- n. 劳动;劳工;分娩
- v. 努力;干苦力活;困难吃力地行进;反复说明
- Labour
- n. (英国)工党
- 工作,劳动,体力劳动
- 劳工,工人,劳力
- 努力,苦干
- 分娩,阵痛
- 活计
- 工人阶级,体力劳动者
- 工党;英国工党
- 任务
- 生产
- 为爱好而做的困难工作
- 分娩期
- 工作,劳动,干活
- 使劳动
- 出力做,努力(争取),出力,苦干,干苦力活
- 详细论述,详细分析
- 分娩,产前阵痛
- 困难吃力地行进,艰难行进
- 一再重复,反复解释(已说明的事)
- 为…所蒙蔽
- 麻烦,使…厌烦
- =labor
- 劳动者的
- 与工党有关的
- [U]劳动,努力;工作 effort or work, especially tiring physical work;a piece of work
- [C]劳工,工人 workers, especially those who use their hands, considered as a group or class
- [U]分娩,(分娩时的)阵痛 the act of giving birth
- vi. 劳动;努力 work;try hard
- vi. 艰难行进 move, slowly and with difficulty
- vi. & vt. 详细地做 work out in detail;treat at great length
a social class comprising those who do manual labor or work for wages;
"there is a shortage of skilled labor in this field"
concluding state of pregnancy; from the onset of contractions to the birth of a child;
"she was in labor for six hours"
a political party formed in Great Britain in 1900; characterized by the promotion of labor's interests and formerly the socialization of key industries
productive work (especially physical work done for wages);
"his labor did not require a great deal of skill"
work hard;
"She was digging away at her math homework"
"Lexicographers drudge all day long"
strive and make an effort to reach a goal;
"She tugged for years to make a decent living"
"We have to push a little to make the deadline!"
"She is driving away at her doctoral thesis"
undergo the efforts of childbirth
- Labour is not only a necessity but also a pleasure.
劳动不仅是人生所必需的,而且是一种乐趣。 - It takes a lot of labour to build a railway.
修筑一条铁路要花费许多劳动力。 - A vigorous labour movement began that winter.
那年冬天,展开了蓬蓬勃勃的劳工运动。 - The labour question must come to the fore next session.
劳工问题必将成为下届会议的热门话题。 - She was in labour for three hours.
- We labour for the happiness of mankind.
我们为人类的幸福而努力。 - The editor laboured over the manuscript till early morning.
编辑煞费苦心地修改稿件,一直干到清晨。 - Miners labour in the bowels of earth.
矿工们在地底下劳动。 - The old man laboured up the hillside.
老人吃力地登上山腰。 - The horses laboured up the steep slope.
那些马费力地爬上了陡坡。 - There is no need to labour the argument.
该论据无需详细说明或讨论。 - You needn't labour a point that is perfectly plain.
- He was elected to the leadership of the Labour Party.
- labour at (v.+prep.)
努力研究 work hard at
labour at sthDon't labour at your writing, try to make it seem easy and natural.
- labour for (v.+prep.)
为…而努力工作 work hard so as to
labour for sb/sthWhy should you labour for the boss of the company when he gives you no reward?
They laboured for the happiness of mankind.
- labour under (v.+prep.)
苦于;被…所欺骗 work underneath
labour under sthYou are labouring under an error if you think these rules will always be valid.
People labour under the ignorance and superstition.
- labour up (v.+prep.)
艰难地向上 make a lot of effort up
labour up sthThe car laboured up the hill.
They laboured through the thick forest and up the steep hill.
- labour with (v.+prep.)
用…使(某人)疲倦 make sb tired with sth
labour with sthHis classmates were labouring with elementary algebra.
labour sb with sthDon't labour the reader with unnecessary detail.
