- v. 啄;連續敲擊;<口>輕吻
- n. 啄痕;啄食;<口>輕吻
- n. 配克;<口>大量
- 啄,啄起,啄食,以喙啄
- 啄穿,啄成,啄掘
- 鑿,挖出,掘出
- <口>輕吻,匆匆地吻
- 連續敲擊
- 一點一點地吃,小口地吃,淺嘗幾口
- <俚>扔石頭
- 找岔子
- 啄痕
- 啄出的洞
- 啄,啄食
- 鑿
- <口>輕吻
- <俚>食物
- 扔石頭
- 找岔子
- 許多,很多,大量
- <美俚>(黑人用語)白人
- 配克(穀物等的英美乾量單位,約九公升)
- vt. & vi. 啄 strike with the beak
(often followed by `of') a large number or amount or extent;
"a batch of letters"
"a deal of trouble"
"a lot of money"
"he made a mint on the stock market"
"see the rest of the winners in our huge passel of photos"
"it must have cost plenty"
"a slew of journalists"
"a wad of money"
a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 2 gallons
a United States dry measure equal to 8 quarts or 537.605 cubic inches
hit lightly with a picking motion
eat by pecking at, like a bird
kiss lightly
eat like a bird;
"The anorexic girl just picks at her food"
bother persistently with trivial complaints;
"She nags her husband all day long"
- That bird tried to peck me.
那隻鳥想啄我。 - The bird pecked at the bread crumbs.
鳥兒啄食麵包屑。 - She is pecking away at the keys of a typewriter.
她不停地敲打著打字機的鍵。 - The boy started pecking at the keys of the piano.
- The parrot gave me a sharp peck on the finger.
鸚鵡把我的手指啄得很疼。 - When she tried to touch the egg,the bird give her a peck.
當她試圖碰碰蛋的時候,那隻鳥啄了她一下。 - The budgerigar gave a quick peck at the seed.
- peck at (v.+prep.)
啄 strike with the beak
peck at sthThe hen pecked at the corn.
The cock pecked at the chickens.
He pecked listlessly at his breakfast of egg and bacon.
- peck the corn 啄玉米
- peck a hole 啄了一個洞
- peck blindly 盲目地啄
- peck consequently 不斷地啄
- peck episodically 偶爾地啄
- peck hastily 急速地啄
- peck insistently 引人注意地啄
- peck intentionally 有目的地啄
- peck laboriously 吃力地啄
- peck noiselessly 悄悄地啄
- peck rapidly 迅速啄
- peck slowly 慢慢地啄
- peck speedily 快速地啄
- peck technically 熟練地啄
- peck at 啄
Far too busy to give her more than an absent-minded peck on the cheek.
出自: S. Hastings -
Never peck the hand that throws you the crumbs.
出自:Monitor (Texas)
- bite 咬
- dig 挖
- nibble 一點點地咬
- kiss 吻
- pick at 吃一點點
- brush 刷子
- caress 愛撫
- osculation 接吻
- buss 接吻
- blow 打擊
- stroke 中風
- jab 刺
- strike 罷工
- tap 龍頭
- hit 打(擊)
- osculate 接吻
- mass 大量
- lot 許多
- plenty 豐富
- pick 拾
- mess 混亂
- bushel 大量
- tons [口]極其
- barrels 動詞barrel的第三人...
- bags 動詞bag的第三人稱單數...
- mint 薄荷
- acres 土地
- world 世界
- heaps <口>很
- piles [醫]痔瘡(=hemor...
- stacks 書庫
- mountains 山,山地,山脈,高山(名...
- legion 軍團
- host 主人
- multitude 大量
- lots 許多
- gobs 大量
- oodles 〈口語或古語〉許多...
- abundance 豐富
- plenitude 豐富
- quantities 數目,數量;工程量...
- stores 名詞store的複數形式...
- poke 戳
- prick 刺
- flick 快速的輕打
- heap 堆
- smack 掌擊聲
- mickle 很多的
- wad 填料
- great deal 大量
- pot 罐
- good deal 划算
- stack 堆
- pile 堆
- peck at 啄
- pick up 撿起
- hen-peck 嘮叨
- flock 一群
- raft 筏
- spate 泛濫
- beak 鳥嘴
- deal 協定
- hatful 一帽子的容量...
- muckle 大量的
- sight 視力
- nag 不斷嘮叨
- quite a little 相當多
- slew 沼地
- batch 一批
- passel 一大批
- mountain 大量
- whole lot 整批