n. (名词)
- [U]纯,纯洁,纯正,洁净 the quality or state of being pure
being undiluted or unmixed with extraneous material
the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong; lacking a knowledge of evil
a woman's virtue or chastity
用作名词 (n.)
- We must ensure the purity of drinking water.
我们必须确保饮用水的纯净。 - Chinese people regard lotus as an emblem of purity.
中国人把莲花看作是纯洁的象征。 - White symbolizes purity and cleanness.
白色代表纯洁和干净。 - It's a soprano of great compass and of great purity.
这是一种音域宽广,高度纯正的女高音。 - The ideological purity of their music, however, precluded any sort of jamming.
然而他们音乐思想上的纯粹性,阻断了任何其他干扰。 - So in order to study Socrates' legal thoughts, the author uses the methods of limiting materials to ensure the purity, and giving up comprehensiveness to improving authenticity.
- radioactive purity 放射性纯度
- spectrum purity 频谱纯度
- air purity [机] 空气纯度...
- mode purity 波型纯净度
- purity test 纯度试验,纯度检查...
- metal purity 金属纯度
- percentage purity 纯度百分率
- purity magnet 彩色纯度调节磁铁,纯...
- true purity 真纯度
- chemical purity 化学纯度
- product purity 产品纯度
- excitation purity 激发纯度
- radiochemical purity 放射化学纯度...
- oxygen purity 氧的纯度
- purity coil 纯度控制线圈,纯度调...
- apparent purity 表观纯度
- optical purity 光学纯度
- chromatic purity 色纯
- purity check 纯度检验
No savage fierce..Will dare to soyl her Virgin purity.
出自: Milton
- innocence 无罪
- perfection 完美
- virtue 美德
- cleanliness 清洁
- spotlessness spotless的名词形...
- clarity 清楚
- cleanness 清洁
- whiteness 白
- genuineness 真正
- realness 真实性
- authenticity 真实性
- naturalness 自然
- naturalism 自然主义
- honor 荣誉
- immaculateness immaculate的名...
- rectitude 诚实
- blamelessness 无罪
- snowiness snowy的名词形式...
- pureness 清洁
- modesty 谦逊
- taintlessness taint的名词形式...
- guiltlessness guiltless的名词...
- classicism 古典主义
- uprightness 垂直
- beauty 美人
- finish 完成
- virtuousness 正直
- probity 诚实
- refinement 精致
- polish 光泽
- concinnity 优雅
- excellence 优秀
- tastefulness tasteful的名词形...
- clearness 晴朗
- guilelessness guileless的名词...
- gracefulness 优美
- propriety 适当
- devoutness 虔诚(衷心)
- sanctity 神圣
- saintliness 圣洁
- decorum 礼貌合宜
- godliness 虔诚
- devotion 虔诚
- faithfulness 忠诚
- trueheartedness 忠实
- piety 虔诚
- holiness 神圣
- faith 信仰
- reverence 敬畏
- transparency 透明度
- concentration 集中
- wholesomeness wholesome的名词...
- chasteness 贞节
- chastity 贞节
- clear conscience 问心无愧
- clean hands 清白(清廉)
- morality 道德
- clean 干净的
- conscience 良心
- clear 清楚的
- hands 动词hand的第三人称单...
- sinlessness 无罪
- honour 荣誉
- impurity 不纯