"he did a bully job"
"a neat sports car"
"had a great time at the party"
"you look simply smashing"
of something resembling a peach in color
用作形容词 (adj.)
I really like your peachy face, shiny eyes and cherry mouth. 我真的喜欢你蜜桃般的脸,羞答答的眼睛和樱桃般的嘴。
Her peachy complexion was gone;it was now masked by a color that should never be found on human skin - bright orange.She shrugged. 她粉扑扑的肤色完全消失了,取而代之的是一种完全不属于人类肤色的亮橘色,这样看上去,她好像戴上了一个奇怪的面具。
They bought a peachy new sports car. 他们买了一辆很好的新跑车。