"She vented her anger"
"The graduates gave vent to cheers"
expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen;
"air the old winter clothes"
"air out the smoke-filled rooms"
用作名詞 (n.)
The steam found a vent through a crack in the pipe. 蒸氣從管子的裂縫漏出去。
The vent is not big enough to get the smoke out. 通風孔太小,不能讓煙排出去。
The explosion cracks the earth's surface and scatters ash and huge chunks of rock for many kilometers around the vent. 這樣的爆炸把地表炸開以後,其火山灰和巨大石塊可散落到火山口周圍好幾公里遠的地方。
Foraging crabs and hungry fish feed on bacteria from giant tube worms near a deep sea vent in the Pacific Ocean. 在太平洋里的一座深海火山口附近,飢腸轆轆的螃蟹和魚類正享用著來自巨型管蟲的細菌。
She gave vent to her indignation in a fiery speech. 她在一篇激烈的演說中發泄怒氣。
He gave vent to his feelings in an impassioned speech. 在一篇充滿激情的演說里吐露了心聲。