- v. 按;壓;逼迫;強迫服役;徵用
- n. 新聞界;出版社;報刊;新聞輿論;壓;熨燙機;印刷機
- 壓,按,擠,撳,扳
- 強迫,迫切要求,逼迫
- 緊迫
- 榨出,壓榨,榨取,絞榨
- 催促,催逼
- 敦促,勸說
- 施加壓力,用模子壓制,熨平
- 堅持,堅決進行
- 壓破,壓碎
- 緊抱,緊握
- 強迫...服兵役
- 奮勇前進,突進,趕上前
- 迫使接受,把...強加於
- 擠向前,奮力前進
- 【舉重】推舉
- 【籃球】緊逼,做緊逼動作
- 【高爾夫】長揮擊球過猛
- 印刷機,印刷廠
- 報刊;報業,新聞界;出版社;通訊社;記者們
- 壓,按,撳,擠;熨平,壓平;緊握
- 壓榨機
- 新聞輿論,報刊評論
- 【史】強迫徵募,抓壯丁
- 擁擠,蜂擁向前;緊迫;繁忙
- (壁櫥式的)衣櫃,書櫃
- 【舉重】推舉
- 【籃球】緊逼(動作)
- vt. 按,壓 push firmly and steadily against
- vi. 緊迫 make quick action or attention
- vt. 逼迫,強迫 force or compel
- [S]壓,按,擠 act of pushing steadily with sth held in the hand
- [C]印刷機 machine for printing
- [C]出版社,通訊社 business for printing books or periodicals
- [S]報刊,報界,新聞界 newspapers, periodicals and the news sections of radio and television
the state of demanding notice or attention;
"the insistence of their hunger"
"the press of business matters"
the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines
a machine used for printing
a dense crowd of people
a tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes
clamp to prevent wooden rackets from warping when not in use
any machine that exerts pressure to form or shape or cut materials or extract liquids or compress solids
a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead
the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure;
"he gave the button a press"
"he used pressure to stop the bleeding"
"at the pressing of a button"
exert pressure or force to or upon;
"He pressed down on the boards"
"press your thumb on this spot"
force or impel in an indicated direction;
"I urged him to finish his studies"
to be oppressive or burdensome;
"weigh heavily on the mind"
"Something pressed on his mind"
place between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure;
"pressed flowers"
squeeze or press together;
"she compressed her lips"
"the spasm contracted the muscle"
crowd closely;
"The crowds pressed along the street"
create by pressing;
"Press little holes into the soft clay"
be urgent;
"This is a pressing problem"
exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for;
"The liberal party pushed for reforms"
"She is crusading for women's rights"
"The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"
press from a plastic;
"press a record"
make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby;
"`Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman"
press and smooth with a heated iron;
"press your shirts"
"she stood there ironing"
lift weights;
"This guy can press 300 pounds"
ask for or request earnestly;
"The prophet bid all people to become good persons"
- Please press the controller to turn the machine on.
請按控制器來開機。 - Press this button in case of fire.
遇火災時按下此鈕。 - The book is crumpled and needs press.
書皺了需要壓一壓。 - Press firmly on the wound to stop the bleeding.
- He denied that he had leaked the news to the press.
他否認曾將這則消息泄漏給新聞界。 - The press has given the show a tremendous build-up.
新聞界為這一演出大造聲勢。 - This press publishes educational books.
這家出版社出版教育書籍。 - The press is ready to turn out a huge new edition.
該出版社準備出一本大部頭新版本。 - We read news in the daily press.
我們從每天的報刊上看新聞。 - This kind of newspaper is alternative press.
這種報紙是非正統性報刊。 - The government's new policy received a good press.
政府的新政策受到新聞輿論的好評。 - The book is crumpled and needs press.
書皺了需要壓一壓。 - Every room in the hotel has an electric trouser press.
飯店每個客房都備有熨褲子的電熨燙機。 - The printing press was set up on the ground floor.
印刷機安裝在一樓。 - We had a lot of bother in repairing the press machine.
- press about〔around,round〕 (v.+prep.)
擁護在…周圍 crowd around sb
press about〔around,round〕 sbThe children pressed about her and made a ring.
Crowds pressed around her trying to get her autograph.
The fans pressed round the rock band.
- press against (v.+prep.)
使貼著 push or thrust against
press oneself/sth against sthThe animal pressed itself against a tree trunk.
She pressed her face against the glass.
The boy pressed his ear against the door.
- press back (v.+adv.)
往後按; 迫使向後退 push sth back; force sb go back
press sb/sth ⇔ backHe pressed my arm back.
The police pressed the crowd back behind the barriers.
- press down (v.+adv.)
把…按下去 push sth down
press sth ⇔ downFacer pressed down the lid.
He pressed down the accelerator pedal of his car.
The grass had been pressed down in place where people had been lying.
- press for (v.+prep.)
缺少 have barely enough of sth
press for sthThe workers formed a union to press for higher wages.
We are in the process of reform.Many problems are pressing for solution.
They agreed to press for the conference to deal with the problem.
They are pressing for a decision to be made.
press sb for sthThe student got up, stood there, and said nothing.The teacher pressed him for an answer.
I don't know whether to accept this new job, and the firm is pressing me for a decision.
No one really knew what had happened except the office boy.Everyone pressed him for more details.
I am pressed for a reply.
press sb for sthAt that time we were pressed for money.
- press in1 (v.+adv.)
逼近 advance steadily
press sth ⇔ inI had to press my way in through the crowd.
press inNight was already pressing in as we reached the little town.
- press in2〔into〕 (v.+prep.)
把…壓進 push a lot of (things or people) in a mass or into sth
press sb/sth in〔into〕 sthI tried to press more clothes in the case, but there was not enough room.
