"dull repetitious work gives no gratification"
"to my immense gratification he arrived on time"
the act or an instance of satisfying
用作名词 (n.)
He had the gratification of knowing that he had done his best. 他了解自己已尽了最大努力而感到满足。
Many also equate instant gratification with happiness. 许多人还等同即刻满足与幸福。
Again Hist experienced the profound gratification when he heard the language of praise spoken by those we love. 听了心爱的人说出这番赞扬的话,希斯特又一次感到由衷的喜悦。
Rhett never presumed on these conversations but stood by, exuding fatherly pride and gratification at the notice taken of his daughter. 瑞德从来不打搅这种谈话,只悄悄地站在一旁,流露出作父亲的骄傲和对人们这样夸奖他女儿的喜悦之情。