a kind of pain; something as sudden and painful as being stung;
"the sting of death"
"he felt the stinging of nettles"
(of speech) harsh or hurtful in tone or character;
"cutting remarks"
"edged satire"
"a stinging comment"
用作形容词 (adj.)
The result of the epidemic of sightlessness is chaos and starvation, underpinned by a growing threat from the mysterious stinging triffids. 大范围失明造成了随处可见的混乱和饥荒,同时神秘的刺人三脚妖造成的威胁也更在不断加剧。
Even more stinging criticism came from Ms Yade. 亚德女士甚至还发表了更激烈的批评言辞。