She pressed a coin into the little girl's hand.
Too many people were pressed into the room, and I could hardly breathe.
- press on1 (v.+adv.)
奮力前進; 堅持 make one's way with effort; insist on
press onShall we stop here or press on to the next town?
press on with sthLet's press on with our work.
The police pressed on with the investigation.
- press on2 (v.+prep.)
使(某人)負重 cause sb to be weighed or oppressed
press on sb/sthThe driver must have pressed on the accelerator.
The sleeping child was pressing on me and making me uncomfortably.
press sb/sth on sbShe pressed the baby on her husband.
press sth on sbHe tried to press another drink on me.
The hostess pressed fish on her guests.
Don't press your opinions on her.
His aunts were pressing on him cups of tea and chocolate cookies.
press on sbSteadily rising prices press mostly on the poor and the old people with fixed incomes.
- press out (v.+adv.)
把…擠熨平 force sth out by pushing or holding tightly; iron usually clothes
press sth ⇔ outI pressed out the rest of shampoo by force.
Shall I press out the shirt for you?
The juice of the grapes was pressed out.
- press to (v.+prep.)
使緊靠 cause to keep sb/sth close to one or a part of one's body
press to sb/sthThe children pressed close to their mother.
press sb/oneself/sth to sb/sthShe pressed the little girl to her chest.
He pressed himself to the ground.
The little boy pressed his hand to his chest.
He pressed his ear to the instrument.
- press together (v.+adv.)
使彼此靠 cause to be tightly held to each other
press togetherThe crowd pressed together so tightly that we could hardly breathe.
press sth ⇔ togetherShe pressed her palms together.
- press with (v.+prep.)
使(某人)受…所困擾 cause sb to be puzzled with
press sb with sthThe policeman pressed him with questions.
He was pressed with hunger.
She is pressed with sorrows.
- press a bell 按鈴
- press a button 按電鈕
- press a demand 堅持要求
- press a policy 強行貫徹一項政策
- press baby 抱緊嬰兒
- press clothes 熨衣服
- press grapes 榨葡萄
- press juice 擠汁
- press oil 榨油
- press one's way 奮力前進,向前擠
- press sb's hand 緊握某人的手
- press steel 軋制鋼材
- press table 壓桌子
- press the trigger of a gun 扣扳機
- press hard 用力壓
- press home 極力(辯護)
- press affectionately 親切地握住
- press brusquely 粗暴地壓
- press brutally 蠻橫地壓
- press cautiously 小心地壓
- press darkly 無知地壓
- press directly 直接壓
- press emotionally 激動地握住
- press forcibly 強有力地按住
- press heavily 沉重地壓
- press hotly 熱壓
- press indirectly 間接壓
- press lightly 輕輕地壓
- press strongly 竭力地壓
- press tenderly 輕柔地按住
- press tightly 緊緊握住
- press warmly 熱情地握緊
- press ahead 奮力前進
- press back 推回去,擊退
- press crowd back 迫使人群後退
- press down 向下壓
- press forward 向前推進
- press on 向前逼進
- press on and on 不斷向前逼近
- press against 推,將…壓在…上
- press against door 用力推門
- press a charge against 對(某人)起訴
- press ear against door 把耳朵緊貼在門上
- press sb against wall 使某人貼住牆
- press for 反覆要求,敦促
- press for an answer 催促答覆
- press sb for details 向某人追問詳情
- press for reform 迫切要求改革
- press oil from soya beans 榨取豆油
- press into 使壓成,逼…致使,把…塞入
- press sb into confession 逼某人坦白,逼供
- press clay into various forms 把泥壓成各種形狀
- press on〔upon〕 按,將…壓在…上,使負重擔,壓迫
- press on button 按電鈕或鍵
- press sth out of 從…中榨出
- press through a door 擠過一扇門
- press ahead with effort 加緊努力
- press with hunger 為飢餓所迫
- press hard with questions 不斷詰問
- censor the press 檢查新聞輿論
- control the press 控制新聞輿論
- go to press 付印
- have a good press 受新聞界的好評
- muzzle the press 壓制新聞輿論
- bad press 在報上名聲不好
- blue press 黃色的報刊
- foreign press 外國報刊
- free press 享有新聞自由的報刊
- good press 在報上受好評
- gutter press 格調低下的報刊,三流小報
- local press 當地報刊
- military press (舉重運動推舉中只用臂力的)硬推,實力推
- permanent press 永久性熨平
- bench press 卧推
- cider press 蘋果汁榨取機
- full-court press 全場緊逼防守
- university press 大學附屬出版社
- wine press (釀酒用的)葡萄壓榨機
- the Associated P- 美聯社
- the United P- 合眾社
- press agent 宣傳員
- press association 國際新聞通訊社
- press conference 記者招待會
- press corps 記者團
- press corrector 校對員
- press correspondent 新聞通訊員
- in the press 在印刷中
In the cattle-market she shrank from the press of men.
出自: D. H. Lawrence -
So crowded that..two had fallen because of the press and been killed.
出自: M. M. Kaye -
The press of vehicles in Central London caused considerable confusion on the streets.
出自: K. Warren -
An English army..was levied by a general press throughout the kingdom.
出自: D. Hume -
The Wind being on our broad side, prest her down very much.
出自: W. Dampier -
He pressed his brow against the cold window pane.
出自: H. Roth -
He pressed into her hand a packet of birth-control pills.
出自: M. Flanagan -
The Constables and Churchwardens came to press you for a soldier.
出自: J. Wesley -
He had been pressed out of an American ship.
出自: F. Marryat
- 今日熱詞
- 深远海浮式风电平台 - deep-sea floating wind power platform
- 京雄高速公路 - Beijing-Xiongan expressway
- 农业及相关产业增加值 - the added value of agriculture and related industries