- n. 賬戶;帳目;賒賬;老主顧;報告;描述;解釋;說明;估計;理由;利益;好處;根據
- v. 解釋;導致;報賬;把 ... 視為;歸咎(於)
- 賬戶
- 解釋,說明
- 帳,帳目
- 計算
- 理由,原因
- 利益
- 重要性
- 價值
- 客戶
- 報導,描述,敘述
- 估價
- 考慮
- 占
- 擊敗
- 解釋,說明
- 認為...如何,認為是,認為
- 把...看作,可以算作,把...視為
- 估計
- 對…負責
- 導致,產生,引起
- 是…的說明,說明…的原因
- 查明,了解
- 打敗
- 破壞
- 摧毀,消滅
- 說明錢財的處置情況,報賬
- 把…歸因於,把…歸咎於,把…轉嫁於
- 解決
- 解釋(for)
- 得分
- 贖罪
- [C]賬戶 an arrangement that sb has with a bank, etc. to keep money there, take some out, etc.
- [C]使用互聯網收發電子郵件賬戶 an arrangement that sb has with a company that allows them to use the Internet, send and receive messages by e-mail, etc.
- [C]賬目 a written record of money that is owed to a business and of money that has been paid by it
- [C]賒銷賬; 賒欠賬; 賒購 an arrangement with a shop 〔store〕 or business to pay bills for goods or services at a later time, for example in regular amounts every month
- [C]老主顧 a regular customer; a customer, especially one who has regular dealings with a company
- [C]描述; 敘述; 報告 (written or spoken) description of sth that has happened
- [C]解釋,說明 an explanation or a description of an idea, a theory or a process
- vt. 〈正〉認為是; 視為 have the opinion that sb/sth is particular thing; consider
a record or narrative description of past events;
"a history of France"
"he gave an inaccurate account of the plot to kill the president"
"the story of exposure to lead"
a short account of the news;
"the report of his speech"
"the story was on the 11 o'clock news"
"the account of his speech that was given on the evening news made the governor furious"
a formal contractual relationship established to provide for regular banking or brokerage or business services;
"he asked to see the executive who handled his account"
a statement that makes something comprehensible by describing the relevant structure or operation or circumstances etc.;
"the explanation was very simple"
"I expected a brief account"
"don't do it on my account"
"the paper was rejected on account of its length"
"he tried to blame the victim but his success on that score was doubtful"
importance or value;
"a person of considerable account"
"he predicted that although it is of small account now it will rapidly increase in importance"
a statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance;
"they send me an accounting every month"
the act of informing by verbal report;
"he heard reports that they were causing trouble"
"by all accounts they were a happy couple"
an itemized statement of money owed for goods shipped or services rendered;
"he paid his bill and left"
"send me an account of what I owe"
the quality of taking advantage;
"she turned her writing skills to good account"
be the sole or primary factor in the existence, acquisition, supply, or disposal of something;
"Passing grades account for half of the grades given in this exam"
keep an account of
to give an account or representation of in words;
"Discreet Italian police described it in a manner typically continental"
furnish a justifying analysis or explanation;
"I can't account for the missing money"
- She squared her account at the store.
她在商店裡結清帳目。 - We have accounts with most of our suppliers.
我們與大多數供應商都是實行賒購制。 - The agency has lost several of its most important accounts.
這家代理機構失去了幾家最重要的老客戶。 - This is a particular account of the accident.
這是一份全面而詳盡的事故報告。 - She gave an accurate account of the case.
她對事故做了準確的描述。 - His account contradicted itself.
他的解釋自相矛盾。 - Lynne gave us a detailed account of her plan.
關於計劃 - We must take full account of our difficulties.
我們對困難要有足夠的估計。 - On no account shall the Parties evade the responsibility for the loss of profits.
協議雙方均不得以任何理由逃避對方利益損失的責任。 - He betrayed all his friends on his own account.
他為自己的利益出賣了所有的朋友。 - He turned his writing skills to good account.
他利用他的寫作技巧來獲利。 - On that account, it is best to do so.
- He has been asked to account for his conduct.
他被要求解釋他的行為。 - A man is accounted innocent until he is proven guilty.
