- n. 讲课;演讲;训话
- v. 训斥;讲课;教导
- 演讲,讲演,讲座,演说,讲话,作报告,授课,讲课
- 教训,训斥,说教,冗长的训话,告诫,责备
- 讲义,讲稿
- 教条,教义
- 演讲,讲演,开讲座(+on/about)
- 讲学,讲课
- 讲道
- 向...演讲
- 给...讲课,给…上课
- 教训,教导,训导,训斥,训诫,告诫,叱责,责备,指责
- [C]演讲,讲课 talk giving information about a subject to an audience or a class, often as part of a teaching programme
- [C]冗长的训斥或谴责 long reproach or scolding
- vi. & vt. (向…)演讲;(给…)讲课 give a lecture or course of lectures
- vt. 责骂;谴责 scold;reprove
a speech that is open to the public;
"he attended a lecture on telecommunications"
a lengthy rebuke;
"a good lecture was my father's idea of discipline"
"the teacher gave him a talking to"
teaching by giving a discourse on some subject (typically to a class)
deliver a lecture or talk;
"She will talk at Rutgers next week"
"Did you ever lecture at Harvard?"
censure severely or angrily;
"The mother scolded the child for entering a stranger's car"
"The deputy ragged the Prime Minister"
"The customer dressed down the waiter for bringing cold soup"
- She ran over her notes before giving the lecture.
她讲课前把讲稿匆匆看了一遍。 - His lecture covered various aspects of language.
他的讲课涉及到语言诸方面的问题。 - They could not follow the lecture.
他们听不懂这次演讲。 - He wrote down the outline of his lecture.
他写下演讲的提纲。 - I don't need any lecture from you about being late!
- It was a shame for me to be lectured in front of the whole class.
当着整个班级的面被训斥了一顿,真让我感到羞辱。 - He lectured to his students on modern writers.
他给学生们讲了关于现代作家的一课。 - Your talk at home will lecture on your children.
- lecture about〔on〕 (v.+prep.)
就(某题目)作报告,办讲座 give a serious and often long talk about (a subject), as when teaching in a college or university
lecture about〔on〕 sthTom has been invited to lecture about his method of writing to a class of English students.
He lectured on public hygiene.
The explorer lectured on life in the Arctic.
What's he lecturing on tomorrow?
lecture sb about〔on〕 sthHe lectured the children on good manners.
- lecture at (v.+prep.)
对(某人)进行说教,教训(某人) scold or warn (sb), often at length
lecture at sbDon't lecture at me,I don't have to do what you say!
Older children don't like being lectured at.
- lecture for (v.+prep.)
因…教训(某人) scold (sb) at length for (a fault of doing sth wrong)
lecture sb for sth/v-ingShe lectured us for coming home late every night.
The director is always lecturing Jim for being late.
The teacher lectured John for being lazy.
Peter was severely lectured for lack of consideration for his mother.
The new secretary was being lectured for the poor quality of her work.
- appear at lecture 出席讲座
- attend a lecture 听演讲,听课
- cut a lecture 旷课
- deliver a lecture 演讲,讲课
- follow the lecture 听懂这次讲课
- give a lecture 给上课,发表演讲
- go to lecture 去听课
- hear a lecture 听演讲
- listen to lecture 听课
- give sb a lecture 训斥某人
- Chinese lecture 关于中国语言文化等的讲座
- formal lecture 正式演讲
- invited lecture 特约演讲
- outdoor lecture 室外讲演〔讲课〕
- popular lecture 受欢迎的演讲
- public lecture 公开演讲
- taped lecture 录音讲课
- film lecture 电影讲座
- French lecture 法文讲座
- history lecture 历史讲座
- school lecture 学校讲演
- university lecture 大学讲课
- curtain lecture 妻子私下对丈夫的训斥
- lecture tour 巡回演讲
- at a lecture 出席演讲
- at the lecture 听讲
- a course of lectures 一门讲座课程
- lecture about 关于…的演讲
- lecture in English 用英语所作的演讲
- lecture on 关于…的演讲
- lecture to the Society of Arts 对艺术协会的讲座
- lecture upon history 历史讲座
- lecture didactically 有教导地演讲
- lecture edifyingly 有开导性地演讲
- lecture eloquently 富有口才地演讲
- lecture graphically 生动地演讲
- lecture inspiringly 激动人心地演讲
- lecture interminably 无休止地演讲
- lecture scientifically 科学地演讲
- lecture tediously 枯燥无味地演讲
- lecture vividly 生动地演讲
- lecture about 就(某题目)作报告,办讲座
- lecture at sb 严词教训某人
- lecture for 作演说或报告,教训(某人)
- lecture on 就(某题目)作报告,办讲座
- lecture to sb 给某人讲课
He had evolved from the lecture of the letters a definite conviction.
出自: J. Conrad
- address
- lesson
- rebuke
- reproof
- scolding
- speech
- talk v.
- address
- admonish
- rate
- reprove
- scold
- speak
- talk
- teach
- tell of