- vt. 誤用;歪曲;曲解;敗壞
- n. 變態;色狼
a person whose behavior deviates from what is acceptable especially in sexual behavior
corrupt morally or by intemperance or sensuality;
"debauch the young people with wine and women"
"Socrates was accused of corrupting young men"
"Do school counselors subvert young children?"
"corrupt the morals"
practice sophistry; change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive;
"Don't twist my words"
change the inherent purpose or function of something;
"Don't abuse the system"
"The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers"
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
- Scientific knowledge was perverted to help cause destruction and war.
科學知識被濫用於破壞和戰爭。 - To pervert what a person has said is to give a wrong meaning to it.
歪曲一個人所說的就是對其所說給予錯誤的理解。 - He made an attempt to pervert the meaning of an innocent story.
他試圖曲解了一個無辜故事的意義。 - The corrupt man takes bribes to pervert the course of justice.
那個腐敗的男人收受賄賂顛倒正義。 - Some people believe that television can pervert the minds of children.
用作名詞 (n.)
- Cinema is the ultimate pervert art.
電影是終極的變態藝術。 - Beacuse he's a natural born pervert.
- corrupt 腐敗的
- twist 纏繞
- misinterpret 誤解
- distort 歪曲
- misrepresent 誤稱
- debauch 使墮落
- deprave 使墮落
- lead astray 引入歧途
- spoil 寵壞
- warp 使翹起
- alter 改變
- change 變化
- garble 斷章取義
- misuse 誤用
- debase 降低質量、地位或價值...
- deviate 偏離
- deviant 不正常的
- divert 轉移
- deflect 使偏斜
- turn 翻轉
- avert 轉開
- sidetrack 使降至次要地位...
- wrench 扳鉗,扳手
- wrest 奪取
- degenerate 退化
- wring 擰
- skew 斜交的(不對稱的...
- slant 傾斜
- seduce 引誘
- tempt 誘惑
- allure 誘惑
- entice 誘使
- inveigle 誘騙
- trap 圈套
- entrap 誘捕
- snare 陷阱
- ensnare 誘捕
- prostitute 娼妓
- exploit 剝削
- misapply 誤用
- misemploy 誤用
- mishandle 粗暴對待
- misconstrue 誤解
- mistranslate 譯錯
- misdeem 錯認為
- misread 讀錯
- misrender 翻譯錯誤
- misreport 錯報
- misstate 說錯
- misdirect 指錯方向
- vitiate 使敗壞
- torture 拷問
- contort (使)扭曲
- stretch 伸展
- strain 拉緊
- fiend 魔鬼
- maniac 瘋子
- psychopath 精神病患者
- sadist 虐待狂
- lecher 好色之徒
- voyeur 窺淫狂者
- erotomania 色情狂
- nymphomaniac 慕男狂患者
- sodomite 雞姦者
- abuse 濫用
- bugger 雞姦者
- paederast 雞姦者
- subvert 推翻
- demoralise 使墮落
- catamite 男童
- necrophilia 戀屍癖
- convolute 盤旋
- profane 褻瀆的
- sexual deviant 性變態者
- sex fiend 色魔
- masochist 被虐待狂
- sophisticate 久經世故的人...
- fetishist 物神崇拜者
- pedophile 戀童癖者
- sodomist 雞姦者
- flasher 閃光裝置
- demoralize 使士氣低落
- exhibitionist 喜歡出風頭的人...
- weirdo 古怪的人
- mislead 誤導
- misguide 誤導
- misadvise 給錯誤的勸告...
- misteach 錯誤地教導
- delude 欺騙
- beguile 誘騙
- deceive 欺騙
- trick 詭計
- hoax 欺騙
- dupe 受騙的人
- abase 降低 ... 的地位...
- lower 低的
- pollute 污染
- contaminate 弄髒
- adulterate 攙 ... 使品質變劣...
- taint 污點
- alloy 合金
- foul 惡臭的
- befoul 弄髒
- soil 土地
- sully 玷污
- defile 弄髒
- desecrate 褻瀆
- degrade 降格
- butcher 屠夫
- apostate 背教者
- recidivist 累犯
- schismatic 分裂的
- dissenter 持異議者
- heretic 異教徒
- infidel 不信宗教者
- antichrist Antichrist.
- antichristian 反對基督教者2...
- secessionist 脫離論者
- seceder 脫離者
- separatist 分離主義者
- renegade 叛徒
- traitor 叛徒
- turncoat 背叛者
- deserter 背棄者