- by sb's own account
據某人自己所說 according to what you yourself have said
- by〔from〕 all accounts
據說,根據報道 according to what other people say
- give a good〔poor〕 account of oneself
〈英〉表現好〔不好〕; 幹得出色〔差勁〕do sth or perform well or badly, especially in contest
- of no〔little〕 account
無關緊要的 not very important
- on account of
由於,因為 because of sb or sth
- on all accounts
在各方面,總之in all facts
- on no account
決不; 絕對不not on any account, used to emphasize sth
- on one's own account
獨力地,依靠自己by oneself; by yourself or for yourself rather than with or for sb else
- on sb's account
由於某人的原因for sb's sake; because of what you think sb wants
- on this〔that〕 account
〈正〉由於這〔那〕個緣故 because of the particular things that has been mentioned
- settle an account 〔accounts〕
清算,算賬end a disagreement or argument with sb by defeating them
- take account of
考慮到,顧及 consider particular facts, circumstances, etc., when making a decision about sth
- take an account of
清算,算賬 end a disagreement or argument with sb by defeating them
- take into account
考慮到,顧及 consider particular facts, circumstances, etc., when making a decision about sth
take sb/sth ⇔ into accountIf you take inflation into account, we actually spend less now.
We should take the interests of the whole into account.
One must take the audience into account when making speeches.
A good architect takes into account the building's surroundings.
Compensation awards take into account the pain and suffering caused to the victim.
His exam results were not very good, but we must take into account his long illness.
I hope my teacher will take into account the fact that I was ill just before the exams when she marks my paper.
I think you have to take into account that he's a good deal younger than the rest of us.
The defendant asked for a number of other offence to be taken into account.
Coursework is taken into account, as well as exam results.
Your objections will be taken into account.
- to (good) account
利用; 從中獲得so as to bring advantage or profit
- account for (v.+prep.)
(尤指在事故之後)了解,查明know where sb/sth is or what has happened to them, especially after an accident
account for sthHis illness accounts for his absence.
Two things account for its occurrence.
The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.
Oh well, that accounts for it (=I understand now why it happened).
I was called to account for my conduct by the headmistress.
How do you account for the show's success?
You will be brought before the disciplinary panel to account for your behaviour.
How do you account for the dent in the car?
The defendant couldn't account for the fact that the money was found in his house.
A number of factors account for the differences between the two scores.
The disappearance of the papers has never been accounted for.
There are reports to be made and money to be accounted for.
account for v-ingLack of money accounts for her discontinuing her studies.
account for wh-clauseCan you account for why our team lost?
account for sthThe Japanese market accounts for 35%.
Repeat purchases account for 73% of our sales.
Computer software accounts for some 70 per cent of our range of products.
North Sea oil accounts for a high proportion of our export earnings.
account for sb/sthOne small child was still not accounted for.
All passengers have now been accounted for.
- account to (v.+prep.)
向(某人)解釋provide a satisfactory record especially of money received and paid out
account to sbHe has to account to the chairman for how he spends the company's money.
- ask an account 要求付賬
- audit the accounts 查賬
- balance an account 結清賬目
- cast accounts 算賬
- charge sb's account 把賬記在某人賬內
- close an account 註銷戶頭
- collect accounts 收賬
- cook accounts 造假賬,篡改賬目
- cook up an account 篡改賬目
- credit an account with fifty dollars 在賬戶的貸方記入五十美元
- doctor an account 篡改賬目,造假賬
- enter an account 記賬
- examine accounts 檢查賬目,查賬
- falsify accounts 做假賬
- give an account 進行說明,描述,做報道
- have an account (在銀行)開賬戶
- keep accounts 記賬
- leave out of account 不考慮
- look up accounts 檢查賬目,查賬
- make little account of 輕視
- make much account of 重視
- manipulate an account 偽造賬目
- open an account (在銀行)開戶
- overdraw an account 透支
- pad an expense account 偽造開支賬
- provide an account 提供說明
- publish the accounts 公布賬目
- render an account 報賬
