The smell made my dog's nose twitch. 那股气味使我的狗的鼻子抽动着。
Instead of relaxing, your leg muscles twitch. 腿部肌肉不但不能松驰,反而紧张抽动。
There was a twitch in his leg muscles. 他腿部肌肉痉挛了。
The seizures, which were confirmed by ideo monitoring, occurred when people brushed the sides of their mouths, and caused their faces to jerk and twitch. 癫痫发作经电视监视器证实,在患者刷牙至口腔侧面时发生,癫痫发作使患者脸部痉挛抽搐。
Referred pain and local twitch response are confirmatory signs of MTrPs. 引传痛和局部抽搐反应则是肌筋膜激痛点的确认性征象。
It's Downey, who drugs Self via his IV and holds him down as he begins to twitch. 是丹假扮的,他在赛尔夫的点滴中加了药,使他失去了知觉,开始抽搐。
He felt a twitch at his watch chain. 他感觉到有人扯了一下他的表链。
There was a twitch in his leg muscles. 他腿部肌肉痉挛了。
The seizures, which were confirmed by ideo monitoring, occurred when people brushed the sides of their mouths, and caused their faces to jerk and twitch. 癫痫发作经电视监视器证实,在患者刷牙至口腔侧面时发生,癫痫发作使患者脸部痉挛抽搐。