[U]保存,保护,避免浪费 the act of conserving; avoiding the waste
[U]对自然环境的保护 preservation of the natural environment
an occurrence of improvement by virtue of preventing loss or injury or other change
the preservation and careful management of the environment and of natural resources
(physics) the maintenance of a certain quantities unchanged during chemical reactions or physical transformations
用作名词 (n.)
If I may refer back to the problem we discussed, I think we shall stress on the conservation of our natural resource. 请允许我重提我们刚才讨论过的问题,我想我们应该强调保存我们的自然资源。
Conservation methods will also help meet their energy needs. 能量保存方法也会有利于满足其能源需求。
Most people have come to accept the need for conservation of natural resources. 现在大多数人已认识到保护自然资源的必要。
Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
Who discovered the conservation of energy? 谁发现了能量守恒?