- begin the labour 开始劳动
- carry labour 做工作
- complete labour 完成工作
- continue one's labour 继续劳动
- cost labour 消耗劳动力
- devote much labour 付出许多努力
- do labour 劳动,干活,做工
- divide labour 分工
- draw labour 吸收劳动力
- engaged in labour 从事…劳动
- find labour 找到工作
- finish labour 完成工作,结束工作
- free from labour 免于劳动,免于苦役
- gain from labour 劳动所得
- handle labour 处理工作
- leave labour 歇工
- perform labour 从事劳动
- pursue one's labour 继续劳动
- quit labour 停止劳动
- require labour 需要劳动力
- save labour 节省劳力
- simplify the labour 简化工作
- spare no labour 不遗余力
- want labour 需要劳动
- waste a great deal of labour 浪费大量劳动
- backbreaking labour 极其繁重的体力劳动
- cheap labour 廉价劳动力
- creative labour 创造性劳动
- daily labour 日常劳动
- delicate labour 细致的劳动
- demanding labour 要求高的劳动
- dirty labour 脏活,吃力不讨好的活
- disagreeable labour 令人不愉快的劳动
- domestic labour 家务活
- easy labour 容易的劳动
- economic labour 经济工作
- educational labour 教育事业
- everyday labour 日常劳动
- excessive labour 过度的劳动
- exhausting labour 令人筋疲力尽的劳动
- firsthand labour 第一手工作
- forced labour 强迫劳动
- hard labour 艰苦的劳动
- honest labour 诚实的劳动
- human labour 人类劳动
- light labour 轻微的劳动,轻活
- manual labour 体力劳动
- mental labour 脑力劳动
- necessary labour 必要的劳动
- noble labour 高尚的工作
- orderly labour 有秩序的劳动
- organizational labour 组织劳动
- outdoor labour 室外劳动
- patient labour 耐心的劳动
- physical labour 体力劳动
- pleasant labour 令人愉快的劳动
- productive labour 生产劳动
- rough labour 粗活
- taxing labour 繁重的工作
- tiring labour 令人筋疲力尽的工作
- tough labour 困难的工作
- undercover labour 秘密劳动
- useful labour 有用的劳动,有益的劳动
- difficult labour 难产
- natural labour 自然分娩
- the first labour 头胎
- the second labour 二胎
- child labour 童工
- day labour 计日工
- farm labour 农场劳动
- fieldlabour 野外工作
- hand labour 手工劳动
- life labour 一生的工作
- muscle labour 体力劳动
- night labour 夜班
- prison labour 狱中劳役
- reconstruction labour 重建工作
- slave labour 奴役
- labour clothes 工作服
- labour conference 工作会议
- labour power 劳动力
- after one's labours 完成工作后
- be in labour 分娩
- by labour 通过劳动
- woman in labour 分娩中的妇女
- go into labour from 因…而小产
- quality of labour 劳动质量
- the hours of labour 劳动时间
- produced with labour 劳动所生产的
- labour of destruction 破坏工作
- labour of duty 本职工作
- labour of love 不取报酬的劳动,义务劳动
- labour the point 仔细地分析解释
- labour accidentally 偶尔劳动
- labour appropriately 适当地劳动
- labour arduously 艰难地劳动
- labour artificially 虚假地劳动
- labour assiduously 不懈地劳动
- labour bodily 整体地艰难移动
- labour casually 马虎地劳动
- labour cautiously 谨慎地艰难移动
- labour ceaselessly 不断地劳动
- labour clumsily 拙劣地劳动
- labour conditionally 有条件地劳动
- labour consciously 自觉地劳动
- labour cordially 真心诚意地劳动
- labour daringly 大胆地劳动
- labour diligently 勤奋地劳动
- labour doubtfully 难以预料地劳动
- labour economically 有效益地劳动
- labour efficiently 有效率地劳动
- labour extensively 大量地劳动
- labour fastidiously 挑剔地劳动
- labour frequently 经常劳动
- labour healthfully 有益于健康地劳动
- labour impetuously 急躁地劳动
- labour incessantly 不断地劳动
- labour indirectly 间接劳动
- labour industriously 辛勤地劳动
- labour insistently 引人注意地劳动
- labour intelligibly 可理解地艰难移动
- labour intentionally 有目的地劳动
- labour interestingly 有趣地劳动
- labour jerkily 笨拙地劳动
- labour laboriously 艰难地劳动
- labour logically 情理之中地劳动
- labour needlessly 不必要地劳动
- labour passively 消极劳动
- labour patiently 有耐性地劳动
- labour pointlessly 无意义地劳动
- labour probably 可能劳动
- labour professionally 熟练地劳动
- labour provisionally 暂且劳动
- labour readily 欣然劳动
- labour recklessly 不顾后果地劳动
- labour reluctantly 不情愿地劳动
- labour rightly 正当劳动
- labour satisfactorily 令人满意地劳动
- labour simultaneously 同时劳动
- labour skillfully 技术高超地劳动
- labour slowly 慢慢地劳动
- labour solely 单独地劳动
- labour specially 具体地劳动
- labour speciously 似是而非地劳动
- labour spectacularly 特殊地劳动
- labour speedily 快速地劳动
- labour substantially 实实在在地劳动
- labour symbolically 象征性地劳动
- labour systematically 系统地劳动
- labour tirelessly 不知疲倦地劳动
- labour tremulously 震颤地艰难移动
- labour temporarily 暂时劳动
- labour unbelievably 不可思议地劳动
- labour unconditionally 无条件地劳动
- labour unexpectedly 意外地劳动
- labour unhesitatingly 毫不犹豫地劳动
- labour voluntarily 自愿地劳动
- labour whole-heartedly 全心全意地劳动
- labour at 努力研究
- labour for 为…而努力工作
- labour under 苦于,被…所欺骗
- labour up 艰难地向上
- labour with 用…使…疲倦
Man goeth forth unto his worke: and to his labour.
出自:Bible (AV): Psalms -
Physics..they took to be unacceptably hard mental labour.
出自: D. Francis -
They..labour Honey to sustain their Lives.
出自: Dryden
- effort
- hands
- task
- work
- workers
- workforce
- workmen
- pain v.
- drudge
- grind
- heave
- pitch
- strive
- struggle
- suffer
- sweat
- toil
- toss
- work
- strain
- labourer n. 劳工,苦力‖laboured adj. 缓慢而困难的;艰涩的,不流畅的‖laborious adj. (工作等)艰苦的,费力的;艰涩的,不流畅的