a state of being carried away by overwhelming emotion;
"listening to sweet music in a perfect rapture"
a state of elated bliss
street names for methylenedioxymethamphetamine
用作名词 (n.)
Love brings ecstasy and relieves loneliness. 爱带来狂喜,减轻孤独。
Davidson's eyes shone with ecstasy. 戴维逊的双眼发出狂喜的光芒。
His ecstasy to the pop music is unbelievable. 他对流行音乐的入迷是令人难以置信的。
Tantra teaches that lovemaking between a man and woman, when entered into with awareness, is a gateway to both sexual and spiritual ecstasy. 坦陀罗教导男女之间的做爱,当进入知晓的时候,是性和精神入迷的道路。
The drug is commonly known as Ecstasy. 这种致幻药通常称作摇头丸。
Police arrested So during a drug raid last June at a Taipei pub, and urine tests showed that he had taken Ecstasy. 在六月一次搜毒行动中,苏在台北一间酒吧被捕,尿液测试证明苏曾服食摇头丸。