



  • - (釘子) nail; tack:

    draw [pull] out a nail; 拔出釘子

    drive [hammer; knock] in a nail; 把釘敲進去

  • - (緊跟著不放鬆) follow closely; tail:

    The thief was tailed by a policeman. 賊被警察釘住了。

    - (督促; 催問) urge; press:

    You must remind him to take his medicine, in case he forgets. 你要釘著他吃藥,別讓他忘了。

    - (注視) fix one's eyes on; gaze at; stare at
  • - (用釘子固定) nail:

    drive in a nail; 釘釘子

    nail on horseshoes; 釘馬掌

    - (用針線縫) sew on:

    sew a button on 釘扣子



  1. 我們把這座舊房子的窗戶都釘死了。
    We nailed up the windows of the old house.
  2. 他將釘子完全打進去。
    He struck the nail home.
  3. 一個釘子掛破了我的襪子。
    I ripped my stocking on a nail.
  4. 請把繩子掛在那根釘子上。
    Please hook the rope over the nail.
  5. 他把釘子掉到了地上,聽見了一連串的叮噹聲。
    He dropped the nails on the ground and successive clangs were heard.
  6. 他一腳踩在一枚尖頭朝上的釘子上,感到一陣劇痛。
    He felt a sharp prick when he stepped on a upturned nail.
  7. 他用一把鎚子把釘子打進牆裡去。
    He hit the nail into the wall with a hammer.
  8. 釘子勾破了她的裙子。
    She tore her skirt on the nail.


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