cast down 扔掉
- make a dent 造成凹陷
- stimulant 興奮劑
- needle 針
- lash 鞭子
- cast 擲
- up 向上
- prick up 豎起(耳朵)...
- putz <俚>陰莖
- whoreson 私生子
- asshole <粗>肛門
- motivate 激發(興趣或慾望)...
- poke 戳
- agitate 煽動
- tool 工具
- prompt 迅速的
- prod 刺針
- cock up 豎起
- kindle 燃燒
- dickhead <俚>白痴
- activate 激活
- cock 雄禽
- instigate 教唆
- bite 咬
- push 推
- sob 抽泣
- excite 使興奮
- stimulate 刺激
- encourage 鼓勵
- motherfucker 不要臉的傢伙...
- provoke 激怒
- cocksucker 與男子進行口交者...
- actuate 促使
- son of a bitch 狗娘養的
- hound 獵狗
- drive 開車
- in 在 ... 里
- shit 表示憤怒、厭惡等的感嘆詞...
- scratch 抓
- pricking 剌
- arouse 叫醒
- enflame (使)激怒
- bastard 私生的
- rouse 喚醒
- incision 切口
- shaft 柄
- whip up 激起
- dick <俚>傢伙
- twinge (生理
- Peter 彼得(男子名)...
- fire up 生火
- mother fucker 他媽的(罵人話,慎用)...
- foment 煽動
- pecker 會啄的鳥
- peck 啄
- thrust 刺
- penetrate 滲透
- inflame 激怒
- signal 信號
- fire 火
- pricker n. 刺的人;荊棘,刺‖pricking n. 刺,刺痛感