



  • - (相稱) equal:

    be well-matched in social and economic status (for marriage); 門當戶對

    well-matched in strength 實力相當

  • - (擔任; 充當) work as; serve as; be:

    serve [act] as interpreter; 當翻譯

    work as a bus driver; 當公共汽車司機

    - (承當; 承受) bear; accept; deserve:

    dare to do sth. and dare to take responsibility for it; 敢做敢當

    I just don't deserve such praise. 我可當不起這樣的誇獎。

    - (主持; 掌管) direct; manage; be in charge of:

    manage household affairs 當家

    - (應當) ought; should; must:

    That's just as it should be. 理當如此。

    Save what you can, but use what you must. 能省的就省,當用的還是得用。

  • - (面對著; 向著) in sb.'s presence; to sb.'s face:

    Speak out in the presence of everyone. 當著大家談。

    You are telling me lies to my very face. 你在當著我的面撒謊。

    - (正在那時候、 那地方) just at (a time or place):

    on the spot; 當場

    at that time 當時

  • - (撞擊金屬器物的聲音) clank; clang:

    the tolling of a bell; the ding-dong of bells 噹噹的鐘聲

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Dang Yang 當陽



  1. 我們應當遵守法律。
    We should obey the law.
  2. 父輩應當被尊重。
    A sire should be respected.
  3. 人應當傾聽自己的內心感覺。
    He should listen to his intimate feelings.
  4. 我們應當堅持我們的意見。
    We should adhere to our opinions.
  5. 你應當向警方控告他們的。
    You should have reported them to the police.
  6. 當有人需要救助的時候,行動勝於言語。
    Deeds are better than words when people are in need of help.
  7. 她有一門不及格,但我們必須考慮到她當時有病。
    She failed one of the exam papers, but we ought to make allowance for the fact that she was ill.
  8. 當男主角策馬向夕陽馳去時,尾聲音樂逐漸消失。
    The closing music fades out when the hero rides off into the sunset.


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