- n. 濫用;惡習
- vt. 濫用;辱罵;虐待
- 濫用,妄用,亂用,誤用
- 虐待,傷害
- 弊病,弊端,惡習,陋習
- 辱罵,罵,講壞話,惡語,惡言
- 侮辱,污辱
- 不正之風
- 罵,辱罵,謾罵
- 濫用,妄用,誤用
- 虐待,凌辱,傷害
- 毀謗,講...壞話,污衊,詆毀,侮辱
- 欺騙,誆騙
- 強姦,猥褻,褻瀆
- [U][S]濫用; 妄用 wrong use; the use of sth in a way that is wrong or harmful
- [U][P]虐待 unfair, cruel or violent treatment of sb
- [U]辱罵; 惡語 unkind, cruel, or rude words; rude and offensive remarks, usually made when sb is very angry
- [C]陋習; 弊端 an unjust or harmful custom
- vt. 濫用; 妄用 make bad use of sth, or use so much of sth that it harms your health; use power or knowledge unfairly or wrongly
- vt. 虐待 physically hurt; treat a person or an animal in a cruel or violent way, especially sexually
- vt. 辱罵 make rude or offensive remarks to or about sb
cruel or inhumane treatment;
"the child showed signs of physical abuse"
a rude expression intended to offend or hurt;
"when a student made a stupid mistake he spared them no abuse"
"they yelled insults at the visiting team"
improper or excessive use;
"alcohol abuse"
"the abuse of public funds"
treat badly;
"This boss abuses his workers"
"She is always stepping on others to get ahead"
change the inherent purpose or function of something;
"Don't abuse the system"
"The director of the factory misused the funds intended for the health care of his workers"
use foul or abusive language towards;
"The actress abused the policeman who gave her a parking ticket"
"The angry mother shouted at the teacher"
use wrongly or improperly or excessively;
"Her husband often abuses alcohol"
"while she was pregnant, she abused drugs"
- The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.
政府已成立工作組調查濫用毒品問題。 - His political reputation was tainted by his abuse of the power.
他因濫用職權而破壞了政治聲譽。 - He greeted me with a stream of abuse.
- It's easy to abuse one's power.
人容易濫用權力。 - I don't consider it good for a person to be afraid of being abused.
一個人怕挨罵,我看不好。 - He abused his wife and children.
- open to abuse
可能被濫用的 capable of being abused
- direct abuse against 辱罵
- heap abuse on sb 肆意謾罵某人
- hurl abuse at 謾罵
- keep abuse on 對…破口大罵
- shout abuse 破口大罵
- shower abuse on sb 痛罵某人
- take abuse 挨罵
- check abuses 防止弊病
- correct an abuse 匡正時弊; 糾正陋習
- curb abuses 防止弊病
- eliminate abuses 根除弊端
- expose contemporary social abuses 揭露社會時弊
- prevent abuses 防治弊病
- reform abuses 革除弊端
- remedy an abuse 匡正時弊; 糾正陋習
- root up abuses 根除弊端
- wipe out abuses 根除弊端
- put an end to abuses 廢止惡習
- crying abuse 亟待根除的弊端
- foul-mouthed abuse 下流的謾罵
- horrifying abuse 可怕的虐待
- personal abuse 人身攻擊
- physical abuse 肉體摧殘
- sexual abuse 性虐待
- shocking abuse 駭人聽聞的虐待
- verbal abuse 口頭辱罵
- alcohol abuse 酗酒
- drug abuse 嗜毒
- child abuse 虐待兒童
- election abuses 選舉舞弊
- a shower of abuse 一頓大罵
- a stream of abuse 不停地罵
- a word of abuse 罵人話
- abuse of authority 濫用權力
- abuse of health 糟蹋健康
- abuse of privileges 濫用特權
- abuse of the word 被濫用的詞
- abuse of trust 濫用信任
- abuses of the age 時弊
- abuse one's authority 濫用權力
- abuse one's office 濫用職權
- abuse one's power 濫用權力
- abuse one's privileges 濫用特權
- abuse sb's confidence 辜負了某人的信任
- abuse sb's kindness 辜負某人的一片好心
- abuse one's eyes 使用眼睛不當
- abuse people 罵人
Dickens was careful to castigate abuses which were being reformed.
出自: W. R. Inge -
I'm in a position of trust and privilege..and I take care not to abuse it.
出自: M. Frayn
- imposition
- improper use
- misapplication
- misuse
- unfair use
- cruelty
- harming
- ill-use
- injury
- maltreatment
- mistreatment
- criticism
- cursing
- defamation
- harsh language
- insulting language
- insults
- reproach
- scolding
- slander v.
- harm
- hurt
- ill-treat
- ill-use
- impose upon
- injure
- maltreat
- mistreat
- misuse
- use improperly
- criticize
- curse
- defame
- denounce
- insult
- reproach
- scold
- slander
- speak harshly to
- speak ill of
- praise
- compliment
- flattery v.
- care for
- protect
- respect
- compliment
- flatter
- praise
- speak well of
- sweet-talk
- abuser n. 辱罵的人‖abusive adj. 辱罵的; 惡語的; 誹謗的; 虐待的