make dirty or spotty, as by exposure to air; also used metaphorically;
"The silver was tarnished by the long exposure to the air"
"Her reputation was sullied after the affair with a married man"
spot, stain, or pollute;
"The townspeople defiled the river by emptying raw sewage into it"
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
Who are these men who defile the grassy borders of our roads and lanes. 是誰污損了我們大路和小路兩旁的草坪。
Insults alone cannot defile a person's honour. 僅靠辱罵不可能敗壞一個人的名譽。
Do not defile yourselves by any of these things. 在這一切的事上,你們都不可玷污自己。
Then the people of Israel will no longer stray from me, nor will they defile themselves anymore with all their sins. 好使以色列家不再走迷離開我,不再因各樣的罪過玷污自己,只要作我的子民,我作他們的神。