- vt. 啜;吸入;吸收
- vi. 吸;吸收;奉承;<俚>爛
- n. 吸吮;吸力
- 一口,一杯
- 吸吮,吮吸,吸,吮,啜
- 吸入,吸食
- 吸力
- 吃奶
- 捲入
- 表面淺窪型縮孔
- 吮吸(聲)
- 吮吸物
- 吮吸量
- 吸,啜,咂,吸吮,吸食
- 吸奶
- 令人討厭,噁心
- <俚>爛,臭
- 吸取,抽取,獲取
- 使捲入,把某人捲入
- 吸引
- 吞沒
- 吸收(水分)
- 發吮吸聲,作吮吸動作
- 巴結,奉承
- vt. & vi. 吸; 啜 draw (liquid) into the mouth by the use of the lip muscles
- vt. 舐; 吮 hold (sth) in the mouth and lick, roll about, squeeze, etc. with the tongue
- vt. 自…吸取 draw knowledge, information, etc. from
the act of sucking
draw into the mouth by creating a practical vacuum in the mouth;
"suck the poison from the place where the snake bit"
"suck on a straw"
"the baby sucked on the mother's breast"
draw something in by or as if by a vacuum;
"Mud was sucking at her feet"
attract by using an inexorable force, inducement, etc.;
"The current boom in the economy sucked many workers in from abroad"
be inadequate or objectionable;
"this sucks!"
provide sexual gratification through oral stimulation
take in, also metaphorically;
"The sponge absorbs water well"
"She drew strength from the minister's words"
give suck to;
"The wetnurse suckled the infant"
"You cannot nurse your baby in public in some places"
- Don't suck your thumb; it's so dirty.
別舔手指頭,太髒了。 - They suck soda water through straws.
他們用吸管喝汽水。 - Plants suck water from the ground.
- They use their tongues to suck in the green food.
它們用舌頭吮吸著綠色食品。 - These plants suck up moisture from the soil.
這些植物吸收土壤中的水份。 - But planting has been criticized because trees take years of growth to suck up an equivalent amount of released carbon.
- She had a suck of orange juice.
- suck at (v.+prep.)
吸,抽 draw into
suck at sthThe old man is sucking at his pipe.
He sucked at one cigarette after the other.
- suck away at (v.+adv.+prep.)
吸,啜 perform the action of sucking
suck away at sthThe baby was sucking away at the empty feeding-bottle.
- suck down (v.+adv.)
吸進,捲入 pull into
suck sth ⇔ downThe whirlpool sucked down the canoe.
The whirlpool sucked down everything floating on the water.
- suck from (v.+prep.)
從…吸取 draw (sth) from
suck from sthPlant sucks from the soil.
suck sth from sthBees suck honey from flowers.
He sucked the juice from the orange.
- suck in (v.+adv.)
欺騙 deceive (sb), as by attraction用於 be ~ed 結構
- suck into (v.+prep.)
吞噬,拉進,捲入 engulf; pull in
suck sb/sth into sthThe little boy was sucked into the marsh.
The canoe was sucked into the whirlpool.
- suck through (v.+prep.)
用…吸液體,啜 draw (liquid) into the mouth by the use of
suck sth through sthHe was sucking his drink through a straw.
Lemonade can be sucked through a straw.
- suck up (v.+adv.)
吸收 absorbThese plants suck up moisture from the soil.這些植物吸收土壤中的水分。
- suck up to (v.+adv.+prep.)
奉承 try to please by flattery, offers of service
suck up to sbShe is always sucking up to her teacher.
Don't try to impress the new boss, he hates being sucked up to.
- suck sb's brains 吸取某人的知識
- suck the lemon 吮檸檬
- suck greedily 貪婪地吸食
- suck insatiably 口渴難熬地吸食
- suck thirstily 渴望地吸取
- suck down 吸下; 吸入
- suck down a boat 吞沒小船
- suck in knowledge 吸收知識
- suck in water 海綿吸水
- suck under 吸下,吸入
- suck up 吸收,吸盡
- suck up ink (吸墨紙)吸墨水
- suck up water 吸收水分
- suck around sb 圍著某人打轉
- suck at a cigar 抽雪茄煙
- suck at a lollipop 吮吸棒糖
- suck at one's pipe 吸煙斗
- suck from 吸取
- suck the juice from a lemon 吮吸檸檬汁
- suck into 吸入
- suck knowledge into one's mind 吸收知識
- suck out of 從…中吸出
- suck poison out of a wound 吸出傷口的毒
- suck through 吸起
- suck lemonade through a straw 通過麥稈吸檸檬水
His life has been one long suck on the tit of society.
出自: fig. -
They were sucking orangeade through straws.
出自: G. Greene -
From..summer flowers we would suck honey.
出自: Mollie Harris -
A tiny baby sucking his mother's milk.
出自: G. Swift
- drink 喝
- absorb 吸收
- draw 拖
- breathe 呼吸
- take 拿
- in 在 ... 里
- take in 接受
- draw in (火車、汽車)進站...
- imbibe 飲
- slurp 飲食出聲
- pull 拉
- taste 味覺
- mouthful 一口
- pull on 用力拉
- lap 膝部
- extract 摘錄
- force 武力
- take out 取出
- sweep 打掃
- bear 熊
- carry 攜帶
- nurse 護士
- fellate 吮吸陰莖
- take up 拿起
- soak up 吸收
- suck up 吸收
- blow 打擊
- suction 吸
- sucking 尚未斷奶的
- suckle 哺乳
- sop up 吸水
- breastfeed 餵奶
- lactate 分泌乳汁
- suck in 吸收
- go down on 口交
- wet-nurse 做奶媽授乳...
- incorporate 合併
- digest 摘要