n. (名词)
- 石油,油
- 油画颜料
- <口>奉承话,恭维话
- 油画
- 油类
- 油布,油布雨衣
- 燃油
- 润滑油
- 防护油
- 润肤油
- 油状物
- 护发油
- 鬼话
- 油滑的话
- 原油
- <口>贿赂,收买,行贿
- 加油(于), 加燃料油,给…加润滑油
- 在...上涂油,把...浸在油中
- 弄滑
- (使)融化,熔化
- 起促进作用
- 化成油
n. (名词)
- [U][C]油 any of various thick slippery liquids that do not mix with water and burn easily
- [U]石油 petroleum found in rock underground
- [C]油画,油画颜料 picture painted in oil-colours; paints made by mixing colouring matter in oil
- vt. 给…加油 put oil on or into (sth)
a slippery or viscous liquid or liquefiable substance not miscible with water
oil paint containing pigment that is used by an artist
a dark oil consisting mainly of hydrocarbons
any of a group of liquid edible fats that are obtained from plants
cover with oil, as if by rubbing;
"oil the wooden surface"
administer an oil or ointment to ; often in a religious ceremony of blessing
用作名词 (n.)
- The country is rich in oil and coal.
这个国家石油和煤的资源丰富。 - You should oil the sewing machine to stop the squeaking.
你应该给缝纫机上点油,以免发出轧轧声。 - He slicks his hair down with oil every day.
他每天搽油把头梳得光溜溜的。 - I prefer to use watercolors rather than oil paints.
用作动词 (v.)
- The man whom I bought it from told me to oil it.
我向他买这样东西的那个人告诉我要给它上油。 - We must oil this door to stop it creaking.
我要给这扇门加点油,消除嘎嘎吱吱的声音。 - You must oil the tractor every day.
你必须每天给拖拉机加油。 - The machine won't function properly if you don't oil it well.
用作名词 (n.)
- pour oil on (the) flame(s)
火上浇油 make sb angrier
- strike oil
有重大发现 make important discover
用作名词 (n.)
- add oil on fire 火上加油
- add oil on the flame(s) 火上加油
- burn oil 烧油
- burn the midnight oil 开夜车,工作或学习到深夜
- buy oil 买油
- drill for oil 钻油
- feed oil to 向…注油
- find oil 找石油
- fuel with oil 以油为燃料
- hit oil 钻探到石油
- pour oil into 把油倒进…
- pour oil on fire 火上加油
- pour oil on the flame(s) 火上加油,煽动
- produce oil 产油
- pump oil 用泵抽油
- put oil on fire 火上加油
- put oil on the flame(s) 火上加油
- reach oil 钻到石油
- strike oil 钻探到石油
- paint the oils 画油画
- expensive oil 高价油
- heavy oil 重油
- light oil 轻油
- rich oil 丰富的石油
- animal oil 动物油
- coal oil 煤油
- cooking oil 烹调用的油
- corn oil 玉米油
- fuel oil 燃料油
- hair oil 发油,生发油
- household oil 家用油
- lamp oil 灯油
- machine oil 机油
- mineral oil 矿物油
- motor oil 马达油
- salad oil 色拉油
- vegetable oil 植物油,菜油
- oil box 油箱
- oil cakes 油渣饼,豆饼
- oil crop 油料作物
- oil deposits 石油储藏量,油田
- oil fields 油田
- oil lamp 油灯
- oil plant 油料作物
- oil shares 石油股票
- oil storage 油库
- oil well 油井
- oils painter 油画家
- oils painting 油画,油画术
- be fuelled by oil 靠油燃烧
- paint in oils 画油画
- a film of oil 薄薄的一层油
用作动词 (v.)
- oil the hinge 给铰链上点油
- oil the machine 给机器加油
- oil the tractor 给拖拉机加油
- oil the wheels of the bike 给自行车轮子上油
- oil appropriately 适当地加油
- oil immensely 大量地加油
- oil needlessly 不必要地加油
- oil prematurely 提前加油
- oil purposely 有目的地加油
- oil regularly 定期加油
- oil scientifically 科学地加油
- oil slowly 慢慢地加油
Add a little more oil so that the mushrooms do not dry up.
出自: E. David -
His hair was thickly plastered with sweetly-smelling oil.
出自: R. P. Jhabvala -
Converting more power stations from oil to coal would push up electricity charges.
出自:Daily Telegraph -
Petrol tank's full. I checked the oil, water, and tyres.
出自: M. Wesley
- petroleum 石油
- grease 油脂
- glycerol [化]甘油
- fat 肥胖的
- lubricant 润滑剂
- dripping 滴落
- glycerine 甘油
- oleomargarine 代黄油
- petrolatum 凡士林油
- marge <英>人造黄油(=mar...
- oil 油
- lubricator 润滑器
- unguent 软膏
- cream 奶油
- margarine 人造黄油
- butter 黄油
- liniment 擦剂
- lard 猪油
- anoint [宗教]涂油使神圣化...
- graphite 石墨
- oleum 发烟硫酸
- balm 香油
- embrocate 涂擦(药液)
- ooze (使)渗出
- shortening 起酥油
- oleo 人造黄油
- sludge 泥泞
- lotion 洗剂
- ointment 药膏
- salve 药膏
- crude 天然的
- vegetable oil 植物油
- crude oil 原油
- lubricate 润滑
- smear 涂抹
- pomade 润发脂
- dress 服装
- soap 肥皂
- wax 蜡
- daub 涂抹
- slick 光滑的
- smooth 光滑的
- suborn 教唆
- buy 购买
- bribe 贿赂
- corrupt 腐败的
- black 黑的
- motor oil 机油
- machine oil 机械油
- gold 金色的
- oily 含油的
- oleaginous 含油的
- painting 画,油画
- corn oil 玉米油
- linseed oil 亚麻子油
- cod-liver oil 鱼肝油
- motor 马达
- black gold 黑金
- machine 机器
- linseed 亚麻籽
- corn 谷物
- vegetable 蔬菜
- oil colour 油溶性染料
- inunct 涂油膏
- anele <古>行临终涂油礼...
- oil color 油溶性染料
- cod-liver 鳕鱼肝
- rock oil 石油
- fossil oil 石油