the act of giving a false appearance;
"his conformity was only pretending"
pretending with intention to deceive
imaginative intellectual play
a false or unsupportable quality
an artful or simulated semblance;
"under the guise of friendship he betrayed them"
用作名词 (n.)
- It is merely a pretense.
这只是托词而已。 - You answered me with no pretense.
你坦诚相见的回答了我。 - Pretense invariably impresses only the pretender.
弄虚作假欺骗不了真正的行家。 - He cheated me under the pretense of friendship.
他假借友谊欺骗我。 - The pretense of greatness will be the proof of it, and powerful men with many severe faults will rule over all the classes on earth.
- under false pretenses 找藉口地
- pretence 假装
- make no pretense at 不认为自己有...
- on the pretense of 以…为借口
- make no pretense to 不认为自己有...
- under the pretense of [法] 藉口
- make-believe 假装
- pretension 声称
- fabrication 制造
- fantasy 幻想
- invention 发明
- hoax 欺骗
- sham 假
- trick 诡计
- pretending 假装的
- feigning 动词feign的现在进行...
- con 骗局
- simulation 模拟
- imagination 想象
- pretext 借口
- nonsense 废话
- fancy 华丽装饰的
- claim 要求
- suggestion 建议
- allegation 断言
- hint 暗示
- supposition 假设
- concoction 混合
- fable 寓言
- pomposity 自大
- pretentiousness 自命不凡
- falsification 编造
- put-on 做作的
- pompousness 傲慢
- boasting 自夸
- fanfaronade 吹嘘
- varnish 油漆
- fiction 小说
- peacockery 虚荣
- gas 煤气
- side 边
- motive 动机
- show 证明
- obscuration 昏暗
- imposture 冒名顶替
- braggadocio 自夸
- faking 诈骗的
- cover 封面
- vaunting 吹嘘的
- act 行为
- bragging 吹牛
- affectation 假装
- disguise 掩饰
- figment 虚构的东西
- veil 面纱
- gloss 光彩
- gasconade 吹牛
- camouflage 伪装
- masquerade 化妆舞会
- mask 伪装
- veneer 薄片镶饰
- cloak 斗蓬
- facade 建筑物的正面...
- false colors 他国的旗
- fraud 欺骗
- hot 热的
- humbug 欺诈
- delusion 错觉
- fake 假的
- wile 诡计
- falsehood 谎言
- air 空气
- humbuggery 欺骗
- artifice 诡计
- ruse 策略
- deception 骗局
- fib (尤指无伤大雅的)小谎...
- trickery 欺骗
- lie 躺下
- charade 看手势猜字谜游戏...
- hot air 吹牛
- swindle 诈骗
- pose 摆姿势
- false 假的
- pretence 假装
- guise 装束
- profession 职业
- dissembling 动词dissemble的...
- colors 彩色