a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial;
"there's no weeping at an Irish wake"
用作名词 (n.)
I contemplate my age calmly, as if viewing a little-by-little impending sailboat.Why do we cover this reality? 我镇定地注视着我的年纪,犹如眺望远方一幅渐渐逼近的白帆。
Another way of viewing finding happiness for ourself is to ask if we are actually dependent on others with whom we are living? 检视我们为自己寻觅快乐之过程的另一个方法,那就是扪心自问我们是否需要依赖生活中的其他人?
And a new telescope is open for public nightly viewing programs. 一架新的望远镜为游客夜间观察提供方便。
He is given to viewing life as if it were an aesthetic spectacle. 他喜欢观察生活,好象生活是一幅美的图景。