- n. 暴风雨
- v. 起风暴;猛攻;暴怒;捣毁
- 暴风雨,风暴,狂风暴雨,暴风雪,大雪雨,大冰雹,风雨,风大雨疾
- 激动
- 爆发
- 【军】强击,猛攻,冲击
- 大动荡,骚动,动乱
- 发作
- 风潮
- 【海、气】暴风
- 袭取,袭击,突袭
- 狠狠抨击
- 横冲直撞,猛冲,冲击,冲进
- 强击,猛攻,大力迅速攻占,攻占
- 起风暴,起风,刮大风
- 暴怒,怒骂,怒吼,大发雷霆
- 下暴雨
- 气呼呼地疾走
- 闯,冲,闯入,突进
- 下雹子
- 使受暴风雨般的袭击
- 捣毁
- [C] 暴风雨〔雪〕 occasion of violent weather conditions, with strong winds and usually rain or snow, etc.
- vt. & vi. 袭击 capture a place by sudden and violent attack
- vi. 闯入 rush violently
- vi. 狂怒 give violent expression to anger
a violent weather condition with winds 64-72 knots (11 on the Beaufort scale) and precipitation and thunder and lightning
a violent commotion or disturbance;
"the storms that had characterized their relationship had died away"
"it was only a tempest in a teapot"
a direct and violent assault on a stronghold
behave violently, as if in state of a great anger
take by force;
"Storm the fort"
rain, hail, or snow hard and be very windy, often with thunder or lightning;
"If it storms, we'll need shelter"
blow hard;
"It was storming all night"
attack by storm; attack suddenly
- In the storm I took shelter under the tree.
暴风雨时,我正在树下躲避。 - A storm arose during the night.
夜间起风暴了。 - The clouds threatened a big storm.
- Help was lacking at sea during the storm.
起风暴时海上无处可求援。 - At that time he didn't have the guns to storm the headquarters.
那个时候他没有枪支去武力夺取司令部。 - He stormed about the house, breaking things.
- take by storm
使某人〔地〕大为轰动 of a performer or performance to gain the great approval ofHer singing took New York by storm.她的歌唱得风靡了全纽约。
- weather the storm
渡过危机 survive the crisisThe recent recession was long and severe, many companies failed to weather the storm.最近这次的经济萧条时间长且严重,许多公司未能渡过难关。
- storm about (v.+prep.)
气愤地谈(某事) talk about sth in a very angry manner
storm about sthThrough the open door we could hear him storming about the way he had been treated.
- storm at (v.+prep.)
对…大发雷霆 become very angry because of sth/sb
storm at sb/sthHe stormed at the waiter and embarrassed everyone at the table.
I could hear Mother storming at her children for bringing mud into the house.
It's no use storming at such injustices, the thing to do is to try to correct them.
- storm into (v.+prep.)
非常气愤地进入 enter in a very angry manner
storm into sthThe door flew open, and Father stormed into the room, in a very bad temper.
The boss stormed into his office.
He stormed into the house.
storm one's way into sthThe soldiers stormed their way into the fort.
- storm out (v.+adv.)
非常气愤地出去,离开 leave in a very angry manner
storm outJohn got up and stormed out.
The man stormed out of the room.
- brave a storm 冒风雨
- face a storm 面对风暴,面对风雨
- fear a storm 害怕风暴
- raise a storm 掀起风暴,引起风波
- ride out a storm 安然渡过风暴
- struggle against a storm 同暴风雨作斗争
- weather out a storm 战胜暴风雨
- bring a storm about one's ears 引起强烈反对
- ride by storm 攻占,强烈感染或感动,大获成功
- talk up a storm 夸夸其谈
- economic storm 经济风暴
- electrical storm 雷电交加的暴风雨
- fearful storm 令人恐惧的风暴
- feeding storm 越来越大的暴风雨
- gathering storm 酝酿中的风暴
- heavy storm 大风暴
- revolutionary storm 革命风暴
- severe storm 剧烈的风暴
- violent storm 猛烈的风暴
- dust storm 尘暴
- fire storm 火风暴,大爆发,火力进攻
- ice storm 冰暴
- rain storm 暴风雨
- sand storm 沙暴,大风沙
- snow storm 暴风雪
- storm warning 风暴警报
- after a storm 暴风雨过后
- be caught in a storm 遭遇到暴风雨
- storm in a tea cup 小事引起的大风波
- a storm of abuse 一阵辱骂
- a storm of anger 一阵愤怒
- a storm of cheering 一阵欢呼
- a storm of criticism 一阵抨击
- a storm of protest 激烈反对
- a storm of weeping 一阵大哭
- storm a castle 攻占城堡
- storm a building 攻占建筑物
- storm enemy position 猛攻敌人阵地
- storm fort 攻占要塞
- storm the city 强攻城市
- storm ashore 强攻登岸
- storm angrily 咆哮
- storm furiously 狂怒地咆哮
- storm thunderously 雷声似地咆哮
- storm in 突然闯进
- storm out 猛冲而出
- storm about the house 怒气冲冲地在屋里横冲直撞
- storm against the garrison 向守军猛攻
- storm around the house 在房子周围怒吼
- storm at 因…而狂怒
- storm at the unexpected delay 因意外耽搁而大发雷霆
- storm into 强行冲入
- storm into the fort 强行冲入要塞
- storm into the office 怒气冲冲地进入办公室
- storm out of the room 怒冲冲走出房间
- storm through the street 猛冲过街道
- storm up the hill 向山上冲锋
A storm had come up.., bringing..torrents of rain.
出自: W. Cather -
As..winter deepened the storms became very rough.
出自: P. Sayer -
It is now snowing and storming furiously.
出自: M. F. Maury
- stormy adj. 有暴风雨的;愤怒的;冲动的,暴躁的‖stormily adv. 有暴风雨地;愤怒地;冲动地‖storminess n. 〈气〉风暴度;暴躁;激烈