- n. 膝部;(衣服的)下擺;控制範圍
- n. 重疊部分;(跑道的)一圈
- n. 舐;(波浪)拍打聲
- v. 包圍;(使)重疊;領先一圈
- v. 舔食;輕拍
- 一圈
- 舐,舔
- 下擺
- 一次舐食的分量
- 波浪拍打聲
- 重疊部分
- 一個來回
- 一段
- 養育之處
- 窪地
- 山坳
- 裙兜
- 磨盤
- 照顧
- 管理
- 研磨機
- 膝
- 懷抱
- 境遇
- 跑完一圈,跑完…的一圈
- (使)部分重疊,重疊,摺疊,摺疊
- 輕輕拍打,輕拍
- 圍繞,包圍,圍起
- 舐,舐食,舔
- 用…包紮,(被)包住, 包裹
- (比…)領先一圈
- 用磨盤磨,研磨
- 磨光
- 搭疊,搭接,部分互搭,部分疊蓋
- 並排
- 賽跑
- 樂於接受
- 開懷暢飲
- 沖拍
- 延續,延長至,伸延(與over連用)
- vt. & vi. 領先 be one or more laps ahead of (another competitor) in a race
- vt. 舔;舔食 drink by taking up with the tongue, as a cat does
- vt. & vi. 包裹;纏繞(布等)於 wrap or fold (cloth, etc.)
- vt. 輕拍;沖拍 (of water) to move with a sound like the lapping up of liquid
- [C](坐著時)膝上腰下的大腿部分 the front part of a seated person between the waist and the knees
- [C]裙兜 part of a dress
- [C]一圈 a single journey round or along the track
the upper side of the thighs of a seated person;
"he picked up the little girl and plopped her down in his lap"
an area of control or responsibility;
"the job fell right in my lap"
the part of a piece of clothing that covers the thighs;
"his lap was covered with food stains"
a flap that lies over another part;
"the lap of the shingles should be at least ten inches"
movement once around a course;
"he drove an extra lap just for insurance"
touching with the tongue;
"the dog's laps were warm and wet"
lie partly over or alongside of something or of one another
pass the tongue over;
"the dog licked her hand"
move with or cause to move with a whistling or hissing sound;
"The bubbles swoshed around in the glass"
"The curtain swooshed open"
take up with the tongue;
"The cat lapped up the milk"
"the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast"
wash or flow against;
"the waves laved the shore"
- The child sat on its mother's lap.
小孩坐在媽媽的膝上。 - For quite some time, everything fell into his lap.
- The leading car crashed midway through the tenth lap.
- The cat lapped up the milk.
貓舔食牛奶。 - He heard the lap of the waves.
- The two pictures are made to lap over each other.
那兩張畫被重疊在一起。 - Hyperparasitic effect was observed at culture over lap of Cylindrocladium spathiphylli and some phytopathogen through microscope.
- The waves gently lap against the shore.
- lap about〔around,round〕 (v.+prep.)
包住 be folded or wrapped round sth
lap about〔around,round〕 sthCrowds lapped about the corner.
The ends of the cloth lap round the hole.
lap sth about〔around,round〕 sthThe nurse lapped a bandage around his wrist.
- lap against〔on〕 (v.+prep.)
輕拍 pat slightly
lap against〔on〕 sthLittle waves lapped against the boat.
The waves were lapping against the side of the boat.
The sea was lapping on the rocks.
The little waves were lapping on the beach.
- lap in (v.+prep.)
裹;包圍 surround sb/sth
lap sb/sth in sthHe lapped me in his arms.
He lapped himself in a blanket.
The mother lapped the child in a blanket.
The nurse lapped his wrist in a bandage.
Life flowed smoothly on lapping him in a changeless vacuum.
- lap over1 (v.+adv.)
(在空間或時間上)超過某物,超出限制 lie further than sth,(in space or time); go beyond a limit
lap overThis dog's ears are so long that they lap over .
The upper wings lap over.
lap sth ⇔ overThe edges of the paper have been lapped over.
The ends are lapped over to prevent them rubbing.
lap overThis mat is too big for the room, it laps over at the edges.
Don't forget that we have to see the director at midday, we must make sure that this meeting doesn't lap over.
- lap over2 (v.+prep.)
重疊在…上 overlap, sit one partly on another
lap over sthThe two pictures are made to lap over each other.
lap sth over sthThe boat is built by lapping the edge of one board over the board underneath.
- lap over into (v.+adv.+prep.)
延伸到 lie further than sth
lap over into sthOur meeting lapped over into the next.
The reign of Queen Elizabeth lapped over into the seventeenth century.
- lap under (v.+adv.)
往下摺疊 fold under
lap underAny ends that were not smooth must lap under.
- lap up (v.+adv.)
急於接受或相信 be eager to accept
- drop〔dump〕 sth in sb's lap
將某事推給他人負責make sth the responsibility of sb else
- in the lap of luxury
在優裕的環境中in very great comfort
- in the lap of the gods
結果尚難預料,毫無把握dependent on chance or fate;uncertain
- lap affectionately 充滿深情地拍打
- lap greedily 貪婪地舔食
- lap hungrily 飢餓地吞食
- lap ingratiatingly 迎合地重疊
- lap thirstily 很渴地喝下
- lap down 喝光
- lap over 垂覆下來
- lap under 摺疊在下面
- lap up 舔光
- lap against 輕拍…
- lap against the sides of the boat 輕輕地拍擊船的兩側
- lap around 包紮
- lap at 拍打在
- lap in 包住,包圍
- lap on 拍打
- lap over 重疊起來
- the last lap 最後一圈
- the next lap 下一圈
- in sb's lap 在某人膝上
- on the last lap 最後一圈
- the last lap of sb's term 某人任期的最後階段
Wiped his eyes..with the lap of his plaid.
出自: James Hogg -
One lap of MacDowall's shirt curved out from beneath his sweater..like half an apron.
出自: B. Hines -
Those logs were joined together by a lap of about two feet at each end.
出自: Z. M. Pike -
A puppy laps water from a can.
出自: R. Jarrell -
He would lap a Piece of it about a Sore Toe.
出自: Swift -
The anaconda was lapped about herself in one corner of her box.
出自: A. S. Byatt
- drink 喝
- lap up 欣然接受
- circle 圓圈
- lick 舔
- circuit 巡迴
- lick up 吞沒
- slurp 飲食出聲
- leg 腿
- part 部分
- round 圓的
- section 部分
- segment 部分
- stage 舞台
- tour 旅遊
- wrap around 卷繞的
- fold over 摺疊(重疊幻象...
- wash 洗
- swosh (使某物)嗖嗖地動...
- swoosh 發出嗖的一聲...
- lave 洗滌
- swish 擺動或揮動某物出聲...
- overlap 重疊