



  • - (用在定語后,表示定語和中心詞之間是領屬關係,現在多寫作「的」):

    my book; 我底書

    a party of the proletariat 無產階級底黨

  • - (物體的最下部分) bottom; base:

    valley bottom; 谷底

    the bottom of a bucket 桶底

    - (事情的根源或內情) the heart of a matter; ins and outs:

    give someone the bottomline; 交底

    get to the bottom of sth.; get to the root of things; 刨根問底

    - (草稿) rough draft
    - (可做根據的) a copy kept as a record:

    keep a copy on file;duplicate and file (a letter, etc.) 留個底兒

    - (年和月的末尾) end:

    the end of a month 月底

    - (花紋圖案的襯托面) ground; background; foundation:

    cloth with white spots on a black background 黑底白點的布

    - (姓氏) a surname:

    Di Da 底達

  • - (達到) end up with; come to:

    succeed in the end 終底於成

  • - (何;什麼) what:

    what place; where 底處

    - (此;這) this
    - (如此;這樣) so; such; like this



  1. 電話在底樓的小書房裡。
    The telephone was in the little study on the ground floor.
  2. 樓上的房間要比底層的暖和得多。
    The upstairs rooms are much warmer than those on the ground floor.
  3. 我的小狗一聽到打雷就藏到床底下。
    My little dog always hides under the bed when it thunders.
  4. 她彎下腰看床底下。
    She stooped low to look under the bed.
  5. 兩個戰士把炮從底座上卸下來。
    Two soldiers dismounted the gun from the base.
  6. 最底下的抽屜里有把剪刀。
    There is a pair of scissors in the bottom drawer.
  7. 船底生鏽了。
    The bottom of the boat was rusty.
  8. 請把底層書架上的書都撣一撣。
    Please dust all the books on the bottom shelf.


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