- v. 摇动;震动;握手
- n. 片刻;摇晃;<美口>奶昔
- (动)摇,摇动,震动,摆动,振动,摇撼,震颤,摇曳,颤动,使震动
- 发抖,战栗,抖颤,颤抖,抖动
- 减弱,变弱
- <美口>摆脱
- 握,握手
- 使震惊,使心烦意乱,使心绪不宁
- 使(人心)动摇
- 挥(拳),挥舞
- 摇头
- 不稳
- 摇动,震动,动摇,颤动
- 握手
- 发抖,战栗,寒颤,抖动
- <口>地震
- 打击,震惊
- 冲动,激动
- <口>一刹那
- <美口>待遇
- 疟疾
- <美口>奶昔,冰淇淋雪泡
- 社家(姓,日本)
- [C] 摇动,震动,颠簸 act of shaking or being shaken
- [P] 哆嗦,发颤 fit of trembling or shivering
- vt. & vi. (使)急速摇动或颠簸 cause sb/sth to move quickly and often jerkily from side to side or up and down
- vi. 发抖,打战,发颤 (of a person) tremble; quiver; (of sb's voice) become weak or faltering
- vt. 使心绪不宁,烦恼或惊吓 disturb the calmness of sb; trouble or shock sb
building material used as siding or roofing
frothy drink of milk and flavoring and sometimes fruit or ice cream
a note that alternates rapidly with another note a semitone above it
grasping and shaking a person's hand (as to acknowledge an introduction or to agree on a contract)
a reflex motion caused by cold or fear or excitement
causing to move repeatedly from side to side
move or cause to move back and forth;
"The chemist shook the flask vigorously"
"My hands were shaking"
move with or as if with a tremor;
"his hands shook"
shake or vibrate rapidly and intensively;
"The old engine was juddering"
move back and forth or sideways;
"the ship was rocking"
"the tall building swayed"
"She rocked back and forth on her feet"
undermine or cause to waver;
"my faith has been shaken"
"The bad news shook her hopes"
stir the feelings, emotions, or peace of;
"These stories shook the community"
"the civil war shook the country"
get rid of;
"I couldn't shake the car that was following me"
bring to a specified condition by or as if by shaking;
"He was shaken from his dreams"
"shake the salt out of the salt shaker"
shake (a body part) to communicate a greeting, feeling, or cognitive state;
"shake one's head"
"She shook her finger at the naughty students"
"The old enemies shook hands"
"Don't shake your fist at me!"
- Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice.
倒果汁前,先把瓶子摇几下。 - He shook his head in disapproval.
他摇了摇头表示反对。 - His voice shook with fear.
他害怕得声音发抖。 - It's time to shake out the red flag.
是把这面红旗打开的时候了。 - She reached out her hand and offered to shake his.
她伸了手去,想和他握手。 - When people meet,they shake hands as a token of friendship.
- He finished the bottle of wine in a shake.
他片刻功夫就把一瓶酒喝完了。 - The old man was all of a shake at the news.
听到这个消息,老人浑身直发抖。 - You should give him a fair shake.
- a fair shake
公正、合理的安排,均等的机会 just or reasonable arrangement; fair chance
- in a couple of shakes〔in two shakes (of a lamb's tail)〕
马上,立刻 in a moment; very soon
- no great shakes
并非很好,不太有效,不怎么适合,没什么了不起 not be very good, efficient, suitable, etc.
- shake down (v.+adv.)
〈主美·口〉彻底搜查 search sth thoroughly
shake downThe contents of the packet may shake down in travelling.
shake sth ⇔ downYou don't have to climb the tree, it may be possible to shake the apples down.
shake downYou'll soon shake down in your new job.
shake sb ⇔ downThis looks like a good neighbourhood, we can shake down every small shopkeeper in the street for at least 100 dollars.
shake sth ⇔ downThe police had to shake down every building in the street before they found the gunman.
- shake off1 (v.+adv.)
摆脱(麻烦,烦恼等),医治好 get rid of, free oneself from trouble, illness, etc.
shake sth ⇔ offThe horse moved its tail to shake off the flies.
Angrily, she shook off his hand.
shake sb/sth ⇔ offAfter a three-mile chase through the woods, he was able to shake off the police.
By running very hard he managed to shake off his pursuers.
The dog flew at me, but I shook it off.
shake sth ⇔ offI can't seem to shake off this fever,I've had it all winter.
How am I to shake off a way of thinking that I have had for thirty years?
- shake off2 (v.+prep.)
从…抖掉,甩掉 remove sth from sth by shaking
shake sb/sth off sthWith a violent movement, he shook his attacker off his back.
He stamped his feet to shake the snow off his boots.
The earthquake shook the picture off the wall.
- shake out (v.+adv.)
彻底改组 reorganize sth thoroughly
shake sth ⇔ outTurning his trousers upside down, she shook out a lot of coins.
I'm trying to shake the dust out.
shake sth ⇔ outDon't forget to shake the pockets out before you take your coat to the cleaner's.
shake sth ⇔ outIt's time to shake out the flag.
If you shake the sheets out, they will lie flatter.
shake outTell the men to shake out as they cross the field.
shake sth ⇔ outThe committee needs to be shaken out to get rid of some of the older members.
- shake out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
使(某人)受到震动而改变(其思维方法等) change (sb) from (a way of thinking) with a shock
shake sth out of sthWait a minute,I want to shake some of this water out of my boots.
shake sb out of sthViolent exercise might help to shake him out of his feeling of self-pity.
She needs a strong adviser to shake her out of her usual way of thinking.
