(太)直率的,直截了当的;明确的 direct in manner and speech;expressing one's thoughts and feelings plainly
characterized by directness in manner or speech; without subtlety or evasion;
"blunt talking and straight shooting"
"a blunt New England farmer"
"I gave them my candid opinion"
"forthright criticism"
"a forthright approach to the problem"
"tell me what you think--and you may just as well be frank"
"it is possible to be outspoken without being rude"
"plainspoken and to the point"
"a point-blank accusation"
directly and without evasion; not roundabout;
"to face a problem squarely"
"the responsibility lies squarely with them"
"spoke forthright (or forthrightly) and to the point"
用作形容词 (adj.)
She gave him a forthright answer. 她给了他一个坦率的答覆。
His forthright behavior offends some people. 他那直率的行为冒犯了某些人。
His forthright behaviour shows that he's honest, but he seems rude to some people. 他的直率行为说明他是个诚实的人,可是有些人却认为他粗鲁。
His frank and forthright action deserves praise. 他光明磊落的行为值得称赞。
He spoke in a forthright manner but without anger. 他坦诚直言但并无怒气。