vt. 积累,积聚 collect sth, especially in large quantities
collect or gather;
"Journals are accumulating in my office"
"The work keeps piling up"
get or gather together;
"I am accumulating evidence for the man's unfaithfulness to his wife"
"She is amassing a lot of data for her thesis"
"She rolled up a small fortune"
用作动词 (v.)
A speculator may try to amass great wealth. 投机商会想方设法积聚钱财。
Mr. Smith's business was very successful, and he was able to amass a fortune. 史密斯先生的事业极为成功,所以他积聚了一大笔财富。
She continues to amass a staggering amount of material on the history and technology relating to current-day mind control and other forms of abuse. 她继续收集在历史和技术上涉及到当今的精神控制和其他的孽待形式的令人惊愕的材料。
So, as you begin to amass this knowledge and these abilities, there will be others attracted to you for their own reasons because of what they can access through you. 所以,如同你们开始收集这知识和这些能力,将会有吸引他们自己的动机,因为他们能够通过你们访问。