- shake up (v.+adv.)
使振作起来 shock sb into activity
shake sth ⇔ upShake up the salad-dressing before you put it on.
shake sth ⇔ upMother ran round the room shaking up all the cushions when the door-bell rang.
shake sb ⇔ upThe bad news shook me up.
Did that lightning shake you up?
No one was hurt, but many of the passengers were severely shaken up by the accident.
shake sb ⇔ upThat lazy boy need shaking up and being made to think for himself.
We've got to shake up all these people with old-fashioned ideas.
- shake with (v.+prep.)
由于…而发抖 move the body in very quick waves caused by (cold or a strong feeling)
shake with sthHer voice shook with emotion.
The children waited outside the school, shaking with cold.
The prisoner shook with fear as he faced the court.
Her hands were shaking with nervousness as she admitted her fault to the group.
- get the shakes 发抖
- give sth a shake 摇一下某物
- have the shakes 使劲摇
- put sb on the shake 向某人勒索钱财
- dubious shake 含义不明的摇头
- fair shake 公平交易
- great shake 平凡
- hearty shake 亲切的握手
- impatient shake 不耐烦的摇头
- impressive shake 难忘的握手
- nervous shake 紧张的颤抖
- respectful shake 尊敬的握手
- strong shake 有力的握手
- weary shake 疲倦的摇头
- a fit of the shakes 打哆嗦
- with a shake 摇头
- a shake of the head 摇一下头
- one shake of the stick 棍棒的摇动
- shake a foot 跳舞
- shake apples 摇下苹果
- shake building 震动楼房
- shake hands 握手
- shake head 摇头
- shake leaves 摇树叶
- shake one's coat 脱去外衣
- shake one's head 摇头
- shake sand 抖沙子
- shake sides 捧腹大笑
- shake snow 抖雪
- shake stick 挥棍子
- shake the bad habit 除去坏习惯
- shake the bad influence 摆脱坏影响
- shake the chair 摇椅子
- shake the company to its foundations 动摇该公司的基础
- shake the dust 抖去尘土
- shake the house 震动房子
- shake the press 摆脱新闻报道
- shake the rain 抖雨水
- shake the sand 抖去沙子
- shake the snow 抖去雪
- shake one's belief 动摇信仰
- shake one's confidence 动摇信心
- shake one's determination 动摇决心
- shake one's religion 动摇宗教信仰
- shake one's testimony 动摇证词
- shake the economy 动摇经济
- shake energetically 使劲地摇
- shake furiously 愤怒地挥动
- shake inwardly 向内摇
- shake quickly 快速地摇动
- shake rudely 粗鲁地摇动
- shake vehemently 使劲地摇
- shake vigorously 大力改组
- shake violently 猛烈震动
- shake warmly 热情地挥动
- shake well 摇匀
- shake away 抖掉
- shake the earth away 抖掉泥土
- shake down 把…摇落下来,适应,敲诈
- shake the fruit down 摇落果实
- shake off 摆脱,抖掉,推掉(责任),抛弃
- shake off a bad habit 改掉坏习惯
- shake off cold 治愈感冒
- shake out 摇开,抖开,抖掉
- shake out a sail 扬帆
- shake up 搅动,摇动,摇匀,使(人)振作
- shake up a bottle of medicine 摇匀药水
- shake up a cushion 抖松靠垫
- shake down for the night 临时借宿
- shake down in a new environment 适应新的环境
- shake out of 使摇落,抖掉
- shake head at 对…摇头(表示不赞成)
- shake head at the idea 对这个建议摇头
- shake sb by the shoulder 抓住某人的肩膀猛摇
- shake from 使摇落,抖掉
- shake sth from a tree 把…从树上摇落
- shake sth off clothes 把衣服上的…抖掉
- shake head over 对…摇头(表示不赞成)
- shake with 因…而发抖
- shake with cold 冷得发抖
- shake with fear 害怕得发抖
- shake with laughter 捧腹大笑
It seemed to have given a shake to memory, calling up notice after notice.
出自: C. Lamb -
Jim..gave her hand a very British shake.
出自: R. Bagot -
A refusal..indicated by a smiling shake of the head.
出自: B. Vine -
He gave his shoulders a slight shake.
出自: A. Tyler -
The long light shakes across the lakes.
出自: Tennyson -
The..pine-forests which shake In the wind.
出自: C. S. Calverley
- quiver 颤抖
- tremble 战悚
- quake 震动
- shiver 颤动
- unsettle 使(某人)不安或担忧...
- sway 摇动
- vibrate (使)振动
- rock 岩石
- shudder 战栗
- wobble 摆动
- jolt 震摇
- jerk 急动
- bump 碰撞
- pump 泵
- quaver 颤音
- bounce 弹起
- twitch 急拉
- jar 广口瓶
- agitate 煽动
- jiggle 轻摇
- agitation 激动
- vibration 震动
- tremor 震动
- brandish 挥
- flourish 茂盛
- move 移动
- electrify 通电
- arouse 叫醒
- stir 激起
- upset 心烦的
- funk 恐惧
- milk shake 奶昔
- handshake 握手
- judder 震颤
- handclasp 握手
- handshaking 握手
- waggle 摇动
- wag (狗)摇摆(尾巴)...
- shake up 使改组, 使重组, 使震...
- escape from 逃离, 逃脱, 漏出, ...
- shake off 摆脱
- stimulate 刺激
- excite 使兴奋
- trill 颤声
- shingle 小圆石
- milkshake 奶昔
- throw off 抛弃
- didder 震动