- v. 舔;轻拍;击败;掠过
- n. 舔;少许;打;<口>速度
- <口>胜过,打败,超越,轻松战胜
- 轻拍,轻打,触及,轻轻触及某物
- 吞卷,吞没
- 克服
- <口>使困惑
- 烧
- 窜
- 急速运动,高速行进
- 舐(吃),舔(吃),舔着喝
- (像舐东西一样)蔓延
- (轻快地)掠过
- 赢得
- <口>(作为惩罚而)打,揍,鞭打
- 轻易对付
- 阿谀奉承
- 少量,一点儿,少许
- 舔,舐
- <口>速度,速力
- 野兽跑去舐盐的盐渍地
- 重打,痛殴,打
- 轮到的机会
- 爵士音乐装饰乐句
- 小过门
- 迅速,快速,高速
- 一刷之量
- vt. 舔 pass the tongue over or under
- vt. 打;打败 beat; defeat
- vi. 〈俚〉走;匆忙 go; hurry
- [S]舔 an act of licking
- [S](油漆等)一刷之量 slight application
a salt deposit that animals regularly lick
touching with the tongue;
"the dog's laps were warm and wet"
(boxing) a blow with the fist;
"I gave him a clout on his nose"
beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight;
"We licked the other team on Sunday!"
pass the tongue over;
"the dog licked her hand"
find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of;
"did you solve the problem?"
"Work out your problems with the boss"
"this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out"
"did you get it?"
"Did you get my meaning?"
"He could not work the math problem"
take up with the tongue;
"The cat lapped up the milk"
"the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast"
- He licked his fingers.
他舔手指。 - The kitty licked up the milk.
小猫舔光了牛奶。 - Waves lick the side of a boat.
浪花轻拍着小舟的船舷。 - It was easy for our team to lick theirs.
我们队很容易打败他们队。 - The flames licked up everything.
- He gave the bowl a thorough lick.
他把饭碗舔得一干二净。 - The boat would look better with a lick of paint.
这小船稍加颜色就好看了。 - I cannot lick a fault out of him.
我无论怎样打都改不了他的缺点。 - The camp was delirious with hope, we had licked the Germans, and we were going to lick the Japanese.
- lick boots〔feet,shoes〕 (v.+n.)
〈非正〉巴结,奉承 cringe before sb, abject or servile
lick one's boots〔feet,shoes〕She wanted her boyfriend to lick her feet all the time.
He'll lick the shoes of anyone to get what he wants.
- lick the dust (v.+n.)
被击倒,被打败〔死〕 fall to the ground; be defeated or killed
- lick into shape (v.+prep.+n.)
〈非正〉使…合格〔像样〕 make presentable or efficient
lick sb/sth into shapeWith a lot of training, we might be able to lick the team into shape in time for next year's games.
With some more practice, we'll soon lick this piece of music into shape ready for the performance.
If you give me the rough draft of your article I'll lick it into shape for you.
- lick lips (v.+n.)
〈非正〉垂涎;满足 show eagerness or satisfaction
lick one's lipsThe steak is so delicious that she's licking her lips.
Our team licked its lips because we had beaten the champions.
- lick off1 (v.+adv.)
用舌头舔掉 remove (sth) by licking
lick sth ⇔ offThe children have just licked the cream off and left the jelly.
- lick off2 (v.+prep.)
从…上用舌头舔掉 remove (sth) from (sth) by licking
lick sth off sthThe boy licked the jam off his lips.
He only licked the cream off the top.
- lick up (v.+adv.)
卷过,吞没 stage a comeback; embezzle
- lick one's wound(s)
失败后求复原,重整旗鼓 try to recover after a defeat
- lick one's boots 巴结,奉承
- lick the dish 舔盘子
- lick the dust 被击倒,被打败〔死〕
- lick one's feet 巴结,奉承
- lick ice-cream 舔冰淇淋
- lick one's lips 垂涎,满足
- lick the seashore 拍打着海岸
- lick one's shoes 巴结,奉承
- lick one's wound(s) 失败后求复原,重整旗鼓
- lick away〔up〕 舔尽
- lick off 舔掉
- lick the cream off 舔掉奶油
- lick up the milk 舔尽牛奶
- lick about 在…附近拍打
- lick at 拍打着
- lick at the seawall 拍打着防波堤
- lick into shape 使…合格
- lick off 从…上用舌头舔掉
- lick off one's lips 从唇上舔掉
Licks..can be placed in a manger for greedy feeders.
出自: D. Tuke -
Morgan licked dribbling coffee from the side of his plastic mug.
出自: A. Chambers -
Simon had licked the icing off one of the Christmas cupcakes.
出自: B. Byars -
She watched one of the men licking cigarette papers and sticking them together.
出自: L. Cody -
The goat..licked the plate dry.
出自: R. K. Narayan -
Her face was chalky white, the lips dry and she licked them in her sleep.
出自: C. Hope -
Two bad habits..are cleaning lenses in tap water and licking them clean.
- cream 奶油
- lap 膝部
- clobber 狠揍
- thrash 打(谷)
- taste 味觉
- defeat 挫败
- conquer 征服
- beat 打
- get the better of 克服
- overcome 战胜
- flap 拍打
- wallop 重击
- paddle 桨
- solve 解决
- work out 做出
- lap up 欣然接受
- figure out 算出
- biff 击打
- slug 蛞蝓
- punch 按(键)
- bat 球棒
- puzzle out 苦苦思索而弄清楚或解决...
- work 工作
- poke 戳
- salt lick (动物舐食岩盐之)盐渍地...
- clout 猛击
- drub 棒打