- n. 要求;需求
- v. 要求;查问;需要
- 要求,请求
- 需求
- 需要,必需
- 销路
- 量,需要量
- 开价
- 所需之物
- 所要求的事物
- 命令,指令
- 问题
- 要求,请求
- 需要,必需
- 盘诘,盘问,询问
- 【律】传唤,召唤,传…到庭
- 追究
- 争取,追求,求
- 指令,嘱咐,强求
- 召集,召见,命令(某人)到场
- 要求知道,要求被告知,想要知道
- vt. & vi. 要求 say strongly that you must have sth
- vt. 需要 want (particular goods or services)
- vt. 想要知道,查问 inquire with authority
- [C]要求,所需求之物 urgent request; act of demanding; sth demanded
- [U][S]需求,需要 the desire of people for particular goods or services
an urgent or peremptory request;
"his demands for attention were unceasing"
the ability and desire to purchase goods and services;
"the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips"
"the demand exceeded the supply"
required activity;
"the requirements of his work affected his health"
"there were many demands on his time"
the act of demanding;
"the kidnapper's exorbitant demands for money"
a condition requiring relief;
"she satisfied his need for affection"
"God has no need of men to accomplish His work"
"there is a demand for jobs"
request urgently and forcefully;
"The victim's family is demanding compensation"
"The boss demanded that he be fired immediately"
"She demanded to see the manager"
require as useful, just, or proper;
"It takes nerve to do what she did"
"success usually requires hard work"
"This job asks a lot of patience and skill"
"This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"
"This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"
"This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent"
claim as due or just;
"The bank demanded payment of the loan"
lay legal claim to
summon to court
ask to be informed of;
"I demand an explanation"
- Their demand is entirely justified.
他们的要求是完全正当的。 - The demand for coal begins to slacken off in the spring.
- He had the impertinence to demand a raise.
他竟冒失地要求增加工资。 - The policeman demanded their names.
那个警察查问了他们的名字。 - All these questions demand careful and detailed study.
- demand for (v.+prep.)
要求 ask for sth
demand for sthHe agreed to pay the price demanded for the computer.
demand sth for sth/v-ingThe teacher demanded an explanation for his absence from class.
- demand from (v.+prep.)
向…要求或索取 ask for sth
demand sth from sbThe captain demanded obedience from his men.
We demand an explanation from him.
She demanded an apology from the boy.
I'll demand reparation from the company.
- demand of (v.+prep.)
要求,需求 ask for sth of sb; require sth
demand sth of sb/sthHe demanded payment of the buyer.
Have you any idea what the task will demand of you?
Is it wrong for the police to demand the help of the public in fighting violent crime?
I demanded an answer of him.
Science demands of men effort and complete devotion.
A war would demand of us enormous sacrifices of life and property.
The increased population is demanding too much of electricity supply.
Hard work will be demanded of students in this course.
All this was demanded of me.
Everything that has been taught will be demanded of the students at the examination.
demand of sb/sth to-vWe demand of him to reply at once.
He demanded of us to take action at once.
The teacher demands of his students to finish their homework well.
She demands of her husband to help with the housework.
- have many demands on〔upon〕
(时间〔钱〕)不敷支配 not have enough time or money to do sth
- in demand
所需要的,销路好的 needed, wanted; very popular
- make demand on〔of〕
提出要求,有求于 expect help or support from sb, continually require
- on demand
一经要求 when asked for
- demand a trial 要求审判
- demand an answer 要求答复
- demand an explanation 要求说明
- demand an interview 要求会见
- demand analysis 需求分析
- demand attention 需要注意
- demand better working conditions 要求更好的工作条件
- demand bill 要求得到即期汇票
- demand care 需要细心
- demand certificate 要求证书
- demand freedom 要求自由
