



  • - (人體或物體的最上部) crown; peak; top:

    reach the limit [peak]; 到頂

    mountaintop; hilltop; 山頂

  • - (用頭支承) carry on the head:

    carry a pitcher of water on one's head 頭上頂著一罐水

    - (從下面拱起) push from below or behind; push up:

    jack up a car; 用千斤頂把汽車頂起來

    The sprouts have pushed up the earth. 嫩芽把土頂起來了。

    - (用頭撞擊) gore; butt:

    butting and kicking; 又頂又踢

    This bull gores people. 這牛愛頂人。

    - (支撐; 抵住) prop; sustain; support:

    prop up the door; 把門頂起來

    The pillars sustain the roof of the pit. 坑道頂兒用柱子頂著。

    - (對面迎著) go against:

    face blizzards and brave severe cold; 頂風雪,戰嚴寒

    walk in a boiling sun; 頂著烈日走路

    - (用強硬的話反駁別人; 頂撞) retort; turn down:

    reject a protest; 把抗議頂回去

    When they scolded him, he would answer back. 他們說他,他就頂。

    - (擔當; 支持) cope with; stand up to:

    The load was heavy, but the two of them coped with it all right. 負擔雖重,他們兩個也頂下來了。

    Women hold up half of heaven [half the sky].; Women shoulder [prop up] half (of) the sky.; Women prop up the other half of the sky. 婦女能頂半邊天。

    - (相當; 抵) equal; be equivalent to:

    He can do the work of two of us. 幹活他一個能頂我們兩個。

    - (頂替) take the place of; substitute; replace:

    assume sb. else's name; 頂別人的名字

    He substituted for the worker who was ill. 他頂患病的工人幹活。

  • - 奫方] (到某個時間) until; till:

    He did not return till ten o'clock. 頂10點他才回來。

    It was not until yesterday that I learned it. 頂昨天我才聽說這件事。

  • - (用於某些有頂的東西):

    a sedan chair; 一頂轎子

    a cap; a hat; 一頂帽子

  • - (表示程度最高) very; most; extremely:

    most intelligent; 頂聰明

    very useful; 頂有用



  1. 當我到達山頂的時候,我有一種巨大的成就感。
    I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.
  2. 這隻鳥的頭頂上有一小簇紅色的羽毛。
    The bird has a tuft of red feathers on top of its head.
  3. 我們向著陡峭山頂攀登。
    We have a precipitous climb to the peak.
  4. 山頂上終年積雪。
    The mountain peaks are covered with snow all year.
  5. 我們從懸崖頂上的高處能看到城市的全景。
    From our perch up there on top of the cliff we can see the whole town.
  6. 我住在頂層。
    I live on the top floor.
  7. 白雪覆蓋著山頂。
    The mountain tops are covered with snow.


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