- n. 工作;职业;职位;(一项)任务;活儿;职责;犯罪行为;物件
- 工作,职业
- 职责,责任,分内事
- 费力的事情
- 零工,零活,活计
- <俚>犯罪行为
- 任务
- <口>成果,成品
- 乔布(音译名)
- 约伯(安贫乐道、极能忍耐而对上帝不失去信心的人,上帝倍加赐福于他)
- 约伯记
- 做零工,做零活,打杂
- 做股票经纪,当经济人,当中间人
- <英格兰>营私舞弊,假公济私,用假公济私的手段办理
- 代客买卖
- 批发(商品)
- 承包,作包工,分包
- 临时租进和出租
- <美俚>欺骗
- 雇用
- 当掮客
- 欺骗,哄骗,欺诈
- [C]职业,职位 the work that sb do for money
- [C](一件)工作 a piece of work
- [S]职责,责任 one's affair; duty
the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money;
"he's not in my line of business"
a specific piece of work required to be done as a duty or for a specific fee;
"estimates of the city's loss on that job ranged as high as a million dollars"
"the job of repairing the engine took several hours"
"the endless task of classifying the samples"
"the farmer's morning chores"
a workplace; as in the expression
"on the job"
an object worked on; a result produced by working;
"he held the job in his left hand and worked on it with his right"
the responsibility to do something;
"it is their job to print the truth"
the performance of a piece of work;
"she did an outstanding job as Ophelia"
"he gave it up as a bad job"
a damaging piece of work;
"dry rot did the job of destroying the barn"
"the barber did a real job on my hair"
a state of difficulty that needs to be resolved;
"she and her husband are having problems"
"it is always a job to contact him"
"urban problems such as traffic congestion and smog"
a Jewish hero in the Old Testament who maintained his faith in God in spite of afflictions that tested him
any long-suffering person who withstands affliction without despairing
(computer science) a program application that may consist of several steps but is a single logical unit
a book in the Old Testament containing Job's pleas to God about his afflictions and God's reply
a crime (especially a robbery);
"the gang pulled off a bank job in St. Louis"
profit privately from public office and official business
arranged for contracted work to be done by others
work occasionally;
"As a student I jobbed during the semester breaks"
invest at a risk;
"I bought this house not because I want to live in it but to sell it later at a good price, so I am speculating"
- I do get a job in a travel agency.
我真的在旅行社找了份工作。 - He lost his job during the great depression.
他在大萧条时期失业了。 - His present job seemed to be a blind alley.
他现在的职业看来没什么前途。 - Why are you out of job for such a long time?
你为何失业这么久? - Bob and I were rivals for the job.
鲍勃和我是这一职位的竞争者。 - It promised to be a difficult job.
看来这是一项困难的任务。 - I've got various jobs around the house to do.
我在家里有各种各样的活儿要干。 - Raising money is your job.
筹集资金是你的任务。 - It's the job of the church to help people lead better lives.
帮助人们生活得好些是教会的责任。 - The theft must have been an inside job.
这一窃案一定是内部人干的。 - The gang pulled off a bank job in St. Louis.
那个犯罪团伙在圣路易斯抢劫了一家银行。 - It's real wood,not one of those plastic jobs.
