put the desks in order; 把课桌排整齐
line up three deep; 排成三列横队
dress rehearsal; 彩排
rehearse a play 排戏
drain the water away; 把水排出去
prevail over all dissenting views; 力排众议
push the door open and go straight in 排闼直入
back [front] row; 后[前]排
sit in the middle row 坐在中排
militiaman platoon; 民兵排
The lieutenant was put in charge of an infantry platoon. 中尉被委任指挥一个步兵排。
timber [bamboo] raft 木[竹]排
apple pie 苹果排
a row of poplars; 一排白杨树
a row [line] of chairs 一排椅子
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