- demand great precision 需要十分的精细
- demand help 要求帮忙
- demand one's rights 要求自己的权利
- demand patience 需要耐心
- demand payment 要求付款
- demand payment of a debt 要求偿还债务
- demand price 讨价
- demand quiet rest 需要静养
- demand release 要求释放某人
- demand reparation 要求赔偿
- demand sb's address 询问某人的地址
- demand sb's business 查问某人干什么,查问某人有何事
- demand sb's name 询问某人的姓名
- demand signal 指令信号
- demand skill 需要有熟练的技术
- demand solution 需要解决
- demand the reason for the intrusion 要求解释侵扰的理由
- demand the singer once more 要求这位歌手再次演唱
- demand arbitrarily 擅自请求
- demand arrogantly 妄自尊大,蛮横要求
- demand assuredly 大胆要求
- demand bluntly 直率要求
- demand briskly 轻松地要求
- demand cruelly 铁面无私地查问
- demand curtly 简略地询问
- demand definitely 明确要求
- demand despairingly 绝望地要求
- demand exactingly 严格地要求
- demand exorbitantly 过分地要求
- demand formally 正式地要求,郑重其事地请求
- demand frantically 疯狂地要求
- demand furiously 愤怒地要求
- demand greedily 贪婪地要求
- demand gruffly 态度生硬地请求
- demand hungrily 渴望地请求,争先恐后地要求
- demand imperatively 迫切要求,紧急请求
- demand incessantly 不停地请求
- demand indignantly 愤愤不平地查问
- demand insistently 迫切要求,坚持要求
- demand insolently 傲慢地要求
- demand loudly 大声地要求
- demand persistently 坚持要求
- demand rapaciously 贪婪地渴求
- demand relentlessly 不懈地要求
- demand riotously 放荡地要求,吵闹地要求
- demand ruthlessly 残忍地要求
- demand savagely 蛮横地要求
- demand scornfully 蔑视地询问
- demand sharply 尖刻地要求
- demand sternly 严格地要求,苛刻地要求
- demand stridently 吵吵嚷嚷地要求
- demand triumphantly 得意洋洋地查问
- demand truculently 蛮横无理地要求
- demand ultimately 最终要求
- demand unanimously 全体一致地要求
- demand uncompromisingly 强硬地要求
- demand unconscionably 不合理地要求,肆无忌惮地要求
- demand unreasonably 无理地要求,荒唐地要求
- demand urgently 迫切地需要
- demand vibrantly 精神振奋地请求
- demand virulently 恶毒地质问
- demand for 对…的需求
- demand from 向…要求
- demand in 在…的需求
- demand of 要求
- demand on 需要
- abridge demand 削减需要量
- accede to demand 答应要求
- accomplish demand 达到要求
- agree to demand 答应要求
- attend demand 注意需求
- besiege with demands 提出一堆要求
- cause demand 带来需求,产生需要
- comply with demand 同意要求
- concede demand 承认要求
- confront with demand 面对要求
- create demand 产生需要,引起需求
- deny demand 拒绝要求
- divine demand 察觉要求,推测需求
- drop a demand 放弃要求
- dwarf demand 使要求受阻
- echo demand 重复要求
- evoke demand 引起需求
- exceed demand 超过需求,供过于求
- fill demand 满足需求
- fulfill demand 达到要求
- grant demand 答应要求
- have a demand 提出要求
- ignore demand 忽视要求
- increase demand 增加需求
- indulge demand 放纵要求
- make demand 提出要求
- meet demand 满足要求
- obey demand 服从要求
- overtake demand 超过需求
- parry demand 回避要求
- present one's demands 提出要求
- press demand 强调要求,坚持要求
- put forward a demand 提出要求
- raise the demand 提出要求
- refuse the demand 拒绝要求
- reiterate demand 重申要求
- reject demand 拒绝要求
- respond to demand 符合要求,与要求一致
- satisfy demand 满足要求
- supply demand 供应需要
- support the demand 支持要求
- thunder demand 在共同要求下团结起来
- utter demand 公开说明要求
- voice demand 把要求说出来
- whip up demand 刺激需求
- yield to demand 屈从要求,答应要求
- abnormal demand 反常的需求
- active demand 积极的要求,旺销
- additional demand 附加的要求,额外要求
- arbitrary demand 随心所欲的要求
- arrogant demand 专横的要求
- audacious demand 厚颜无耻的要求
- authoritative demand 官方要求,当局要求
- blustering demand 恐吓的要求
- brisk demand 旺销
- brusque demand 无礼要求
- ceaseless demands 不断的要求
- complex demand 复杂的要求
- concrete demand 具体要求
- consistent demand 一致的要求
- constant demand 经常的要求,一直很畅销
- consumer demand 消费需求,商品需求量
- continuing demand 持续的需要
- craving demand 恳求,渴求
- decorative demand 装饰需要物
- definite demand 明确的要求
- diminishing demand 缩小需求
- eager demand 迫切需要
- earnest demand 真挚的要求
- effectual demand 有力的要求,有效的需求
- embarrassing demand 令人为难的要求
- emotional demand 情感要求
- emphatic demand 显著的要求
- enlarged demand 扩大要求,增补要求
- enormous demand 大量的需求
- essential demand 根本要求
- ever-changing demand 时时变化的要求
- ever-increasing demand 不断增长的要求
- exacting demand 严格的要求
- exaggerated demand 夸大的要求,言过其实的需求
- excessive demand 过分的要求