- change jobs
调动工作 transfer sb to another post
- do〔make〕 a good〔excellent〕 job
一件好事,干得更好 a good thing, do a thing much better
- do the job
〈口〉起作用,奏效 succeed in doing what is required or desired
- job as
从事…工作 be engaged in sth
- abandon a job 放弃工作
- accept the job 接受工作
- apply for a job 申请工作
- assign sb a job 给某人分配工作
- attack job 投入到工作中去
- axe a job 撤销,取消工作
- boss the job 指挥工作
- buckle down to the job 认真地开始工作
- bungle a job 贻误工作,拙劣地干工作
- change job 调换工作
- check up one's job 丢弃…工作
- command a job 胜任工作
- complete a job 完成一项工作
- create new job 创造新的就业机会
- do a job 干某一工作,从事某一职业
- do a good job 干得好
- do a hatchet job 进行恶毒诽谤
- do odd job 干杂活
- do the job 打零工,干杂活
- equip for job 为工作作准备
- find a job 找到工作
- finish a job 结束一项工作
- get a job 找到工作
- get down to the job 着手工作
- give sb a job 给某人工作
- give up a job 放弃工作
- have a job 做…工作,有一份…工作
- have a job as a machinist 做机械工的工作
- hold a job 担任某职
- hold down a job 保持住某一工作
- hunt for a job 寻找职业
- land a job 谋到职业
- lie down on the job 磨洋工
- loaf on the job 磨洋工
- look for a job 找工作
- look out for a job 出去找工作
- lose a job 失去工作
- make a good job 把这件事做好
- nose a job 捞油水
- perform odd jobs 干零活
- pick up a job here and there 四处找活干
- pull a job 抢劫
- quit the job 辞职
- refuse a job 拒绝工作
- register for job 登记找工作
- rush one's job 赶任务
- save job 保全工作
- seek a job 找工作
- shift job 换工作
- start a job 开始工作
- tackle job 着手工作
- take a job 接受某项工作
- take on a job 承担一项任务
- take up a job 从事一项工作
- throw up one's job 放弃职务
- undertake a job 从事一项工作
- want a job 想要一项任务
- backbreaking job 劳累的工作
- bad job 白费力的事
- blind-alley job 没有前途的工作
- current job 眼前的工作
- daily job 日常工作
- dead-end job 没有前途的工作
- decent job 像样的工作
- definitive job 稳定的工作
- delicate job 棘手的工作
- demanding job 要求高的工作
- difficult job 艰难的工作
- easy job 容易的工作
- entire job 全部工作
- enviable job 令人羡慕的工作
- executive job 行政工作
- expert job 需要专门知识的工作
- extra job 额外工作
- fat job 肥缺,优厚待遇的工作
- full-time job 专职工作
- good job 幸运的事,好工作,干得好
- hard job 棘手的工作,难办的事
- highly-paid job 报酬高的工作
- hopeless job 无希望的事
- identical job 同样的工作
- indecent job 不体面的工作
- key job 要职
- life-toning job 有生活节奏的工作
- menial job 低贱的工作
- needless job 不必要的工作
- odd job 零活,杂务
- permanent job 永久性工作,终身职务
- political job 政治工作
- practical job 实际工作
- queer job 蹊跷的工作
- remarkable job 出色的工作
- reporting job 新闻报道工作
- safe job 安稳的工作
- significant job 有意义的工作
- soft job 轻松的工作
- steady job 稳定的职业
- straight job 没有拖车的载重汽车
- suitable job 合适的工作
- superb job 出色的工作
- tedious job 枯燥的工作
- temporary job 临时工作
- thankless job 出力不讨好的工作
- tough job 棘手的工作
- troublesome job 麻烦的工作
- uninteresting job 单调乏味的工作
- unpleasant job 烦人的工作
- urgent job 紧急工作
- well-paid job 待遇优厚的工作
- advertising job 广告工作
- desk job 案头工作,文案工作
- government job 政府部门的职务
- hatchet job 恶毒的诽谤
- man-size job 适合于男人的工作
- nose job 鼻子的整形手术
- office job 办公室工作
- piece work job 计件工作
- repair job 修理工作
- routine job 例行工作
- side job 兼职
- summer job 夏季工作
- teaching job 教学工作
- union job 工会工作
- white-collar job 非体力劳动的工作
- job analysis 工作分析
- job application 工作申请表
- job assignment 工作分配
- job bank 就业服务计算机资料库
- job center 职业介绍所
- job class 工作分类
- job classification 职位分等
- job description 职务说明
- job evaluation 工作评估
- job hunter 求职者,找工作的人
- job hunting 求职
- job orientation 定职
- job placement centers 〈美〉职业介绍所
- job satisfaction 工作的满足感
- job sheet 作业卡
- job fit for one's major 适合某人所学专业的工作
- at a job 做某工作
- by the job 包工,计件
- man for the job 合适人选
- on the job 正在工作的…,(专心)忙碌着
- back on the job 复职,重新工作
- out of a job 失业
- job about the house 家务活
- job after one's own heart 非常称心的一份工作
- job as a bank clerk 在银行当职员
- job as a cook 担任炊事员的职务
- job as a secretary 秘书工作
- job at hand 手头的工作
- job at the factory 工厂里的工作
- job in a clothing factory 服装厂的工作
- job in the Civil Service 政府的文职工作
- job with hard work 苦差事
I did this grudgingly, as I did most jobs around the house.
出自: M. Atwood -
Let the horse go, but don't job his mouth in that way.
出自: S. Baring -
His game plan is to..buy in,..then..job the shares on at a profit.