"the lesser powers of Europe"
"the lesser anteater"
用作形容词 (adj.)
A third officer faces lesser charges. 另外一名警员会面对较少的指控。
I was given the lesser sum of money. 我得到较少的一份金钱。
The principles on which these judgments are based are binding on all lesser courts. 以这些判决为基础确立的基本原则约束着所有较小的法院。
Courts and lesser moots are lengthy affairs, at which all interested parties haggle over points of contention. 所有的党派为了自己的利益而争执不休的朝会和其他较小的会议总是冗长的。
TheOvermind ultimately directed the actions of every zerg creature in the Swarm,functioning through a hierarchy of lesser sentiences. 主宰终级地指导群体里每个异形生物的行为,通过次要的知觉能力制度来运行。