- exigent demand 苛求,紧急要求
- exorbitant demand 过分要求
- explicit demand 明确的要求,率直的要求
- extreme demand 激烈的要求,极端的要求
- feverish demand 疯狂的要求
- financial demand 财政需求
- fluctuating demand 变更的需求
- fruitless demand 毫无结果的要求
- general demand 普遍的要求,一般的要求
- gigantic demand 庞大的需求
- good demand 很大的需要量
- great demand 大量的需求
- growing demand 日益增长的需求
- half-appealing demand 半恳求,半哀求
- half-resentful demand 不大满意的要求
- heavy demand 大量需求
- higher demand 更高的需要
- huge demand 大量的需求
- imaginative demand 富于想象力的要求
- immediate demand 即刻的要求,直接的要求
- immense demand 无限的要求
- imperious demand 专横的要求,紧急需要
- impossible demand 做不到的要求,达不到的需要
- incessant demand 不断的需要
- industrial demand 产业需求
- inescapable demand 必不可少的需求
- inevitable demand 合情合理的要求,必然的需要
- infrequent demand 罕见的需求
- insidious demand 阴险的要求
- insistent demand 迫切的要求
- insulting demand 无礼的要求,侮辱性的要求
- intense demand 认真的要求
- intransigent demand 不妥协的要求
- irresistible demand 不可抗拒的需求
- just demand 正当的要求
- languid demand 需求疲软
- large demand 大量需要
- legitimate demand 合法要求,正当的要求
- limited demand 有限的需求
- little demand 需求量少
- live demand 目前大家关心的需求
- logical demand 合乎逻辑的要求
- moderate demand 有分寸的要求
- modern demand 时髦的需求
- modest demand 有分寸的要求
- monstrous demand 荒谬的要求
- multitudinous demands 许多要求
- nervous demand 神经质的要求
- never-ending demand 无止境的需要
- normal demand 正常的需要,规定的要求
- obstinate demand 顽强的要求
- outrageous demand 无耻的要求
- overwhelming demand 压倒多数的要求
- peculiar demand 特殊需求
- permanent demand 永远的需要
- persistent demand 持续的要求
- poor demand 需要量很小
- popular demand 民众的要求
- practical demand 实际的要求
- preparatory demand 预先准备的要求
- present demand 目前的需求
- pressing demand 燃眉之需,紧急要求
- progressive demand 逐步的要求
- public demand 大众的需求
- reasonable demand 合理的要求
- renewed demand 补充要求
- repeated demand 再三要求
- ridiculous demand 荒谬的要求
- scientific demand 科学上的要求
- small demand 小小的要求
- social demand 社会需要
- steady demand 稳定的需求量
- stern demand 严格的要求,苛刻的要求
- strict demand 严格要求
- strong demand 强烈要求,大量的需求
- sufficient demand 充分的要求,足够的需要量
- temporal demand 短暂的需求,世俗的需要
- temporary demand 临时的需要
- terrific demand 可怕的要求,惊人的需要
- transient demand 一时的要求
- tremendous demand 惊人的要求,非常巧妙的要求
- unabated demand 原有的要求
- uncompromising demand 坚决的要求
- unconditional demand 无保留的要求
- unfair demand 卑劣的要求,不公正的要求
- unfortunate demand 令人遗憾的要求
- unheeded demand 无人理睬的要求
- unique demand 唯一要求
- unjust demand 不正当的要求
- unlimited demand 无限制的要求
- unprecedented demand 空前的需要,新奇的要求
- unreasonable demand 无理要求
- unsatisfied demand 得不到满足的要求
- urgent demand 迫切需要
- vehement demand 热烈的要求
- vigorous demand 强烈要求
- voiced demand 用语言表达的要求
- voluntary demand 自愿要求,自动要求
- widespread demand 普遍的要求,广泛的需要
- worthy demand 高尚的要求
- export demand 出口需要
- home demand 国内需要
- human demand 有人性的要求,通人情的要求
- market demand 市场需要
- union demand 工会的要求
- wage demand 对工资提出的要求
- wage-rise demand 加薪的要求
- demand analysis 需求分析
- demand bill 即期汇票
- demand certificate 活期存单
- demand draft 即期汇票
- demand inflation 需求引起的通货膨胀
- demand loan 活期放款
- demand meter 占用计数计
- demand oxygen system 耗氧系统
- demand register 最大需求量记录器
- demand signal 指令信号
- according to demand 根据要求
- at demand 在请求时
- in demand 需要,需求
- on demand 在请求时
- under demand 在…的要求下
- demand for 对…的要求
- demand for compensation 要求补偿
- demand of the times 时代的需要
- demand on 对…的要求
Henry's extravagant demands had been received at Madrid with that neglect which they deserved.
出自: W. Robertson -
Compassion is..a demand of nature, to relieve the unhappy.
出自: fig. -
Two ruffians..demanded to speak with the king.
出自: Goldsmith -
To demand that the bones..should be returned to their care.
出自: L. Ritchie -
The Crown claimed ownership..and demanded a licence fee.
出自: W. S. Churchill
- 今日热词
- 深远海浮式风电平台 - deep-sea floating wind power platform
- 京雄高速公路 - Beijing-Xiongan expressway
- 农业及相关产业增加值 - the added value of agriculture and related industries