- v. 攀登;爬;上升
- n. 爬;攀爬处
- 攀登,爬(上),登上,爬高,攀缘向上,向上爬,沿着…攀缘而上,登山,攀岩
- 逐渐上升,徐徐上升
- 倾斜向上,倾斜上升
- 匆匆穿上
- 钻营
- 上涨,渐增,上升
- 爬升,晋升
- 攀缘生长
- 提高社会地位
- 增值,升值
- 责骂某人
- 山坡,山,岩
- 攀登,攀爬,爬升,攀缘
- 需攀登的地方
- 【空】爬高
- 上升率
- 直线上坡
- 增值,升值
- 增加
- 爬阶梯
- 攀登用的时间
- 提高地位
- 达到更高标准
- vt. & vi. 爬,攀登 go up by using the hands or feet; ascend
- [S]攀登,爬 going up by using the hands or feet
- [S]上升,增长 rise; increase
an upward slope or grade (as in a road);
"the car couldn't make it up the rise"
an event that involves rising to a higher point (as in altitude or temperature or intensity etc.)
the act of climbing something;
"it was a difficult climb to the top"
go upward with gradual or continuous progress;
"Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?"
move with difficulty, by grasping
go up or advance;
"Sales were climbing after prices were lowered"
slope upward;
"The path climbed all the way to the top of the hill"
improve one's social status;
"This young man knows how to climb the social ladder"
increase in value or to a higher point;
"prices climbed steeply"
"the value of our house rose sharply last year"
- I have some climbing plants in the garden.
我的花园里长着一些攀缘植物。 - We go to climb mountains every Sunday.
每个星期天我们都去爬山。 - The road climbs steeply for several miles.
这条路有几英里向上倾斜得很陡。 - The value of imports has climbed sharply in the last year.
- Do you think you can climb that steep cliff?
你以为你能爬上那座悬崖峭壁吗? - Climb up the tree and chuck the apples down to me.
爬到树上去把苹果给我扔下来。 - There was a steep climb on the road out of town.
- climb along (v.+prep.)
沿…爬 move along sth
climb along sthThe branch began to bend as I climb along it.
They climbed along the tortuous mountain trail.
- climb down (v.+adv.)
〈非正〉让步,屈服,妥协 retreat from a position previously taken; compromise; admit defeat
- climb into (v.+prep.)
〈非正〉穿衣 have clothes on one's body
- climb on (v.+prep.)
赶浪头,效仿他人的成功做法 copy other people's successful actions
- climb out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
〈非正〉设法使自己不为受过,受责备 try to clear oneself of blame for sth
- climb to (v.+prep.)
钻营,向上爬 carry favour with sb in authority for personal gain
climb to sthThe ivy climbed to the roof.
The boy has climbed to the head of his class.
He climbed to the heights of power in ten years.10
From this humble beginning he climbed to a position at the very top.
It was with the support of the reactionaries at home and abroad that this young minister climbed to the Golden Throne.
- climb up (v.+prep.)
向上爬,攀登 move upward by using both hands and feet
climb up sthI expected we may climb up the mountains before noon.
Cats often find it easier to climb up a tree than to climb down.
The boy climbed up the tree like a monkey.
The fireman gripped the railing to climb up.
- climb a ladder 爬梯子
- climb a mast 爬桅杆
- climb a wall 爬墙
- climb hill 爬山
- climb mountain 登山
- climb steep 登上峭壁
- climb the rigging 发脾气
- climb the stairs 爬楼梯
- climb trail 攀登山间小道
- climb tree 爬上树
- climb aboard 上车
- climb conveniently 方便地攀登
- climb socially 身价提高
- climb wearily 疲劳地攀爬
- climb down 爬下来,退下来,断念头,让步,屈服
- climb across the roof 爬过屋顶
- climb at the rate of... 以…的速度爬
- climb down a ladder (爬)下梯子
- climb down a wall 爬下墙
- climb from poverty to wealth 由穷变富
- climb in a zigzag fashion 做之字形攀登
- climb into leadership 爬上领导的地位
- climb into one's overalls 匆忙地穿上工作服
- climb into society 进入社会
- climb into the car 爬进汽车
- climb into the chairmanship 升到主席的职位
- climb into the fame 爬到有声望的地位
- climb into the square 登上拳击台开始比赛
- climb into the upper bunk 爬到上铺去
- climb on a table 爬上桌子
- climb on frames 攀缘架子向上攀登
- climb on the band wagon 加入轰轰烈烈的运动,和群众共同行动
- climb onto sb's shoulders 爬上某人的肩膀
- climb out of a jeep 从吉普车里出来
- climb out of one's overalls 匆忙地脱下工作服
- climb out of the cockpit 爬出座舱
- climb over 翻过,爬越过
- climb over a fence 爬过篱笆
- climb over a wall 爬过墙
- climb through a window 从窗口爬进去
- climb to a height (飞机)爬升到一定高度
- climb to a high rank 爬上高级职位
- climb to power 爬到掌权地位,掌权
- climb to success 发迹
- climb to the top of... 爬到…的顶上
- climb up 攀登上,冒险爬
- climb up a mountain 登山
- climb up the bank 爬上岸
- climb up a wall 爬上墙
- climb up the stairs 爬楼梯
- climb up the tree 爬上树
- do〔make〕 a difficult climb 做一次艰难的攀登
- easy climb 容易攀登
- hard climb 艰难攀登
- long climb 长途攀登
- uphill climb 爬坡攀登
- careerist on the climb 向上爬的野心家
- climb in the mountains 在山中攀登
- climb to fame and fortune 对名利的追逐
- climb to the mountains 爬上山顶
John climbed to the topmost branches of the old ash tree.
出自: A. Ransome -
I climbed up the goat-paths.
出自: J. Fowles
- mount 登上
- rise 上升
- rocket 火箭
- ascend 上升
- go up 上升,提高
- scale 刻度
- move up (使)升级
- soar 翱翔
- increase 增加
- escalate 升级
- arise 出现
- ascent 上升
- acclivity 向上的陡坡
- wax 蜡
- raise 上升
- climb up 爬上
- climbing 爬山
- mounting 逐渐增加的
- upgrade 升级
- creep 蹑手蹑脚地走...
- crawl 爬行