relating to or situated in or extending toward the middle
用作形容词 (adj.)
The heart is medial to the lungs. 心脏在两肺的中间。
The system of medial rate is a practical choice of financial reform. 中间汇率制度是金融改革可取的现实选择。
He looked in particular at the activity of the medial orbitofrontal cortex. 他尤其关注内侧眶皮层的活动。
In this five year span, the medial age of household heads dropped by almost one full year. 在这五年内,户主的平均年龄几乎减了一年。
Their cancer was discoered largely by accident when they were being examined for other medial conditions, and so was potentially curable by surgery. 他们的癌症大部分在做其他普通检查的被偶然发现,并可能通过手术而治愈。