- settles accounts with 與…結賬
- square accounts with sb 與某人結清賬目
- start an account 開立賬戶
- take account of 考慮某事
- take an account of 把…入賬
- take (no) account 對…(不)考慮,(不)重視
- write an account 寫報道
- yield an account 報賬
- accurate account 確切的記錄
- active account 收支頻繁的賬戶
- bad accounts 收不回來的欠款,呆賬
- biased account 片面的報道
- blocked account 被凍結的賬戶
- blow-by-blow account 詳盡的報道
- brief account 簡短的敘述
- checking account 活期存款
- closed account 已結算的賬目
- concise account 簡要的說明
- current account 往來賬目
- detailed account 詳細的說明
- elaborate account 詳盡的記述
- exact account 精確的說明
- faithful account 真實的敘述
- falsified account 偽造的報道
- fictitious account 虛構的報告,非真實的陳述
- first-hand account 第一手的報道
- full account 詳盡的說明
- historical account 歷史記錄
- imaginary account 想象的敘述
- inactive account 靜止賬戶
- joint account (數人)共有的(銀行存款等)賬戶
- one-sided account 片面的報道
- open account 未結算的賬戶
- outstanding account 應收賬目,未清賬目
- particular account 特殊說明
- prejudiced account 帶有偏見的報道
- real account 實賬
- running account 連續的報道
- short account 簡短的說明
- straight account 直截了當的說明
- thrilling account 令人激動的報道
- true account 真實的記述
- uncollectable accounts 壞賬,呆賬
- vivid account 生動的說明
- bank account 銀行賬目
- capital account 固定資產賬戶
- cash account 現金收賬
- charge account 賒購賬戶,記賬戶頭
- credit account 賒購賬戶,記賬戶頭
- deposit account 定期存款戶頭
- dollar account 美元賬戶
- expense account 消費賬戶
- eye-witness account 目擊者的敘述
- household accounts 家庭賬目
- individual retirement account 個人退休金賬戶
- money-market account 金融市場賬目
- newspaper accounts 新聞報道
- press accounts 新聞報道
- profit and loss account 損益賬
- saving account 存款戶頭
- time account 定期存款賬戶
- account analysis 賬目分析
- account book 賬簿
- account chart 會計科目一覽表
- account credit 賒賬
- account day 結算日
- account due 應收賬款
- account general 會計主管; 會計處長
- account note 賬單
- account number 賬號
- account payee 收款入賬
- account purchase 賒買
- accounts department 會計處
- by all accounts 根據各方面的說法
- by sb's account 據某人講
- for account of 為…代銷
- for this account 因為這個緣故
- from all accounts 根據各方面所說
- in account with 與…有賬務往來
- in an account 在賬目里
- in the last accounts 歸根到底,終於
- of little account 無甚價值
- of no account 無足輕重
- of small account 無甚價值
- of some account 有相當價值
- on account 記(賒)賬,以賒賬方式
- on account of 因為,由於
- on all account 無論如何,總之
- on any account 無論如何,決定,決意
- on every account 無論如何
- on no account 決不,無論如何也不
- on one's own account 獨自(地)憑自己的力量
- on sb's account 因為某人的緣故
- draw cheque against an account 開一張與賬戶有往來的支票
- slow at accounts 不善於算賬
- draw money from an account 提取存款
- hand in one's accounts 死
- pay into one's account 劃到某人的賬上
- pay sth into an account 把…存入賬戶
- take sth into account 考慮到某事
- a man of account 要人
- balance of accounts 賬上收支平衡
- a matter of great account 一件要事
- the debtor side of the account 借方
- draw on account 從存款戶頭中取出一些錢
- drive slowly on account of the fog 由於有霧,把車開慢點
- pay on account 先付…(作為部分付款)
- pay money on account 償還部分賬款
- payment on account 分期償還
- put sth on sb's account 把某物記在某人的賬戶上
- sell sth on account 賒賣某物
- go over the accounts 核對賬目
- charge sth to an account 把某物記在賬上
- charge to sb's account (記入)某人賬目中的借項
- set sth down to sb's account 把…記在某人的賬上
- account for 說明,解釋
- account in credit 存款戶
- account in transit 未達賬
- account of bankruptcy 破產賬
- accounts on the credit side 貸方賬
- accounts on the debit side 借方賬
- account of the travel 旅行雜記
- account oneself innocent 認為自己很清白
- account oneself lucky 認為自己很幸運
- account sb as wise 認為某人聰明
- account for one's absence 說明缺席的原因
- account for one's coming late 說明晚來的原因
- account for the luminosity of 解釋…發光現象
- account for one-fourth of 占…的四分之一
- account for two enemy planes 擊落兩架敵機
- account to sb 向某人說明
- account to sb for the money spent 向某人報賬
My accompt of years outscored her own.
出自: T. Hardy -
Able to read, write, and account.
出自: Adam Smith
- accounting
- bookkeeping
- books
- financial record
- financial statement
- commentary
- description
- explanation
- history
- narration
- narrative
- record
- report
- statement
- story
- tale
- version v.
- believe
- calculate
- consider
- count
- estimate
- hold
- judge
- look upon as
- reckon
- regard
- rate
- take to be
- think
- value
- view as
- weigh
- accountancy n. 會計學,會計工作‖ accounting n. 會計,會計學
- 今日熱詞
- 深远海浮式风电平台 - deep-sea floating wind power platform
- 京雄高速公路 - Beijing-Xiongan expressway
- 农业及相关产业增加值 - the added value of agriculture and related industries