- v. 跟隨;追趕;緊接著;注意;遵循;沿著;明白
- 跟著
- 接著
- 跟隨
- 注視
- 密切注意
- 聽從
- 從事
- 追求
- 追趕
- 追逐
- 傾聽
- 採用
- 信奉
- 聽懂
- 領會
- 結果產生
- 跟著發生
- 繼…之後
- 在…之後
- 隨後
- 結果發生
- 因而當然
- 那麼…就
- 順…前進
- 因…而起
- 是必然結果
- 仿效某人
- 接在…之後
- 沿著…行進
- 因…而產生
- 接在…之後
- 因…而發生
- 在…后發生
- 因…而產生
- 結果是
- 繼之而來
- 必然可推知…
- 跟隨
- 追隨
- 跟球
- 添菜
- 因…而起
- vt. & vi. 跟隨; 接著 come or go after
- vt. 注視,密切注意 keep in sight; watch
- vt. & vi. 聽得懂 understand
- vt. 從事,經營 engage in as a business, trade, etc.
- vt. 遵照,接受,聽從 take or accept or obey
- vi. 是…必然的結果 be or happen as a necessary effect or result
to travel behind, go after, come after;
"The ducklings followed their mother around the pond"
"Please follow the guide through the museum"
be later in time;
"Tuesday always follows Monday"
come as a logical consequence; follow logically;
"It follows that your assertion is false"
"the theorem falls out nicely"
travel along a certain course;
"follow the road"
"follow the trail"
act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes;
"He complied with my instructions"
"You must comply or else!"
"Follow these simple rules"
"abide by the rules"
come after in time, as a result;
"A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake"
behave in accordance or in agreement with;
"Follow a pattern"
"Follow my example"
be next;
"Mary plays best, with John and Sue following"
choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans;
"She followed the feminist movement"
"The candidate espouses Republican ideals"
to bring something about at a later time than;
"She followed dinner with a brandy"
"He followed his lecture with a question and answer period"
imitate in behavior; take as a model;
"Teenagers follow their friends in everything"
follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something;
"We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba"
"trace the student's progress"
follow with the eyes or the mind;
"Keep an eye on the baby, please!"
"The world is watching Sarajevo"
"She followed the men with the binoculars"
be the successor (of);
"Carter followed Ford"
"Will Charles succeed to the throne?"
perform an accompaniment to;
"The orchestra could barely follow the frequent pitch changes of the soprano"
keep informed;
"He kept up on his country's foreign policies"
to be the product or result;
"Melons come from a vine"
"Understanding comes from experience"
accept and follow the leadership or command or guidance of;
"Let's follow our great helmsman!"
"She followed a guru for years"
adhere to or practice;
"These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion"
work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function;
"He is a herpetologist"
"She is our resident philosopher"
keep under surveillance;
"The police had been following him for weeks but they could not prove his involvement in the bombing"
follow in or as if in pursuit;
"The police car pursued the suspected attacker"
"Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life"
grasp the meaning;
"Can you follow her argument?"
"When he lectures, I cannot follow"
keep to;
"Stick to your principles"
"stick to the diet"
- The little boy followed his father out.
小男孩跟隨他父親出去了。 - They blew up the bridge so that the enemy couldn't follow them.
他們炸毀了橋樑,使敵人無法追趕他們。 - If you ignore your diet, trouble will follow.
如果你忽視自己的飲食,必然會遇到麻煩 - He followed every word of the trial.
他注意聽著裁判的每句話。 - If you want to complain, you'd better follow the correct procedure.
如果你要投訴,最好遵循正確的程序。 - Follow this road until you get to the corner, then turn left.
沿著這條路走到拐角處,然後向左轉。 - I didn't quite follow; could you explain it again?
- as follows
列舉如下 as now to be told
- follow after (v.+prep.)
追求,力求得到 pursue
- follow in one's footsteps (v.+prep.+n.)
踩著別人的腳印走; 效法他人 follow a similar occupation
- follow into (v.+prep.)
跟著…進入… walk behind sb into a place
follow sb into sthShe followed him into the room.
The boy followed the teacher into the office.
Michael Manley followed his father into politics.
- follow on1 (v.+adv.)
繼續 continue
follow onI'll be back soon. Meanwhile follow on.
You go first, and we'll follow on after a short rest.
He follows on despite every difficulty.
- follow on2 (v.+prep.)
隨之發生 happen as a consequence
follow on sthDisease often follows on starvation because the body is weakened.
His disease followed on his mother's death.
Following quickly on this tragedy, the youngest child died of malnutrition.
After the taking of Tianjin, he followed on his victory.
- follow out (v.+adv.)
貫徹,依照…完成 carry out; finish what you are told to do
follow sth ⇔ outEven though he followed out all the instructions carefully, he couldn't get the machine to work.
You follow out his instructions carefully.
The boy followed out his father's advice.
The boy followed out the instruction and made a fine model plane.
The police have followed out several lines of inquiry, but are no nearer to finding the culprit.
The student followed out all the index references in the encyclopedia until he found what he wanted to know.
Follow out all the cross references.
- follow through (v.+adv.)
保持,堅持 maintain or continue to the end
follow throughHe is good at initiating projects but rarely follows through with anything.
