She got revved up by the tragic ending of the film. 她为这部电影的悲惨结局激动不已。
What will come up if you continue doing so? 你要是继续这样干下去,会有什么结局呢?
I give up, tell me the end of the story. 我猜不出来,把故事的结尾告诉我。
I still have a tape of it, and it holds up pretty well after all these years, except for a squeak I made in my closing riff. 我现在还保存着那时的录音带,过了这么多年,音带都完好无损,除了我在结尾时复段的那个噪音外。
She gets mad when you wake her up so early. 你这么早叫醒她,她被激怒了。
His manner really got my blood up. 他的态度确实激怒了我。
用作形容词 (adj.)
It doesn't work now, for the person who wound it up lost interest in extending time. 上发条的人失去延续时间的兴趣。
One would have said that he was a pendulum which was no longer wound up, and whose oscillations were growing shorter before ceasing altogether. 好比一个没有拧上发条的钟,钟摆摇晃的距离逐渐缩短,在等待完全的停止。