



  • - (极高; 极大) highest; greatest; remotest:

    the firmament; outer space; 太空

    great lake 太湖

    - (极; 最) extreme; most:

    remote antiquity 太古

    - (身分最高或辈分更高的) more or most senior; great-grand:

    grandfather; granduncle; 太老伯

    father of one's teacher or teacher of one's father; 太老师

  • - (表示程度过分) too:

    go too far; 太过分

    make too long a speech; 讲话讲得太长

    - (表示程度极高) extremely; exceedingly; very:

    extremely happy; very glad; 太高兴了

    exceedingly exciting; 太激动人心了

    - (用于否定, 很) very:

    not very good; not good enough; 不太好

    It is not very hot today. 今天不太热。

  • - (姓氏) a surname:

    Tai Hao 太皓



  1. 等到我得知这项决定时,已经太迟了。
    I wasn't informed of the decision until too late.
  2. 你太过分了!
    You've gone too far!
  3. 只要不吃得太多,你可以吃任何东西。
    You may eat anything, so long as you don't eat too much.
  4. 这件事我不太有把握。
    I wouldn't be too sure about that.
  5. 你太过分了。
    You're away too far.
  6. 这个作家不太擅长写对白。
    The writer is not very good at writing dialogues.
  7. 这个地方的名声可不太好。
    This place doesn't have a very savoury reputation.
  8. 那太好了。
    That would be very nice.


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