- 离题的话
- 私语,悄悄话,低声说的话
- 【戏剧】旁白,独白
- 顺便说的话
- 到旁边,在旁边,在一边,到一边,向一边
- 离开
- 撇开(...暂且不谈)
- 除…以外,排除
- 留,存,留存,留下,贮存…供备用,保存起来
- 【戏】独(白),旁(白)
- 把…放在一边,把…搁置起来
- 在旁边,在一边
- 到旁边;在旁边 to the side;out of the way
- 留;存 keeping time, money, land, etc. for future use or a particular purpose
- 除外 except for one thing, sth is true
- [C](戏剧)旁白 sth which a character in a play says to the audience, but which the other characters on stage are not intended to hear
- [C]低声说的话 remark, often made in a low voice, which is not intended to be heard by everyone present
- [C]离题话 remark that is not directly connected with the main subject that is being discussed
a line spoken by an actor to the audience but not intended for others on the stage
a message that departs from the main subject
on or to one side;
"step aside"
"stood aside to let him pass"
"threw the book aside"
"put her sewing aside when he entered"
out of the way (especially away from one's thoughts);
"brush the objections aside"
"pushed all doubts away"
not taken into account or excluded from consideration;
"these problems apart, the country is doing well"
"all joking aside, I think you're crazy"
in a different direction;
"turn aside"
"turn away one's face"
"glanced away"
placed or kept separate and distinct as for a purpose;
"had a feeling of being set apart"
"quality sets it apart"
"a day set aside for relaxing"
in reserve; not for immediate use;
"started setting aside money to buy a car"
"put something by for her old age"
"has a nest egg tucked away for a rainy day"
- This is surely an author's aside.
这当然是作者的旁白。 - He spoke in an aside of his family.
- She has cast her old friends aside.
她把老朋友都撇在一边。 - Before it could be spoken another thought turned it aside.
还没有来得及讲出口,却让另外一个念头把它岔了开去。 - We turned aside from the main road.
我们离开大道。 - I shall have to go aside for a few moments.
- aside from
除…之外except for;besides;in addition to
- brush〔cast, sweep〕 sth aside
不理会某事refuse to consider to deal with sth
- leave〔put, set〕 sth aside
留作…用keep time, money, land, etc. for future use or a particular purpose
- brush aside 漠视,撇开不管;扫除,清除
- cast aside 除掉;丢弃;脱去
- draw aside 把…拉开;把…拉到一边
- elbow aside 粗暴地把…推向一边;使…让地方给另一人
- fling aside 把…扔在一边;漠视,撇开不管;抛弃
- go aside 走到一边;离开其他人
- lay aside 把…放在一边;搁置;暂时停止做…;抛弃;戒除;储存;留作别用
- leave aside 搁置;撇开不管
- look aside 侧目而视;看别的地方;转移注意力
- place aside 搁置;暂时停一停;抛弃;戒除;储存;留作别用
- pull aside 把…移在一边;把…叫到一边私下谈
- push aside 把…推到一边;把…挤到一边
- put aside 储存;留出;省出;把…放在一边;搁一搁;丢开;为…留出;不去考虑
- set aside 不理会;剔除;丢开;不管;拒绝接收;宣布无效;抽出;留出;放在一边;搁置
- shoulder aside 把…推到一边;使给…让出位子
- stand aside 站在一边;袖手旁观;站开;让开;退出竞争
- step aside 走到一边去;躲到一旁;退出竞争;让路;(谈话)离开本题
- sweep aside (用手或扫帚)推向一边;不理会;漠视
- throw aside 把…扔在一边;不管;放弃;再也不干
- thrush aside 推到一边;挤向一边;让位给
- toss aside 随便扔到一边;不理会;漠视
- turn aside 转过脸去;躲开;让开;避免;搁在一边;离开正题;绕道
- wave aside 示意…到一边去;示意把…搬走;对…置之不理
- aside from 〈美〉除…之外,既…又…
- conspiratorial aside 密谋的低语
- domestic aside 家庭絮语
- quiet aside 低声的旁白
- whispered aside 悄声耳语
Ganesh stood between the women, but The Great Belcher moved him aside.
出自: V. S. Naipaul -
He throws the paper aside and picks up the Guardian.
出自: T. Stoppard
- away 离开
- notwithstanding 虽然
- apart 相距
- beside 在 ... 旁边
- alongside 在旁边
- despite 尽管
- howbeit 然而
- albeit 虽然(即使)
- nevertheless 尽管如此
- yet 还
- off 表示状态的关闭或离开...
- digression 离题
- parenthesis 圆括号
- next to 邻近
- sideways 向旁边
- sidewise 向一边的
- in spite of 不顾
- regardless 不顾的
- however 然而
- in reserve 留下来的
- separately 分别地
- departure 出发
- tangent 接触的
- interposition 插入
- whisper 低语
- remark 评论
- next 下一个的
- undertone 低音
- by-play 次要的
- soliloquy 自言自语
- to 对于
- spite 恶意
- of 关于
- in 在 ... 里
- by 靠近
- excursus 附记
- divagation 偏差