Bob drew plans for a table for his mother, but he did not follow through by making it.
follow sth ⇔ throughStarting projects is one thing, following them through is another.
David is determined to follow his plan through.
Follow through the business, everything will be all right.
- follow to (v.+prep.)
跟隨…到達某地 go along to reach a place; walk behind sb to reach a place
follow sb/sth to sthWe can follow this path to the village.
He followed me to the school.
- follow up (v.+adv.)
跟著; 追逐; 繼續 pursue further; act further on
follow upYou start the work, and I'll follow up.
And the question is worth following up, for the sake of the light it throws on modern knowledge.
The editor thinks this story is worth following up.
follow up with sthThe chairman followed up with another question.
follow sb/sth ⇔ upThey followed the criminal up like a shadow and arrested him at his lodging.
Follow up a lead, clue and rumour.
He followed up his success and started looking for new markets.
After Mary sent a letter application for a job, she followed it up by going to talk to the personnel manager.
The Indians followed up the wounded buffalo until it fell dead.
You should follow up your letter with a phone call.
We followed up the victory and dispersed the enemy.
- follow a course of action 採取一定的行動
- follow a definite pattern 遵循一定的模式
- follow a dog 追趕一條狗
- follow a guide 跟隨嚮導
- follow a lead (牌語)跟牌
- follow a leader 追隨領袖
- follow a plan 遵循計劃
- follow a principle 遵循一個原則
- follow a speaker's words 聽懂發言人的講話
- follow a speech 聽懂講話
- follow a suggestion 照建議辦
- follow a trade 從事某種生意
- follow an elliptical path 沿橢圓形軌道旋轉
- follow an example 仿效
- follow an idea 遵循一種想法
- follow fame 追求名利
- follow French politics carefully 密切注意法國的政治
- follow knowledge 追求知識
- follow one's bent 隨自己的天性
- follow one's father 繼承父業
- follow one's nose 筆直地走,憑本能行事
- follow one's reasoning 抓住某人的一套道理
- follow Plato〔Confucius〕 信奉柏拉圖〔孔夫子〕
- follow radio lessons 聽廣播講座
- follow sb's advice 聽從某人的勸告
- follow sb's argument 理解某人的論點
- follow sb's words 聽某人講話
- follow suit 遵照先例,照樣做
- follow the band 趕時髦,追隨眾人
- follow the conditions 接受這些條件
- follow the court proceedings 聽法院審判情況
- follow the direction 執行指示
- follow the drum 從軍
- follow the fashion 趕時髦
- follow the instructions 遵照說明書
- follow the law 當律師
- follow the order 執行命令
- follow the original faithfully 忠於原文
- follow the rabbit 追趕兔子
- follow the river 沿河
- follow the road 順著這條路
- follow the rule 遵守規則
- follow the sea 當水手
- follow the stage 做演員
- follow the trade of builder 從事建築業
- always follow 總是沿著
- often follow 經常出現
- only follow 只是執行而已
- follow later 稍後到
- follow quite 聽明白
- follow abjectly 卑鄙地跟蹤
- follow automatically 機械地從事
- follow blindly 盲目聽從
- follow closely 緊跟著
- follow conscientiously 認真自覺地遵守
- follow devoutly 誠實地遵守
- follow diligently 勤勉地經營或遵守
- follow doggedly 固執地跟隨
- follow dumbly 默默地跟著
- follow dutifully 盡責地跟隨或經營
- follow easily 不費力氣地執行
- follow gallantly 勇敢地繼承或從事
- follow grudgingly 勉強地遵從
- follow faithfully 忠實地執行
- follow frequently 經常遵守
- follow happily 幸虧
- follow heedlessly 漫不經心地跟隨
- follow immediately 接著發生
- follow implicitly 盲目聽從
- follow inevitably 不可避免地到來
- follow instinctively 本能地聽從
- follow invariably 始終如一地遵守
- follow irresistibly 不可抗拒地服從
- follow justly 由此可以正當推斷出
- follow mechanically 機械性地模仿
- follow mutely 默默地遵從
- follow naturally 理應懂得
- follow necessarily 由此一定得出
- follow obsequiously 拍馬屁
- follow placidly 平靜地從事
- follow relentlessly 憤怒地注視
- follow religiously 宗教上從事
- follow reluctantly 勉強地遵從
- follow scrupulously 審慎地聽從
- follow sedulously 努力地經營
- follow shortly 緊接著進行
- follow slavishly 盲目跟隨
- follow trustfully 信任地跟隨
- follow undeviatingly 一貫地從事…
- follow unswervingly 忠實地跟隨
- follow wistfully 令人渴望地從事
- follow out 查閱,貫徹,徹底實行,把…追究到底
- follow through 完成,服從,再接再厲
- follow the plan through 將計劃進行到底
- follow up 跟蹤,監督,繼承,重複補充,貫徹到底
- follow up this subject 繼續研究這個問題
- follow after 追求
- follow from 根據…
- follow in sb's steps 繼承某人的衣缽
- follow in the walk of 踏著…足跡,仿效
- follow sb to the door 把某人送到門口
- follow with one's eyes 目送…
One of the Norman strangers who followed in the wake of the Conqueror.
出自: J. R. Green -
One by one they had followed each other out.
出自: E. Bowen -
The smell of fresh earth that follows a plow.
出自: J. Cheever